
Green Potatoes

elizabeth - 8-11-2009 at 02:09 PM

Conaculta publishes cookbooks for all the Mexican states. I've been curious about a recipe in the Baja California Sur cookbook (La Cocina Familiar en el estado de Baja California Sur) for Papas Verdes. Saturday turned out to be the perfect day to try it...had a good group of my usual guinea pigs (the taster kind, not the kind that you cook) out for a, I made it as a side dish.

Everybody loved's the recipe straight from the book

Papas Verdes
1 kilo papas cocidas
5 chiles poblanos asados
1/4 litro de crema
1 cebolla rebanada
8 rebanadas de queso amarillo
1 cucharada de consomé en polvo
margarina, sal y pimienta

Rebanar las papas: licuar los chiles, la crema y el consomé.
Colocar en un recipiente refractario capas sucesivas de papas, sal, pimienta, trocitos de margarina, rebanadas de cebolla, queso y los chiles licuados.
Hornear durante veinte minutos y servir.
Rinde 8 raciones.

I used yellow finn potatoes and cooked them until almost done...grated cheeses from a bag labeled 4 Mexican cheeses instead of the slices called for in the recipe...and I used butter instead of margarine. I also baked it considerably longer than 20 minutes...first with a foil cover...and then open with more cheese sprinkled on top. It was really, really good! Only suggestion I have, if you try it, is to be relatively liberal with the salt...the potatoes absorb it pretty readily. You'll probably also need to double your statin dose!

Paula - 8-11-2009 at 03:00 PM

This sounds delicious! The flavor may be similar to espagueti verde- one of my favorite things- but minus cilantro.

The only place I've found yellow cheese in BCS is at Dali in Loreto. Unless of course they mean slices of American cheese, not in my cooking vocabulary!