Anonymous - 6-19-2004 at 10:33 AM
Help me people! This is Sallysouth and the board does'nt recognise me.I never logged out either. What to do? Thanks in advance.
BajaNomad - 6-19-2004 at 11:20 AM
As noted before, the system "knows" you through the use of what's termed "cookies"... and cookies have expiration dates. The cookies now are at the
default setting with the software, and likely to be 30, 60, or 90 days.
The cookie is only on the machine you're logging in from at any particular time. If you use another machine, you'll need to again login. Each time
you login, your cookie's expiration date is reset (at that location).
When the cookie expires, so does the ability of the system to recognize you, and you'll need to login again.
If you've forgotten your password, then tell the system that you've forgotten it (there's a link to do so at the login page), and the system will
RESET your password to a random setting and EMAIL you the new information.
So, it's important to give the system an email address in your profile (or keep it updated) with one you receive your email at.
I frequently receive bounced email from users here who have not kept their email in the system valid -- but have requested the new password. Some
people's systems are bouncing the password request as spam as well.
Please use this automated system as much as possible. If you just can't get it to work, then please send me an email (from the email account on file
for the userneme.... or some other way to easily identify you) with your desired password, and I'll reset it for you manually.
AGAIN, please use the automated system as your primary means to do so when possible. Thank you.
Doug Means