
Norra race cancelled

TMW - 9-9-2009 at 07:11 AM

The Norra Mexican 1000 has been cancelled. Too much damage to the area around Mulege etc was reason given. Moved the race to April.

capt. mike - 9-9-2009 at 08:46 AM

yeah, too bad - i just heard earlier from a race team leader too.

they were, NORRA, working to provide relief by loading support trucks etc with supplies and donationd as part of the race. Good group of concerned racers who think of giving back.

Siri - 9-9-2009 at 10:59 AM

Capt. Mike and other Nomads,

Do you have a contact at NORRA?

What a shame that they had to cancel the race, especially because they were focused on aid as well. Wondering if they already collected some donations, but now lack the transportation--if so, perhaps they could get some of those donations to the BBP donation drop-off sites (list coming from BBP this afternoon, but definitely including one in El Cajon, CA with easy hangar access).

Anyone who knows or is connected with NORRA, please post or contact me by u2u or email: Thanks!

tunaeater - 9-9-2009 at 11:37 AM

I was really looking forward to the race. However I personally thought it was still very warm to have a race like that in Serptember. Looking forward to checking it out in April

surfer jim - 9-9-2009 at 03:49 PM

I was wondering if not enough entries and this was a good excuse to cancel.....

capt. mike - 9-9-2009 at 05:05 PM

i just got an email from some NORRA racers and despite the race getting postponed - a bunch of the racers/teams/officials are doing all kinds of relief efforts coordination and action.

Siri - 9-9-2009 at 05:19 PM

Still not sure I understand how all these threads and forums works, but in case this one closes, quick kudos to some of the racing community:

Seve of Baja.Net is coordinating collections from racers in southern CA and also copying postings from Nomads onto Baja.Net and various other racing message boards.

Tim of Baja Bound Motorcycle Adventures will be at a SCORE race in Primm, NV this weekend and will host a booth to collect donations to forward down to Baja.

As you said, Capt. Mike, despite the NORRA race being canceled, these guys are stepping up to the plate with donations and publicity.  THANKS RACERS!

[Edited on 9-10-2009 by Siri]

NORRA Release

LaTijereta - 9-10-2009 at 06:15 PM



The National Off Road Racing Association (NORRA) announced today the postponement of its forthcoming Mexican 1000 Rally scheduled for September 16-20. In the aftermath of the violent hurricane which affected a major portion of the Baja peninsula, NORRA officials and Mexican authorities came to the difficult decision to postpone the rally until early 2010.

"With 1000's of people still requiring assistance and the most basic of necessities, it would be terribly disrespectful for NORRA to hold an event at this particular point in time and tax the resources and people of this wonderful peninsula", said NORRA co-founder Michael Noval. "While NORRA appreciates the incredible outpouring of support and enthusiasm for the Mexican 1000 rally, in the end the decision to reschedule the event for 2010 was an easy one for all concerned.
It is simply the only correct thing to do".

Hurricane Jimena affected a large portion of the Baja peninsula when it made landfall on September 3, 2009, Areas surrounding the towns of Mulege, Loreto and Cuidad Constitution were devastated, including damaged roads, lack of electricity and running water. For the immediate future, NORRA will provide assistance to the ongoing relief efforts on the peninsula. As Baja recovers, NORRA will continue to provide updates on the new date for the Mexican 1000 Rally.

NORRA urges all participants, racers, and the off-road community at large to pitch in and lend some support to our Baja neighbors. NORRA is actively seeking donations of clothing, canned food, dry goods, basic shelter (tents, tarps etc) and financial support. Now that the event has been postponed, a list of drop off locations will be posted on its website as they receive and confirm details with interested volunteers.

For more information, questions and/or comments, please contact Michael Noval at 325-258-39134, or visit the NORRA website: or send email to: to receive information about the items in greatest demand.

TMW - 10-25-2009 at 09:30 AM

Due to a scheduling and sponsorship conflict with the BITD Silver State 300, we have decided to move the date for out 2010 Mexican 1000 Rally to April 28th-May 2nd. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and hope you will still be able to participate in the event. There will be no further changes. Thank you and please let us know if you have any questions.