
256X B500 Race Report

tunaeater - 7-27-2009 at 08:20 AM

A couple months late but here it is...

256X, 2006 BAJA 500 RACE REPORT

It was time to get down to Ensenada for the upcoming Baja 500 race. Ready or not we had to depart down South for the weekend. After loading 3 XR 650’s in the truck and all our gear we were ready to leave. We crossed into Tijuana getting the green light and on our way South. It was an awesome day of beautiful sunshine and I could see the Coronado islands off the coast. An uneventful drive into Ensenada and we were off to early registration at the San Nicholas hotel.

After registration we headed South to our rental house out by La Bufadora. We meet up with friends and began unloading the trucks. We had to mount a couple more tires and get organized. More friends showed up and the beginning of good times started to flow.

Up early Friday we loaded the bikes for prerunning, tech and headed into town. We did tech, IRC and checked in with Baja pits before 11:30am. Off to breakfast and get ready to prerun the start a few times. While prerunning the start I got a rear flat, 9 miles from the start. We made our way South to HWY 3. Albert went to Ojos to get the chase truck and I stayed on the side of the road. I was in front of a llantera but he didn’t have any M/C tubes and mine were at the house/along with my tire irons, in la bufadora (rookie mistake). I said I’m here doing nothing I might as well make a sign. I made a sign “Need M/C tube” and held it out for the prerunners. I got a lot of stares but no luck. I flagged down a motorcycle pizza delivery guy and asked about tubes. He brought me one and I thought I was in business. I took off my tire and it had a huge nail in it. Wow I said slime wasn’t going to stop that thing. The llantera only had these very sharp, long tire irons to put the tire back on. Sure enough we stabbed the tube at the valve stem and it wouldn’t hold air. Albert was back with TW and the chase truck so we loaded up and headed to TW’s hotel in town. They went to look for a tube as I took off the tire and the no good tube. They got caught up in traffic and looking for some M/C shops but no luck. When they came back I went over to the Coronado Hotel and asked for a tube. Mason and Cameron gave me a tube they just took out of one of their bikes.

Back to the hotel I got everything together and we were off to prerun again. I needed to ride to clear my head and relax a little. It felt good to get on the bike and ride after a few set backs. It was a good prerun to Ojos, just cruised through and got to know the area and any gotchas. We rode back into town on the HWY. We loaded up and took off to the rental house near La Bufadora.

Race morning I was up early and started getting ready. The rest of the crew managed to wake up and everyone was out the door to the start line. Some headed to Ojos and others to the brick house. We went to our staging area at the Ensenada Inn. I was just about ready to ride to the start line when I heard weatherman announce the race would start in about 8 minutes. I said good bye to the chase trucks and I was off to start The 2009 Tecate Score Baja 500. A little nervous and excited at the same time. When I arrived at the start line all of class 22 was already off. I wasn’t worried because we were 256X, Sportsman class almost at the end of the line. Only Sportsman under and the ATV sportsman would be after us. There were a lot of quads and bikes waiting for their class to start the race when I arrived. However after about 25 minutes it started to thin out. I was getting closer and closer to the start line. It was time to fire up the Big Honda XR 650 and get ready for the green flag. A quick handshake with Sal and I asked him if he heard about any booby traps out there yet. He said nothing that he has heard of. Next a quick picture with the TKT girls and the flag man tells me 5 seconds. A couple twists of the throttle and the flag drops. All nerves are gone and I focus on the street before me, make the turn out on to the street, pass the Coronado Hotel and drop in the sand wash heading out of town. It was so cool to have the big 650 pinned through the wash as the crowd cheers you on. Hit the red bull jump and continue up out of the wash back out to the street. The race was on and I was having so much fun. My plan was just stay at a good pace be careful and make it to Ojos. I was surprised that there was not any fog or mist like most races coming out of Ensenada. My ride to Ojos was fun and relaxing. I passed a few guys and got passed by a couple of guys as well.

I jump out on the pavement and crossed HWY 3. TW and Austin were there with goggles and a pit if needed. I gave them the thumbs up and screamed on through. I had a good time with 258X, he passed me, I passed him, back and forth for a good amount of miles. It reminded me of riding with my friends out in the desert clicking along at a good pace. At one mile he was ahead of me and a 270X something bike came flying by and they both just took off and left me behind. It worked for me because I wanted to stay out of the dust since I was not able to prerun this section. A couple other guys got by me but and I had a pretty good ride to K77 (RM80). I had made it in two hours so I was happy with the 40mph average through there. No falls, bike running good, second rider is off, things were going good.

I passed the bike to Albert and he took of to the Summit. TW and Austin did a visual at around RM 100 and Albert passed just as they got there. Albert was on his own now with Baja pits until he would hand me back the bike at Borrego. TW and Austin headed for Valle de la Trinidad and we went to Borrego after stopping at Independencia for some machaca burritos.
Arriving at Borrego was a like a party with out the beer. A lot of my friends from Mexicali and other racer friends were there. It was nice to see all the other teams and friends waiting for their bikes to show up.

Albert came in and we gassed, checked the oil, changed the air filter and checked the tires. I was off and happy to be in the desert terrain. This is my home and I knew I could make up some time through here. Nice big sandy whoops I love it! Screaming towards San Matias. I passed a few bikes and quads and was back on the hwy. A little rest on the hwy before turning up to the road to Mike’s sky ranch. I was feeling good and having a great time. I came down the mountain into VDT and passed the bike to our third rider Austin. He would ride to the beach, up the coast to Sto. Tomas and back to Ojos. We went and had some lunch, yes more tacos in VDT. We had some time to kill so we took our time relaxing and enjoying our lunch. Next we loaded up an headed back to Ojos Negros. It was getting time for Austin to arrive so I started getting my gear back on. We were listening to weatherman and following the news on where the Trophy trucks were. I knew they were getting closer and closer and there was a good possibility they would catch me before the finish.

Austin brings in the bike and I jump on. He is right behind a quad and another bike is coming also. We are all very close and it’s kind of tight and twisty with some silt from all the traffic. All I think is Robby Gordon is coming and I know he will not be slowing down in first place this close to the finish. I get caught in a rut with silt and can not get out because there is a bike right next to me. I hit the side and it washes me out and I’m down. The motor was still going so I said cool pull in the clutch and get back going. I tell myself that wasn’t good. Keep a cool head, ride steady and don’t make anymore mistakes. I get back going and pass the quad and the motorcycle. I’m now thinking okay 30 miles to the finish a few miles later I hit a big deep rock that almost threw me over the bars. I was literally checking out the front tire. I pulled it back and then I felt the front end washing out badly. Oh DR., a front flat with 28 miles to go and Robby Gordon behind me somewhere. The miles were coming down and I tried my best not to hit the dirt. There were still a few sections of up and down hills to go through and tall the rain ruts and hills to get back to Ensenada. A couple of times I almost did the splits trying to keep the big beast from going down. It was a hell of a work out. Pretty soon you could see the Pacific Ocean, smell the salt in the air and the big Mexico flag of Ensenada. I look back and still no sign of helicopters or Robby. I can do this, almost home. A few more miles and I pop out on the street. I go down make a few turns and I’m back in the sand wash heading to the finish. I look back one more time to see if 77 is coming and it is all clear. I come up and out of the wash salute Roberto from the Coronado hotel and make the turn to the checkered flag. Sal is there and he tells me Welcome Back. I push my bike through the crowd look back and Robby Gordon is here. I just barely made it in front of him.

I see Ivan at the finish line and he immediately hands me a beer and helps me with my bike. The festivities were going strong and I was glad to start celebrating. Our chase crews show up and everyone is all smiles. Another great successful Baja 500 finish. 7th place unofficial, 13tu due to 362 minutes of speeding penalties. We will get our info from IRC to find out what happened.

I would like to thank Mark Winkleman and family for everything he has done for us. My race team Albert, Austin and myself. Our chase crew my dad, Roy, TW, Bill. Our Sponsors XS Racing, DP Racing, Ocotillo Home Medical, D” OroY Piel Joyeria, CalCats Cakes, two6two Industries…..

TacoFeliz - 7-27-2009 at 09:49 AM

Great ride report! Thanks!

bajalou - 7-27-2009 at 10:47 AM

Thanks Paul for the great report.

tunaeater - 7-27-2009 at 11:24 AM


Albert, Austin, Paul

[Edited on 7-27-2009 by tunaeater]

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TMW - 7-27-2009 at 06:50 PM

Three cheers for all. Robby came thru where you got on right after you left. I mean just minutes and we were kind of smiling at the thought of Robby on your tail. Sorry Paul.

David K - 7-27-2009 at 07:30 PM

Great report Paul! Good luck on your racing... do what you love to do!

tunaeater - 7-27-2009 at 11:38 PM

He came in right after me at the finish line. I kept looking back anticipating him coming up on me.

[Edited on 7-28-2009 by tunaeater]

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