
Retiring Responsibly Abroad-Survey

amcenany - 9-10-2009 at 01:59 PM

I work for the International Community Foundation (, a 501c3 organization that works to increase charitable giving across U.S. borders to benefit overseas communities and nonprofit organizations. Last year, ICF donated over $5 million to organizations outside the U.S. in the areas of education, environment, health, community development, and culture and the arts. Over 75% of our grants go to Mexico -- we focus primarily on the U.S.-Mexico border region, Baja California Peninsula, and the Gulf of California/Sea of Cortez regions.

We will be organizing a grantmaking effort later this week related to Hurricane Jimena. Please check our website for updated information on that.

I'm writing today on another topic:

This year, ICF is researching a publication series, entitled "Retiring Responsibly Abroad". We have been conducting focus groups and a literature review about retirement trends in coastal Mexican communities, as well as targeted information on green building, real estate trends, health options, and elder financial security.

We are seeking input in an online survey from retirees (part-time or full-time) that live in coastal Mexico.

Here is the survey link:

We have already had over 100 respondents, but we need many more to make this survey statistically significant. We would very much appreciate it if you could forward the survey link to others in your community that may not have had the chance to give us their thoughts on retirement in Mexico. This survey is open to anyone who considers themselves retired and lives in a Mexican coastal community part-time or full-time.

You can contact me at with any questions or comments.

BajaNomad - 9-11-2009 at 12:30 PM

I appreciate Anne taking the time to speak with me on the phone yesterday and today - and to educate me on ICF and much of what they are doing now - and what they've done in the past - in Baja California.

If you can help them by taking a few minutes with this survey - that would be helpful.

The results of this are intended to be published on their website via a PDF file sometime in the future.

Thank you everyone - and thanks Anne.

Doug Means

DENNIS - 9-11-2009 at 01:09 PM

It takes a little while to complete but, just when you think it will never end, it does.

comitan - 9-11-2009 at 01:45 PM

I took it to the name & address part then op't out.

Bajahowodd - 9-11-2009 at 01:55 PM

Geez, It's a legit organization. Afraid of getting junk mail?

BMG - 9-11-2009 at 02:26 PM

Originally posted by comitan
I took it to the name & address part then op't out.

Same here. I don't like their privacy policy. Even legit organizations will send junk mail and SPAM unless it's spelled out that they won't. I just don't want to be bothered.

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
Geez, It's a legit organization. Afraid of getting junk mail?

Send me your personal info and I'll fill it out again using your name. You can even keep the junk mail.

vandenberg - 9-11-2009 at 02:31 PM

I took it.
Love junk mail.:saint::biggrin:

DENNIS - 9-11-2009 at 03:09 PM

You want to see your mailbox load up with about 300 punds of unwanted mail each year? Order just one thing from Cabela's. They have catalogs to explain their catalogs.

DianaT - 9-11-2009 at 03:22 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
You want to see your mailbox load up with about 300 punds of unwanted mail each year? Order just one thing from Cabela's. They have catalogs to explain their catalogs.


vandenberg - 9-11-2009 at 03:37 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
You want to see your mailbox load up with about 300 punds of unwanted mail each year? Order just one thing from Cabela's. They have catalogs to explain their catalogs.

My PO Box here in Loreto holds about 6 envelopes. They keep my Victoria's Secrets catalogs behind the counter.:biggrin:


Skipjack Joe - 9-11-2009 at 04:04 PM

I get at least all of these catalogs every year. And they don't change much from one year to the next.

Boating catalog
fishing catalog
Spring catalog
master catalog
flyfishing catalog
Fall catalog
Christmas catalog

Just got my fall catalog, right on schedule. :barf:

DENNIS - 9-11-2009 at 04:13 PM

Originally posted by Skipjack Joe
I get at least all of these catalogs every year. And they don't change much from one year to the next.

Can you imagine the money they spend on catalogs? A huge sum. I'd like to know, just out of curiosity.
A while back, I was spending too much at Cabela's and they sent me a catalog, about two inches thick, a grainy looking faux leather cover and my name in gold, lower right corner of the cover. A freakin' coffee table catalog.
I backed off the internet shopping, at Cabela's anyway.

I guess this has been a five star hijacking. Sorry.

shari - 9-11-2009 at 07:44 PM

seeing as I'm into group hugs and highjackings....hey guys....bring down those old fishing gear catalogues....the fishermen here LOVE to look through them...hmm...wonder if they might like the victoria secret catalogue too????

Maybe I'll take the survey when I retire! which may be never.

Riom - 9-11-2009 at 11:04 PM

Originally posted by shari
Maybe I'll take the survey when I retire!

It's only for retired Americans (I don't qualify on either count either).

For a survey which includes full-time residents of Mexico, question 12 ("How often do you travel to Mexico? ") is tough to answer - the only really correct answer would be "I no longer travel to Mexico" (because I'm already there).

DianaT - 9-11-2009 at 11:14 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by Skipjack Joe
I get at least all of these catalogs every year. And they don't change much from one year to the next.

Can you imagine the money they spend on catalogs? A huge sum. I'd like to know, just out of curiosity.
A while back, I was spending too much at Cabela's and they sent me a catalog, about two inches thick, a grainy looking faux leather cover and my name in gold, lower right corner of the cover. A freakin' coffee table catalog.
I backed off the internet shopping, at Cabela's anyway.

I guess this has been a five star hijacking. Sorry.

Hijacked indeed---so now may you order something from Land's End. Catalog a week, at least. Money? Just think how much they could reduce their prices if they just cut the amount of catalogs in half.

805gregg - 9-12-2009 at 07:06 AM

I use the Cabelas catalogs to hold down the bottom of my trash can.

CaboRon - 9-12-2009 at 07:54 AM

Originally posted by 805gregg
I use the Cabelas catalogs to hold down the bottom of my trash can.


oxxo - 9-12-2009 at 08:38 AM

Originally posted by comitan
I took it to the name & address part then op't out.

I feel the same way, but I think the organization and their goals are legit. So just put "decline" in each of the personal information boxes and the survey was accepted.

I have over 50 emails in my spam folder just this morning. Anyone want to know where to buy Cialis or would you like the contact information for barrister Bobby Kimjobo in Nigeria who has $1M with your name on it? :lol:

k-rico - 9-12-2009 at 08:52 AM

Originally posted by Riom
Originally posted by shari
Maybe I'll take the survey when I retire!

It's only for retired Americans (I don't qualify on either count either).

I qualify on both of those counts but the survey is for:

"Retiring Responsibly Abroad"

"Responsibly" leaves me out. :tumble:

Why is that word there? It's a scary word.

Isn't a big part of retirement ridding oneself of responsibilities? Must be youngsters doing the survey.

[Edited on 9-12-2009 by k-rico]

durrelllrobert - 9-12-2009 at 09:20 AM

Originally posted by Riom

For a survey which includes full-time residents of Mexico, question 12 ("How often do you travel to Mexico? ") is tough to answer - the only really correct answer would be "I no longer travel to Mexico" (because I'm already there).

GEEZE! I travel to Mexico every time I cross the border after shopping for the day.:lol::lol::lol:

Pescador - 9-12-2009 at 09:33 AM

You need to do the survey even if you don't submit it at the end. I am still laughing about some of the questions. Did you buy your present house because of the "Green Building"and environmentally chosen materials? Did you move to Mexico so that you could surround yourself with otherobnoxious Norteamericanos in gated communities? Did you move to Mexico so that you could avail yourself of the cultural activities and events?
Did you buy because of suitability to "Climate Change'?

durrelllrobert - 9-12-2009 at 10:00 AM

Originally posted by Pescador

Did you buy because of suitability to "Climate Change'?

OIbivously this group is supporting Al Gore:?:

k-rico - 9-12-2009 at 10:29 AM

I took it and now understand where the "responsibly" comes in. These folks are fund raisers for charities. Seems almost like a levy on what I guess they would consider "irresponsible" retirement.

Being charitable in Mexico is easy. How many pieces of Chicklets have I bought? A ton. I'm a 10 peso soft touch for little old ladies, folks missing limbs and street musicians, and like to make sure 100% of my donation is going to the person that needs it.

Paula - 9-12-2009 at 11:10 AM

Originally posted by k-rico
I took it and now understand where the "responsibly" comes in. These folks are fund raisers for charities. Seems almost like a levy on what I guess they would consider "irresponsible" retirement.

Being charitable in Mexico is easy. How many pieces of Chicklets have I bought? A ton. I'm a 10 peso soft touch for little old ladies, folks missing limbs and street musicians, and like to make sure 100% of my donation is going to the person that needs it.

I find it sad and embarrassing that we Northerners so distrust the Mexican government and Mexican charities. True, corruption is huge-- as it is in the US government-- it just happens differently, and maybe more openly here. As for American charities, the national disease oriented foundations spend the bulk of your money on administration and salaries for solicitors. A fragment goes for research. And for your local small town police and firefighters-- when they call and ask "neighbors and citizens" to give to local causes, those calls often come from out of state, and that's where your money goes.

As for the people on the street in Mexico, they may or may not get to keep your money. A Mexican guide at Monte Alban in Oaxaca set me straight on this. There are brokers for the beggars. They are driven to their post, left for the day, and picked up at night. The money is taken by the broker, and the worker is given a meal and a piece of ground to sleep on. Women with children and very old people are most sought after for these positons. This is probably not the case in the smaller towns of Baja, but it is probably true for those unfortunate foks in Tijuana and Ensenada. Knowing this, I still give to street folk at times. The guide suggested that it may be better to buy them a sandwich, or give them your sweater.

So don't stop giving, but do your homework, and give in a way that your donation works for the recipients. Help your neighbors, give to the Cruz Roja, DIF, etc. There are good outfits.

Now I have to go take the survey:D

DENNIS - 9-12-2009 at 11:32 AM

Well said, Paula.

One thing....if I EVER get a solicitation from anybody as a result of this poll, I'll let it be known here. I would hope others will do the same.
I did the poll only because so little information is asked of us here and I'm hoping it will lead to some useful statistics, such as, How many expats reside in Baja and things like that.

Bajahowodd - 9-12-2009 at 11:36 AM

If anyone checked their website and the bios of the people in charge, you'd have seen a fairly lofty group. The CEO is a graduate of the Kennedy School at Harvard, just as is Felipe Calderon. Another guy is a partner is Luce, Forward, a highly respected San Diego law firm. Etc. Etc.

DENNIS - 9-12-2009 at 11:44 AM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
If anyone checked their website and the bios of the people in charge, you'd have seen a fairly lofty group.

I should do that in cases such as this. Actually, I kind of let Doug do the approval work for me. I trust his judgement.

Bajahowodd - 9-12-2009 at 12:00 PM

Have you checked Doug's curriculum vitae?:?:

DENNIS - 9-12-2009 at 12:26 PM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
Have you checked Doug's curriculum vitae?:?:

I'm not a doctor, not today anyway, and I don't like wearing rubber gloves.

[Edited on 9-12-2009 by DENNIS]

rhintransit - 9-12-2009 at 07:18 PM

all you have to do is fill something in the spaces in the name and address form, then click.
what I wonder about is the final page, 'create your own survey'...hum

Pescador - 9-12-2009 at 07:19 PM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
If anyone checked their website and the bios of the people in charge, you'd have seen a fairly lofty group. The CEO is a graduate of the Kennedy School at Harvard, just as is Felipe Calderon. Another guy is a partner is Luce, Forward, a highly respected San Diego law firm. Etc. Etc.

So what, they still are looking at the world through their own rose colored or whatever colored glasses. I did not have to read too far in the questionaire to realize that they had a particular bend as I am sure that any perceptive person could do. If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it might be an add for AFLAC.

CaboRon - 9-13-2009 at 05:30 AM

Originally posted by rhintransit
all you have to do is fill something in the spaces in the name and address form, then click.
what I wonder about is the final page, 'create your own survey'...hum

All i ever got when clicking on the link was the Thank You for taking the survey page .... never found the survey.

DENNIS - 9-13-2009 at 07:09 AM

Originally posted by Pescador
So what, they still are looking at the world through their own rose colored or whatever colored glasses.

Maybe green.

rhintransit - 9-13-2009 at 07:33 AM

Originally posted by CaboRon
Originally posted by rhintransit
all you have to do is fill something in the spaces in the name and address form, then click.
what I wonder about is the final page, 'create your own survey'...hum

All i ever got when clicking on the link was the Thank You for taking the survey page .... never found the survey.

hum...I tried it again, too, and that's what I got...just the "thank you, create a survey page." I found the questions on the survery strangle slanted, suspiciously so, and figured that anyone who gave a name, address, etc was going to be hit up with all sorts of requests from Mexican charities, or worse. that's why I signed A Nan a Mous with 000 000 0000 phone number and similar answers for all the personal data questions.

Bajahowodd - 9-13-2009 at 12:18 PM

Two observations: First, the reason for the create a survey is because the actual survey is handled by a separate contractor. Second, giving this organization the benefit of the doubt, they may be seeking that contact information for actual follow up in greater detail. Not to mention, if they hope to use the results in some fashion, they need to have a certain amount of verification to show its veracity, as opposed to making up info.

amcenany - 9-14-2009 at 06:30 AM

Hi all,

I really appreciate your interest in 'Retiring Responsibly Abroad" and the International Community Foundation. I wanted to just quickly respond to a few posts:

1) we don't send out direct mail solicitations by mail. We do send out a quarterly newsletter by email and updates about grants that we are making or special appeals, such as hurricane relief, but if you don't want to receive those either, you can just write us back and let us know that.

2) "Retiring Responsibly Abroad" only means that we are seeking information about what kinds of choices consumers are making when they choose a retirement or vacation home in Mexico, i.e. following national environmental laws, getting engaged in their adopted communities, living more simply, etc. It doesn't have anything to do with adding responsibilities to your life or asking you to do anything differently from what you're already doing.

Please feel free to write to me directly at if you have other questions about this initiative or what ICF does in general.

oxxo - 9-14-2009 at 06:59 AM

Originally posted by amcenanyWe do send out a quarterly newsletter by email and updates about grants that we are making or special appeals,

Anne, I disagree with this strategy. There should be a box at the end of the survey for the respondent to check if they want to receive a newsletter and updates and special appeals. It is my opinion you would get better results.

I get too much email the way it is.


mtgoat666 - 9-14-2009 at 07:06 AM

Originally posted by oxxo
Originally posted by amcenanyWe do send out a quarterly newsletter by email and updates about grants that we are making or special appeals,

Anne, I disagree with this strategy. There should be a box at the end of the survey for the respondent to check if they want to receive a newsletter and updates and special appeals. It is my opinion you would get better results.

I get too much email the way it is.


do like most people: keep 2 email addresses. 1 for personal correspondence, and second for online registrations, purchases, etc. (junk email address is for things that you never or rarely want to read) if you use a junk email addresses, you will rarely see the junk email as you will rarely open that mailbox.

DENNIS - 9-14-2009 at 08:03 AM

Originally posted by amcenany
Please feel free to write to me directly at if you have other questions about this initiative or what ICF does in general.

Thanks for the invite, Anne. I'm sure some will be in touch.
In the meantime, since you brought it all here, we as a community much prefer to jump to conclusions, gurgitate and regurgitate the essence of your efforts, make unwarrented comparisons and submit you to downright slander, agree, disagree, throw feces at you and each other, all in the name of developing an objective opinion.
Don't take anything's just our hobby and we like it that way.