
Another little blow Sun, 7/19

Russ - 7-19-2009 at 01:21 AM

Woke up to the sound of furniture sliding across the patio 1AM. Nice light show and winds to 43mph.

[Edited on 7-19-2009 by Russ]

Sat 7:19:09~1230AM.jpg - 43kB

Russ - 7-19-2009 at 01:23 AM

weather station pic

WS~7:19:09~2AM.jpg - 36kB

toneart - 7-19-2009 at 12:57 PM

Originally posted by Russ
Woke up to the sound of furniture sliding across the patio 1AM. Nice light show and winds to 43mph.

[Edited on 7-19-2009 by Russ]

When I read your title, I thought it was misplaced from Off Topic.:rolleyes::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

arrowhead - 7-19-2009 at 04:31 PM

Originally posted by Russ
weather station pic

Hijo de la gran ! The interior or your house is 88 degrees with 71% humidity at 2AM in the morning? Who would want to live like that? Do you also flail yourself with a cat-o-nine-tails before you go to bed for good measure?

Bajahowodd - 7-19-2009 at 04:47 PM

Can't quibble with the last post. As someone looking to make a full-time home in Baja in the near future, I can only conclude that places such as Mulege, and the beaches around Bahia Conception won't support year round living unless the folks are willing to suffer. Sure, it's fine to be in the water. Fine to fish. but, at my advanced age, I really need to be able to recouperate from the heat. Geez. Even Bob & Susan have installed A/C in their units.

[Edited on 7-19-2009 by Bajahowodd]

Russ - 7-19-2009 at 06:00 PM

Good news, not so good news. The inside temp isn't quite as bad as shown because the station is really close to the wall warts that run the phone, weather station, Sat. modem and router. Also I had just shut the house up expecting a big rain squall. Oh yeah, and my dog starts panting and makes it like a sauna in here too. :yes: Oh yeah2, I'm a hermit and these are the only 4 months I get mostly to myself. So my choices are... put up with a little heat and humidity or quirky people. I think everyone that is here year round now has an AC. And I have a small AC that a friend gave me. Ya get what you pay for:light: I'm really close to getting a real AC but I'm not only a hermit, I'm a cheap hermit! If I plug up all the holes in the bedroom the little AC works OK and it'll run on the generator on "eco" mode. If I don't want to burn the gas, I just put the fan on me and sleep on a big beach towel. Showers help too but I try to hold out for Saturday. By Wednesday those few still here don't usually visit for too long:P
Here's proof I've got AC.

AC.jpg - 39kB

dtbushpilot - 7-19-2009 at 08:50 PM

Russ, you really should be providing a better environment for Mason, you may be hearing from ASPCA (if there is one in Baja). Cacawhate has them on "speed dial" in the states.

It has been hot and humid here in Buena Vista latley, don't have a weather station but saw a thermomenter in the shade yesterday at about 4 oclock in the afternoon and it was 102 degrees, and humid. We've had a bit of a breeze today but still need to run the AC at night to sleep. We have to let the cats and dog sleep with us out of pitty for them.....dt

[Edited on 7-20-2009 by dtbushpilot]

vandenberg - 7-19-2009 at 08:58 PM

Russ, maybe a short trip to Loreto for some relief.:biggrin:

Nice here, but I gave up on thermometers and humidity indicators. Too depressing.:no::no:

Just go by the amount of perspiration I can wring out off my sweatband.:biggrin:

Bajahowodd - 7-19-2009 at 09:45 PM

I'm certain the weather in Loreto is quite crisp about now. Sweater weather, huh? :lol:

msteve1014 - 7-20-2009 at 11:12 AM

you can always head for the pacific for awhile. it is still a good place for a hermit until the fishing picks up.

flyfishinPam - 7-20-2009 at 11:56 AM

Weird day it was a windstorm chubasco no to little rain no to little lightening I had a couple of boats go out they said it flattened out later on a couple of boats also canceled as they don't like rough water. later in the afternoon the winds picked up again so we didn't go in the afternoon either. very hot and humid day despite the breezes. weird weather this year, hotter than usual, offshore sea surface temps approaching 90F!! so weather buffs what is your opinion on this years hurricane season?

Bob and Susan - 7-20-2009 at 12:26 PM

taken yesterday...'s nor EVEN hot yet!!!:lol:

SSS.JPG - 34kB

Sharksbaja - 7-20-2009 at 12:29 PM

El Nino is returning hence the storms should track out to sea... hopefully.

Weather, 2009

bajajazz - 7-20-2009 at 01:09 PM

While it seems to us this year has been warmer earlier than usual, we remain comfortable because we get the benefit of the Coromuel and any other vagrant breezes that happen by. We are on the hill in back of Marina de Palmira and have a 180 degree view of the inner and outer bays of La Paz. With windows in our bedroom on the south and west sides of the house we've not had to use any air conditioning at night at all.

Driving north on the road to Pichingue from downtown to our turnoff up the hill to Lomas de Palmira we begin to feel what we estimate to be a five or even ten degree difference in temperature at about the point where we come abreast of El Moro Hotel. The breeze seems to freshen there and there's less reflected heat.

We're expecting a worse-than-usual storm season this year and may invest in a generator for the first time in the nine years we've lived in Lomas de Palmira. The only "suffering" we've experienced in any of the past storms was loss of electricity, sometimes for several days. Since the city deems our neighborhood to be "upscale" we are at the bottom of CFE's priority list in restoration of electric service. The poorer neighborhoods get served first and we don't have any argument with that, their lives are hard where ours in comparison are easy.

I see that City Club is advertising a variety of Briggs and Stratton generators for sale at prices ranging from around $350 to $650 USD. Anyone know if they're any good? I'd appreciate a recommendation on a unit that'll produce 3500 to 5500 KW that's available here. Thanks.

bajachris - 7-20-2009 at 02:11 PM

We love our Coleman 5,000. Even survived some *(&$(** putting sugar in the tank when vandalizing. The things a trouper!

bajajazz - 7-22-2009 at 08:10 AM

Thanks for the tip, Chris. I had heard that Coleman had been bought by investors who had compromised the product and so passed on buying one at Home Depot some years back. I'll take another look at them.

Actually, I was at Home Depot yesterday but hadn't read your post before leaving to pick up my passport at the consulate in Cabo. We drove back to La Paz through the mountains and took the newly-paved turnoff from San Antonio to Los Planes. The road is very straight and fast, devoid of traffic and it brings you to the Los Planes highway about a mile east of the turnoff to El Sargento, and from there it's about 24 miles to La Paz. It saves about half an hour driving time and the bypass that goes by the new CFE plant gets us home about 5 or 10 minutes faster than driving through town.

Martyman - 7-22-2009 at 08:29 AM

Stick to the Honda generators. They are a lot quieter then my neighbors Briggs and Stratton.

BajaDove - 7-22-2009 at 08:52 AM

Russ, save some money. Buy a good fan forget the AC. People who use AC's never get acclimated they just get dehydrated and complain about the summer. Fans and drink water and enjoy the quiet summer nights, or the light shows.

jahImpala3 - 7-22-2009 at 10:31 AM

Russ, are you keeping records of the weather data you have collected? I am curious of year round patterns. I usually travel to Punta Chivato/Mulege in June/July, and December/January. I am considering buying a place on Shell Beach, and studying weather patterns is a hobby of mine. Thanks for all your weather posts and updates on seiners offshore. With all the equipment you seem to have, have you ever considered setting up a station available on weather underground like Geary at El Burro?

Russ - 7-22-2009 at 12:37 PM

:o I have just the place for you:lol: It's almost an acre, corner lot & beach access road:lol:
I did think about a weather site of sorts but it would be way too close to work! Come on down! we could use an official weather guy to blame stuff on.
Cloudy and thunder right now and NO wind at the moment but I think it'll going north of us today.

Hook - 7-22-2009 at 02:56 PM

Originally posted by jahImpala3
Russ, are you keeping records of the weather data you have collected? I am curious of year round patterns. I usually travel to Punta Chivato/Mulege in June/July, and December/January. I am considering buying a place on Shell Beach, and studying weather patterns is a hobby of mine. Thanks for all your weather posts and updates on seiners offshore. With all the equipment you seem to have, have you ever considered setting up a station available on weather underground like Geary at El Burro?

So, what ever happened to Geary? He hasnt had a new weather report in over a month.

jahImpala3 - 7-22-2009 at 04:10 PM

I was wondering about him (Geary) myself. I have not seen any weather data on his site for a while also. Hope he's OK. Probably on holiday from the Bahia Concepcion furnace like summer heat.

Bob and Susan - 7-22-2009 at 07:14 PM

he was there july 4th...

fireworks show

no reports for the summer
he gets time off:D:D

its 20 degrees hotter on his beach
no wind