Originally posted by mulegemichael
Crossed at Tecate today around 1pm...strange stuff...but good stuff as we were packed to the gills with big items....before we got to the crossing the
U.S. border guards were greeting everyone as they drove up...we gotta guy that we've had before...he asked us the usual, "where ya from?", "where ya
goin?" questions..then flagged us on..when we got to the border the "declare" lane was gated off and everyone was directed to the "no declare"
lane...we pulled up there, got the "big green" and rolled on through...NO, and i mean NO mexican border guys there...EVERYONE that we saw got the
green light...maybe, just maybe, something positive is going on in regards to hurricane relief...i have NEVER been checked by U.S. guys going IN to
mexico..i mean, what do they care?...our feelings are that it's a cooperative deal with mexico because of the chubasco..i hope...he did ask us if we
had less than 10 grand and we lied...sorry, we all have a little bandito in us...guererro negro manana then home on sunday... |