David K - 8-11-2009 at 05:06 PM
The April issue of Discover Baja online magazine has a really nice article about the San Juan Mine high above (and south of) Bahia de los Angeles/ Las
Flores... I thought I would mention it while it is still online before the next issue comes out, as I am working with the editor on an article for
that one... which will probably have my lost mission discovery article in it (from last January).
Here is the link to the April edition: http://www.discoverbaja.com/pdf/apr09.pdf
fishbuck - 8-11-2009 at 05:15 PM
So the truth finally comes out.
All this time you've been looking for the lost missions but really you are looking for lost gold mines!!!
David K - 8-12-2009 at 10:49 AM
If I could only find some lost gold... well, then I would be done with putting sprinklers and drip lines in the dirt!
At least, I could write a book about it!