
Rosarito then on to...?

mikeh - 6-20-2004 at 12:25 PM

I organized a meet up with some college friends. Haven?t seen each other for a few years. We'll be heading down to Rosaritio it looks like for the 4th. Assuming we party enough that Sunday night where is a good place to go and chill the next day? We would camp for the night then head back to San Diego on Tuesday. We'll be taking cab or bus from the border so that looks like our only mode of transportation.

Any recommendations on a place to go for the day? I think boating along the coast would be cool as long as there is something to look at and safe water to swim in. I took an afternoon long trip when I was in Brazil years ago. We had to drive 2 hours outside of Rio for clean water. One of the best memories of the trip though. What would the cost of something like that run? Four people confirmed, maybe a few more. Remember this is for poor college students?nothing fancy just a way to get out on the water and have some fun. Stop at a few beaches and head back? or camp overnight and go back in the morning. Somewhere around Ensenada looks like a good option.

Thanks in advance for any recommendations you guys may have.


jrbaja - 6-20-2004 at 01:01 PM

The only option for boat rentals is about 4 miles south of town at Popotla. There, you can hire a captain and Panga for about $25.00u.s. per person for 3-4 hours. They are fishermen and are used to taking people fishing. Don't know about sightseeing but they probably will.
Many of the hotels in Rosarito have special rates so that may be a consideration for convenience, (showers).
4th of July will be jam packed in town. You may want to spend the next day on the beach in front of one of the clubs. It will be very "scenic"!


FrankO - 6-20-2004 at 01:44 PM

Castro's camp in Erindira. It's not that far. You could stay at Coyote Cal's or camp at Punta Cabras. Hell, I'd blow off Rosarito and just head straight there. Or get a panga out of Villarino's in Punta Banda and check out the south side of the point.

And the Nightlife ?

jrbaja - 6-20-2004 at 01:54 PM

Non existant in Erendira!! But, a great spot if you want relaxation. Bring most everything with you. That is, whatever you can fit in the taxi.:lol:

[Edited on 6/20/2004 by jrbaja]

And the Nightlife ?

FrankO - 6-20-2004 at 03:23 PM

Oh. That. When I am w/buddies it's usually all right there. A little firewood, some liquid man, some tunes, don't need much else.


jrbaja - 6-20-2004 at 04:20 PM

Me too Franko, in fact I love that place. But I'm a little different. College buddies that aren't sure of their condition the next day says to me, Rosarito Clubs!
Did that for the first time in years with some friends last weekend. We had a blast in spite of my old age!hahahahaha.
It's really pretty fun although I miss my bamboo grove where they most certainly don't have "nightlife"!:lol:
See ya at Erendira sometime, seguro.

surfer jim - 6-20-2004 at 04:43 PM

Room with a "view" of the Rosarito ....and a bar......way to go...:biggrin:

FrankO - 6-20-2004 at 07:23 PM

True. Having partied extensively there(meaning way too hard) it can be a blast. You just have to pony up for the hotel room. My wife and I have gone on many day, which turned into overnight, trips there. Spend the money, life is short. Uh, what defines old age? Is it that denial I am feeling?:lol:

Old age Franko

jrbaja - 6-20-2004 at 07:48 PM

is when you quit doing what you have always enjoyed doing. Especially when it comes to gardening, messin with horses, cows and pigs. This is how it was described in the mountains.
But then when the old age hits, they cook for another 20 or 30 years.
I'm tryin to learn but :lol::lol::lol:

Old age Franko

FrankO - 6-20-2004 at 08:47 PM

Well, I'll never admit to messin' w/animals (a few might've been mistaken for cows and pigs).:lol: Still doin' all that other stuff though. Just waiting for the surf to pick up now.

Aw heck

jrbaja - 6-20-2004 at 08:53 PM

jes put on a little banjo music n it's all gud!:lol:

mikeh - 6-20-2004 at 09:46 PM

Thanks everyone for the replies. That many in a few hours aint too bad :cool:

? thou I see you guys reminiscing hahaha?.

Were all 20-22....yea you guessed the reason we are going to Rosarito. Clubbing, drinking and ;)

I mean celebrating the 4th :lol:

We'll need a days rest since everyone is flying/driving from different places on Sunday. We'll get a room to sleep if needed at which ever hotel we choose and shower up in the morning before leaving. I've done that much before but want to stay an extra night since everyone is together...and we're in baja already might as well enjoy :spingrin:

Give us a chance to sit back smoke a Cuban and talk about what?s happened since freshmen year.....and who got the hottest girl the night before hah. After that we?re heading up to Carlsbad for a few days, checking out San Diego and the north county beaches. Or if we are having enough fun we may stay longer.

jrbaja: Can you help me out with Popotla a little more? Any specifics you can give?

And by the way I?m thinking of getting a second house in Baja later in life?.hopefully very soon. Nice meeting all of you and I?m sure you?ll hear from me again after this trip. Thanks again.

[Edited on 6-21-2004 by mikeh]

Uh oh,

jrbaja - 6-20-2004 at 09:54 PM

I've heard about "get-togethers" like this.
hahahahaha, look out people!!!!!
Check your U2U's.

mikeh - 6-20-2004 at 10:01 PM

Hey we are professional adults with our own businesses now (well two of us anyway the rest are living at home hahaha )

no worries...I organize...I keep the peace. The party stays where it is supposed to.

And then came

jrbaja - 6-20-2004 at 10:05 PM

The Margaritas!!!!