BFS - 7-27-2009 at 11:35 AM
Arroyos are such fantastic geographical features. Like big mountain ranges, wide rivers, icy glaciers, they have a presence which captivates you
without you really knowing it. They are a huge part of the Baja experience and not a day goes by that they do not figure in conversation. Even the
word rolls of the tongue with a hint of romance and possibility. They are at various times landmarks, grazing grounds, swap meets, building sites,
deadly obstacles, playgrounds, decorating centers(!), etc.
On lazy afternoons when i dont have much to do i venture up one of the many nearby arroyos and never fail to experience a great day out. Exploring up
the sand ive found arrow heads, sharks teeth, huge chunks of red, green, and clear quartz and other minerals, shells, snakes, lizards, birds,
skeletons of all types, beautiful chunks of hardwoods.
My garden is testament to these blissful outings.
If you ever want to show the kids a great baja time, head up an arroyo and let them explore one of Bajas true jems. It will make your heart sing as
they get stuck into the adventure of it all and they will come back with great memories and some fun trinkets as well.
The bottom of an arroyo holds just as much mystery and fun although it can be harder to spot sometimes. Beautiful sand dunes, wild growing trees,
lurking fish (the big kind!), driftwood, lagoons, shells,waves....
This past weekend i went to the "bottom" of the arroyo.
Piccies below......
[Edited on 7-27-2009 by aqbluegreen]
"El Arroyo"
BFS - 7-27-2009 at 11:38 AM
Arroyo Lefts
BFS - 7-27-2009 at 11:40 AM
Arroyo Rights
BFS - 7-27-2009 at 11:43 AM
Arroyo outer bowl
BFS - 7-27-2009 at 11:46 AM
[Edited on 7-27-2009 by aqbluegreen]
David K - 7-27-2009 at 05:18 PM
Beautiful waves... Do you have some ARROYO photos too? I agree with you about arroyos... always have loved them for exploring!
Arroyo el Matomi is a great one you can drive in over 30 miles with a surprise waterfall and blue palms at the end!
Curt63 - 7-27-2009 at 05:48 PM
Beautiful pics Aquaman!
I think I understand what/where you're trying to say.
Were you the only one out in the arroyo recently?
How high were the "walls" of the largest arroyos.
Most arroyos in the San Diego area were about 2-4' overhead and super fun / makeable.
shari - 7-27-2009 at 05:52 PM
ahhh so nice to see someone appreciate the arroyos instead of the beach!!!
I concur that arroyos can be fascinating. i rode up many on my horse and always found interesting out for rattlers in the summer though!
doble ploos
BFS - 7-28-2009 at 02:08 PM
Wow thats a nice arroyo DK and with my absolute favorite ending...a nice swim. I will have to get up there sometime soon.
Curt... Doble sobre tu cabeza amigo and about twice again as thick! There was a lot of pain being doled out. I got rejected at the "bowl" twice and
never made it out there. It looked pretty serious but so time. Maybe. There were a handful of people out thankfully as you sometimes
needed encouragement to take the thick drops. The right was cheesecake.
Shari, yes a horse would be the ideal arroyo exploration vehicle i have to admit. Where can I get one?
shari - 7-28-2009 at 07:56 PM
horses are easy to find in baja...lots of em for sale everywhere...a good horse will carry your surf board too and groove in the arroyo while you
shoot down those lovely faces...our Martillo used to enjoy watching us swim buck neked.
woody with a view - 7-29-2009 at 05:46 AM
the first shot is awesome.... it instills the sense of discovery as you round the corner..... good job!