
Guadalajara wholesale furniture expo

JZ - 6-20-2004 at 08:23 PM

I've heard these happen twice a year (February and August) and the values are great.

Anyone have the reliable info on this. When, what it takes to get in, what the values really are.

Any general comments about the furniture there.

I hope

jrbaja - 6-20-2004 at 11:00 PM

you get some replies to this one. One of my neighbors has family there. I'll see what I can find out.


JZ - 6-20-2004 at 11:16 PM

I've heard there is top notch Mexican furniture (massive stuff), that can be purchased at incredible savings.

I'm thinking about flying down in August. I'm got some other friends that are in the know on what it takes to get in the door, but won't see them until the 4th. Was hoping folks here have some details.

I looked on the web some, and it looks like there's a bunch of interesting shops there.

There is !!!!!

jrbaja - 6-20-2004 at 11:21 PM

dono - 6-21-2004 at 05:46 AM

we have furnished our house here los barriles with furniture from the guadalajara furniture show. to get in you have to have some type of business in mex. or be in the wholesale furniture business. the prices are xlent and good quality funiture also fixtures, rugs paintings, pottery and much more. there are more 500 stores displaying thier best stuff under one roof, so ina couple of days its possible to furnish your whole house. there also an arts and crafts show on other side of town at the same time.

Expo Mueble Internacional Aug. 18th - 21st.

Eli - 6-21-2004 at 10:42 AM

I found this link in Spanish & English on goggle by typing in Expo Mueble Guadalajara.

The EnArt arts and crafts show runs in Telaquepaque at the same time and you can catch a free van that runs between the 2 shows at least every hour.

As I have met buyers there from the U.S. and also they have int. shippers set up at the Expo & Enart, I am assuming that if you show proof of a business state side that would also work. I have sent friends with just my business card and they registered under that. The folks at the show want your business, so they aren't to picky about how you got there. And the sellers really don't care! It's a pretty good show; I would say worth going just to go to Guadalajara anyway, beautiful at that time of year, fun tropical afternoon rains and all.

Great info

JZ - 6-21-2004 at 10:56 AM

Sounds like the place to be!

The bonus of the arts and crafts show in Telaquepaque at the same time is great.

My brother-in-law was in the import / export business, so he has business cards and other proof of business ownership.

We're heading down to Guadalajara next week

JZ - 8-12-2004 at 11:53 PM

Anyone else going down.

We'll try to post a report.

Skeet/Loreto - 8-13-2004 at 04:11 AM

Virginia and Ipurchased part of our funiture at the Expo, had it shipped to our Rancho Sonrisa. There are many , many Pieces of funiture. Try not to miss the "La Fiesta' on Sunday.
You can SoloDance to the Bands and win a Bottle of Tequila if you really get with it!!!


The "La Tapito Resort" is a great place to stay.

tim40 - 8-13-2004 at 12:48 PM

Wish we could make prevents... Look forward to learning all about it. Tim

tim40 - 8-25-2004 at 09:30 PM

Did anyone make it this year and if so, anything of interest to share? It sounds like it would be fun even if not in search of furniture...

JZ - 8-25-2004 at 10:54 PM

Tim: see my separate trip report.