
Ensenada 7-2-09 238-295-Albacore & Yellowtail

lp2578 - 7-3-2009 at 02:35 PM

Reports were few and far between in setting up for this trip so based on bits and pieces of info the decision was made to head for the 238 and see if the albacore were home. Humberto Garcia (Jr.), his brother Alex and Charlie Arroyo were the lucky guys on this hit or miss trip. As we were approaching the 238 I noticed a nice ridge a few miles before the hi-spot so in went the trollers. Ten minutes later we had a double. Retracing our tracks we had another double and the skunk was off pretty quick. We actually went 3 for 4 as we lost one right at the boat:


After running up and down the ridge for nada we turned our sights towards the 238. There were a couple of other boats out and no one had anything in the box yet. Since nothing was happening here we decided to make our way towards the 295. Ten minutes later we had a double and went 2 for 2.


Trollers back in and 30 minutes later we found our lone paddy of the day approximately 6 miles from the 295. Jr’s first cast with a medium blue and chrome salas gets him his first yellow ever:


We landed up with 6 yellows while losing an additional 4 or 5. Trollers back in the water and we get a triple hookup and went 1 for 3 on that stop. Criss crossed lines spelled freedom for those albies. Weather was starting to kick up a bit so we decided to retrace our tracks back to the 238 and we got a single a couple of miles from the spot. Our final count would be 6 albacore and 6 yellowtail with just as many lost for various reasons. Water was between 63.9 and 64.4 the entire day. Purple and black were the hot colors and the cedar plug and feather were hit equally. Sardines from Ensenada bait were the ticket on the yellows with the exception of Jr’s nice iron caught yellow.


A tribute to the tuna and yellowtail gods. Hearts all around:



acadist - 7-3-2009 at 07:46 PM

Good News! planning on going out of Ensenada in a few weeks.