
Pat and Julie Travel - San Felipe to Cabo

julietravels - 7-8-2009 at 11:55 AM

I am posting about our drive from San Felipe to Cabo San Lucas and back in segments as listed -

Pat and Julie Travel - San Felipe to Ensenada
Pat and Julie Travel - Ensenada to Guerrero Negro
Pat and Julie Travel - Guerrero Negro to Loreto
Pat and Julie Travel - Loreto to La Paz
Pat and Julie Travel - La Paz to Cabo San Lucas
Pat and Julie Travel - Cabo San Lucas to La Paz
Pat and Julie Travel - La Paz to Guerrero Negro
Pat and Julie Travel - Guerrero Negro to San Felipe

Each segment will have the following at the beginning:

Driving Speed on straight stretches was whatever the speed limit sign said, but in miles per hour instead of kilometers per hour. Please do not lecture, I was not the driver. Driving times and distances are based on our GPS and do not include times when we were stopped for gas, food or Geocaching. If you don't know what this is, check out It is basically a high tech treasure hunt using your GPS. Brings you to great places you would never find otherwise and makes for a fun, but longer, roadtrip.

In adding everything up, our total distance from San Felipe to Cabo San Lucas and back was 2275 miles. Our total driving time was 41 hours, remember that our speed was much faster than I would imagine most people would be comfortable driving.

surfer jim - 7-8-2009 at 12:14 PM

...the "speed police" and the "no driving at night police" will be watching......:rolleyes:

julietravels - 7-8-2009 at 12:36 PM

We left early enough in the mornings that we were usually at our destination right at or just after dusk. We had never experienced the animals in the road in our many travels between Mexicali to San Felipe. We saw many of them on the side of the road as well. It definitely is a problem.