
sell or trade

Russ - 7-17-2009 at 05:45 AM

Since no one has offered an opinion I'll give it a shot. That is a really nice setup for a lake. Baja is really hard on stuff and you probably wont be around a water source to clean a boat with carpet. If you are just going to camp and want a beach launch boat Here is a Nomad with a very cool setup for sale.
Great starter boat for down here. If your wanting to up size then I think I'd come down and see what boaters down here say about their boats and what they'd change. 21' + center consoles are
very popular. good luck

Skeet/Loreto - 7-17-2009 at 06:19 AM

The 22 ft. Pangan is by far the best fishing Boat for Baja.

The Diaz panga is next for all around fishing.

For Cruising a 22 to 26 ft. Diesel Inboard Disel Cruiser is safe.

Even in a Panga you can get into some tough water at times. I owned and operated a Panga for 27 years out of Loreto.


shari - 7-17-2009 at 06:43 AM

Your boat would be fine for some places on a calm toodling out to Asuncion Island or the kelp beds close by in the morning....but has a very low freeboard for any pacific yellowfin tuna action or the gulf in a wind. Pangas are hands down the best...we have 4 of em so we can use them for different weather conditions but cant beat them for beaching and rougher water.

Love the carpet...but it would be ruined by salt water and sand real quick. I would come down boatless first and check out the scene...ride in some pangas...see how tricky it is to launch in some areas etc.

bajajudy - 7-17-2009 at 06:55 AM

I was waiting for some others to chime in but the first thing we did with Vaquita was to remove the fighting chair on the bow. There are "sit in a chair on the bow of a boat" conditions here 10 times a year....max
16.5' is not a bad size and easier to handle getting in and out of the water.
You would definitely want a live bait well. They are available in portable models.
Look at the Baja Boat for Sale thread for a look at a boat built for here. Bench seats, live bait well...etc

shari - 7-17-2009 at 07:10 AM

About the live bait tank....I was reading on bloody decks that you can only use live bait for the first 2 fish you catch then you have to switch to dead bait or lures....hmmmm. In which case...maybe the bait tanks could be filled with ice for the beer:bounce:

bajajudy - 7-17-2009 at 07:24 AM

I will take two fish per person any day and throw any leftovers back to mother ocean.

Since we are talking live bait wells..... ours has rounded corners so the fish dont bump into the eh. I wonder if they wont get dizzy swimming around in circles:(

Diver - 7-17-2009 at 07:26 AM

Russ makes some good points.

Your boat is great for flying along on flat lakes, bays or other places with less than 3' waves.
The afternoon wind chop and waves would make for a very wet, bumpy ride in your boat.

Although I have fished both sides of Baja from a 14' tin boat, it does limit my comfortable fishing days and range severely.
I would prefer a 19' - 24' CC style or panga for all-over Baja fishing.

Another thing I noticed is that your trailer is about as light as the one I use for my 14' tin boat. Pretty light for off-asphalt in Baja. Make certain to remove the motor if you're planning to hit the dirt.

If I were you, I might plan to buy a panga hull in Baja and bring your own dependable outboard.
Most use 65 to 90 Hp on their pangas so power isn't too expensive.
Deep Vee CC style boats normally require more power; more $$.
There are many used panga hulls available if you know where to look.
Shari and Juan can probably help or check in Santa Rosalia, Mulege or Loreto.

Diver - 7-17-2009 at 09:59 AM

Don't get me wrong, yo can have lot's of fun with your boat in Baja, just maybe a bit limited as compared to the ideal Baja boat.

There are many calm mornings in Asuncion and launching from San Roque is another option. Your boat will handle smooth ocean swell just fine until the wind picks up.
Early morning in much of the Cortez and Magdelena can also be very calm.
You will just need to be a little more careful about picking your days, times and places to fish.
It's fishng; it's all good !!

shari - 7-17-2009 at 10:05 AM

lots of pangas for sale around here for real cheap...not gringo style mind you but perfectly can get a beater for around $500 and get someone to do some fancy glass work on it here...bringing a motor is a great idea...trailers are hard to find so bring one too but one that will stand up to lots of washboard!

Pescador - 7-17-2009 at 10:17 AM

I do not know if that is a welded or a riveted boat, but a riveted boat (which is what I think you have) will not last in salt water usage. The pounding will loosen the rivets in less than one season.
On the Sea of Cortez side there are lots of boats even smaller than this one that go out in search of yellowtail in the winter and dorado and sails in the summer and fall, but on the Pacific side you are much better off in a panga style boat. In Mag bay you would be in good shape as long as you never planned on going outside of the bay.
As soon as you mentioned Asuncion, you will be off of the pavement on the trailer and as Diver mentioned, that trailer is way too light for that application.

Bob and Susan - 7-17-2009 at 11:52 AM

where's the shade top???

you won't be'n Kansas anymore...

forget all these guys...bring it down and PLAY!!!
that's what you bought it for...:light:

Skeet/Loreto - 7-17-2009 at 12:04 PM

Think before you Act, then Act and decide:

Just like choosing a Good Looking Women!!

If you are getting ready to make out with a Good Looking women , First you SIZE HER UP--22 Ft at least
Then you inspect the qualify of the BUILD- Fibergalss or tin

Does her Power Motor match her Size??

Do the same- Go to Baja look at all the boats being used then choose the one that Turns you On.!

Bet you will decide on a 22 Ft Panga WITH A BAIT TANK 70 hp

tripledigitken - 7-17-2009 at 12:44 PM

When I see a 22 Ft Panga WITH A BAIT TANK and 70 hp I don't see a good looking women, now give me a 32' SeaVee CC now you're talking a hot one!



baitcast - 7-17-2009 at 02:25 PM

Now we are at 33':rolleyes: what a bunch of wusses,long before the asphalt showed up we threw the tin boats on top,real men drove down and did just fine.

Center consoles,bait tanks,VHF,GPS,braided line,circle hooks,sonar on an on.........14,15' was pretty standard.

Shade!! who needs shade when the bite is on,if I had that rig I would have been on the road yesterday:lol:

bajajudy - 7-17-2009 at 02:40 PM

Originally posted by shari
About the live bait tank....I was reading on bloody decks that you can only use live bait for the first 2 fish you catch then you have to switch to dead bait or lures....hmmmm. In which case...maybe the bait tanks could be filled with ice for the beer:bounce:

Could you please direct me to that information on bloody decks? I have a copy of the fishing regs and that is not mentioned in them. It sure would be hard to enforce, wouldnt it.

We do just fine in our 15' whaler!
It is not the size of transportation that is important but the determination of the angler. Right? Rob

Cypress - 7-17-2009 at 02:59 PM

Oh well?:?: Some of these guys are running after some lite and fantastic fantasies. Maybe they should go shell cracker fishing.:lol:

Cypress - 7-17-2009 at 03:04 PM

Oh well?:?: Some of these guys are running after some lite and fantastic fantasies. Maybe they should go shell cracker fishing.:lol:

Bob and Susan - 7-17-2009 at 03:07 PM

yesterday 6 dorado 3 "catchers" 2 miles off the point of the bay in mulege....

flat seas

oh NEED a shade top :saint::saint:

Bob and Susan - 7-17-2009 at 03:09 PM

we have dorado in the freezer...

our girls family had dorado for dinner...

its hot here:lol::lol:

Santiago - 7-17-2009 at 03:10 PM

For sure you will not want to troll with the rod positioned like you have in the photo. Unless you have a lot of extras.:smug:

805gregg - 7-17-2009 at 05:27 PM

Check out Gregor welded aluminum boats they have a couple of Baja models.

baitcast - 7-18-2009 at 07:33 AM

Yes yes and yes also agree on the bimini.

bajajudy - 7-18-2009 at 09:36 AM

To me there is nothing more annoying that fighting your way around a bimini top trying to land a frisky fish. We have one but it is never up when we are fishing. It folds down and out of the way on the bow.

baitcast - 7-18-2009 at 09:56 AM

Judy I always loved Whalers,a friend of mine had a 17' just a great boat,thats was after you could get a trailer down there in one piece.