
Sakayama sushi

Porky Pig - 8-22-2009 at 01:21 PM

Hey Fishbuck or Baja Gringo, why don't you try this sushi stand in San Quintin, next to the great "Pollos Lalos" and let us know how it is. I am too scared to try it.

[Edited on 8-22-2009 by Porky Pig]

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Paulina - 8-22-2009 at 09:23 PM

That stand caught my attention as we were driving through a couple of weeks ago. I think it is the first road side sushi stand I've ever seen in Baja.

By the way, it was closed then too.


Porky Pig - 8-23-2009 at 08:05 AM

It opens at night. Possibly so you can't see what you eat??
Juanita and I don't travel at night so we don't know if there is a large clientele. May be a great spot as we have a lot of fresh seafood in San Quintin.

Pompano - 8-23-2009 at 08:18 AM

I love sushi...and am willing to give it a try next trip through San Quentin. Thanks, Porky...where is it in relation to the large Pemex station?

Porky Pig - 8-23-2009 at 08:39 AM

West side of Hwy 1, about 1/2 of the way south between the Pemex on the east side of the hwy and the San Quintin bridge.

We like Miyako sushi located on the west side of Hwy 1 southbound a few buildings before the military base. It is in the second story and opens at noon. They also have hot saki.

Thanks Porky,

Pompano - 8-23-2009 at 09:45 AM

We will stop and send in a report sometime in October. Hopefully, the sushi will be as good as our last in Baja. Really looking forward to this great treat.

Paulina - 8-23-2009 at 11:39 AM


Hook - 8-23-2009 at 12:51 PM

We have quite a few sushi places over here in Guaymas.

Not one of them serves a single dish with raw fish. The rice content is astronomical. And there is no wasabi, just Huichol or Costilla Haberero. And soy sauce.

If we want real sushi, we make it at home. We have found nori, sushi rice, mirin, and wasabi around.