
Tijuana mayoral candidate sees women as ?animals?

Anonymous - 6-19-2004 at 09:22 AM

June 17, 2004


Mexico City (Notimex) ? National Action Party (PAN), Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) legislators have expressed their most energetic rejection of Jorge Hank Rhon, the PRI candidate for Mayor of Tijuana, who recently made the public and offensive statement that ?woman? is his preferred animal.

Speaking before the Permanent Commission of the Congress, Deputy Ruth Hern?ndez Mart?nez (PAN) said that such declarations contribute to the abuse of women and they are part of the reason why there is impunity for violence committed against women.

The legislator, speaking on behalf of PAN federal deputies, expressed concern that during an interview and in response to the question what is his favorite animal, Hank answered ?woman.? [Multimillionaire Hank is a noted animal lover and collector.]

Afterwards, Hern?ndez said, ?Hank tried to mend things by saying it was a joke. It is evident that he does not recognize the dignity or rights of women, (or even) violent abuse.?

Visibly upset, Hern?ndez said ?to ostracize women, considering them animals, is a view that cancels the growth and development of society and the person.?

Deputy Gilberto Ens?stiga (PRD) said that once again violence against women is occurring on the nation?s northern border, however ?we are not talking about another woman being murdered in Ciudad Ju?rez this time, but of another kind of violence, verbal (violence), expressed by the PRI candidate to govern Tijuana.?

Ens?stiga said, that by ranking woman as an irrational being, Hank places women at the same level of his unfortunate animal trophies obtained on heroic hunts or purchased abroad.

?Hank said that his favored animal is woman, wanting to be pleasant, while instead adding to the many offenses against women that when viewed together are known as femicide,? Ens?stiga emphasized.

Deputy Mar?a Esther Scherman Lea?o (PRI) made it clear that militants of her party do not agree with nor accept in any way what Hank said. ?Having learned of this declaration, we senators and deputies of the PRI demand he apologize publicly, and we make this demand not because it might be part of the electoral process but because we believe that it should be a permanent position for all of us in politics,? she added.

?I have Hank?s comment in hand, (and) I can tell you that considering the offense I have no reservations whatsoever in asking for a public apology, especially with respect to women, to whom I reiterate my adamant respect, admiration and commitment,? Scherman concluded.

Anonymous - 6-19-2004 at 09:24 AM

TIJUANA -- An eccentric multimillionaire running for mayor of this rough border city has apologized for saying his favorite animal is "woman."

Jorge Hank Rhon, who has a private zoo with more than 20,000 animals, made the comment during an interview last week with the Mexico City newspaper El Universal.

He later said, "I'm joking. Woman is creation's greatest creature," according to an article published in the newspaper last week.

The comment sparked a wave of criticism from members of Mexico's three major political parties, including his own, the opposition Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI.

JESSE - 6-19-2004 at 04:26 PM

This was blown out of proportion by his rivals, the guy refered to women as animals because of the Darwinian meaning of that, it was not literally.

Juan - 6-20-2004 at 08:21 AM

I agree with Jesse. It is the political season and any questionable comments by candidates will be taken out of context.

Rhon may have been trying to make a joke out of the question but his reply was in poor taste. Politicians have to worry about this political correct business more than most of us.

20,000 animals?

Taco de Baja - 6-23-2004 at 07:35 AM

They must be counting the fleas too. :lol:

I agree though sounds like his opponents blew this way out of proportion. And after all we are reallly all animals, aren't we? If he had said "the Tigres" his opponents would be saying "since he did not say 'women', he obviously hates women." You can't win as a politico.

elgatoloco - 6-23-2004 at 08:10 AM

Rhon sounds like a real sweetheart. In the article about the murder of the deputy editor of the paper Zeta they mention the fact that the newspapers co-founder was murdered in 1988 and a bodyguard who worked for Rhon was convicted of the murder. I hope the people of Tijuana elect some one else or maybe I should not believe what I read in the paper. :no::fire: