
Translate "inspectores"

RD55 - 9-9-2009 at 09:14 AM

I'm having trouble with the word "inspectores" in this article. Through internet searches, I found out that in many Spanish-speaking countries, "inspector" is a rank in the police department. For example, in Argentina, an abbreviated list of police ranks goes like this: Policía, Cabo, Sargento, Oficial, Inspector, Comisario . But before reading this article, I've never heard of "inspector" used to refer to a police officer in Mexico.

I'm trying to figure out whether "inspectores" in this article refers to rank-and-file policemen or higher-ranking officials in the Tijuana Police Department. I guess it's also a possibility that whoever wrote the article watched too many foreign films and thought that using "inspectores" sounded cool. Any thoughts?

Desde la aplicación de auditorías a las dependencias municipales, desde hace algunas semanas, tres inspectores han sido dados de baja y otros seis, decidieron renunciar al considerar poco conveniente continuar con su labor.

Translation: Since the initiation of audits of municipal departments beginning a few weeks ago, three "INSPECTORS?" have been let go and another six decided to resign deeming that staying on the job was not in their best interest.

The rest of the articles is about how at least 40 Tijuana Police Officers have to go to the city attorney's office to answer questions about citizen's complaints.