
Hwy 1 TJ to Puerto Nuevo

MikeLikeBaja - 9-24-2009 at 02:52 PM

Took free road south today. The first few miles is pretty banged up after that it is new pavement until Rosarito. No construction. FYI you go further East then you might think connecting to HWY 1 from the TJ coast. The signs just say Tecate/Garita de Otey until you finally see one sign that says Ensenada. Then take the road right as it merges.

[Edited on 9-24-2009 by MikeLikeBaja]

Woooosh - 9-24-2009 at 03:24 PM

man- talk about taking the long way...

David K - 9-24-2009 at 03:29 PM

I am trying to figure out what he is describing here:

"FYI you go further East then you might think connecting to HWY 1 from the TJ coast. The signs just say Tecate/Garita de Otey until you finally see one sign that says Ensenada. Then take the road right as it merges." ??

Go further east from where?

Where is the point you call "HWY.1 from the TJ coast"

Take what road right ... merges with what... ??

Thank you for clearing it up, sorry I don't quite get it... It was hot today!;D

Woooosh - 9-24-2009 at 03:41 PM

Well downtown TJ is near the coast... ? Anyway- I think he crossed at Otay and the road is still a confusing mess linking up to the Blvd 2000. With the construction going on at Playas (getting much better- but not completed yet)- I was thinking he meant there at first too.

Any Nomads know the time/mileage mileage difference between thesec two routes? :
From Otay Mesa to Puerto Nuevo via Blvd 2000
From San Ysidro to Puerto Nuevo via the Via Rapida and toll road.

DENNIS - 9-24-2009 at 03:42 PM

Originally posted by David K

Go further east from where?

Sounds like from the bottom of the hill at the end of the fence road where it merges with the toll road. That merge was closed but, I thought someone said it was now open.

David K - 9-24-2009 at 03:55 PM

Oh, you are saying he is now talking about the drive back NORTH, after the FYI?


Woooosh - 9-24-2009 at 03:59 PM

:saint: Hmmm.

[Edited on 9-24-2009 by Woooosh]

DENNIS - 9-24-2009 at 04:22 PM

Originally posted by David K
Oh, you are saying he is now talking about the drive back NORTH, after the FYI?


I'm not sure what I'm saying, really. I thought he was indicating that he entered Mexico and travelled the fence road, up and over the hill and, rather than take the merge to the toll road at the bottom of the hill, he continued on straight east to the Rosarito turn off by the Army base.
I don't know.

wessongroup - 9-24-2009 at 06:29 PM

Hey, what happened to MikeLikeBaja :lol::lol::lol::lol:

MikeLikeBaja - 9-24-2009 at 06:39 PM

lol nevermind.....I made it to my destination. How about this trip report instead. Today I encountered 100+ degree weather , fog, and a few miles of rough road. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

wessongroup - 9-24-2009 at 06:42 PM

Good deal...:lol::lol::lol::lol:

MikeLikeBaja - 9-24-2009 at 06:43 PM

coming from the coast I merged onto hwy 1 and took it to Rosarito. I am now in my final destination Chicago, Illinois

wessongroup - 9-24-2009 at 08:27 PM

I like your sence of direction, however.... Chicago with 100+ degrees, and fog is something to think about :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

elgatoloco - 9-24-2009 at 10:25 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by David K
Oh, you are saying he is now talking about the drive back NORTH, after the FYI?


I'm not sure what I'm saying, really. I thought he was indicating that he entered Mexico and travelled the fence road, up and over the hill and, rather than take the merge to the toll road at the bottom of the hill, he continued on straight east to the Rosarito turn off by the Army base.
I don't know.

The above describes what we did on Labor Day. The transition was open but only one lane open on main route toward playas had huge backup coming down the hill so we took libre route east then south. Taking it slow and easy.

Woooosh - 9-24-2009 at 10:33 PM

Originally posted by elgatoloco
Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by David K
Oh, you are saying he is now talking about the drive back NORTH, after the FYI?


I'm not sure what I'm saying, really. I thought he was indicating that he entered Mexico and travelled the fence road, up and over the hill and, rather than take the merge to the toll road at the bottom of the hill, he continued on straight east to the Rosarito turn off by the Army base.
I don't know.

The above describes what we did on Labor Day. The transition was open but only one lane open on main route toward playas had huge backup coming down the hill so we took libre route east then south. Taking it slow and easy.

and saved $2.10

woody with a view - 9-25-2009 at 09:25 AM

about enuff for a ballena!:light:

DENNIS - 9-25-2009 at 09:42 AM

Originally posted by woody in ob
about enuff for a ballena!:light:

Will that cover the deposit as well? You may have to open and drink it at the checkstand.
Oh is still good.

woody with a view - 9-25-2009 at 09:44 AM

yeah, he/she said they were in no hurry.....

toneart - 9-25-2009 at 11:22 AM

Just pick any route or destination, or leave them out. It wouldn't make this string any less obscure.

I got out my GPS, my maps, my Google (yes, we have forgotten that Google can also be a noun), my bottle of booze and rolled a fattie, and I am still not any further from or closer to a tangible reference point...Lord knows I tried! Knowing where I am has never helped, anyway.

Give Mikelikebaja the benefit of the doubt for knowing that we were all in a state of confusion before he originated this's a put on, right?:?::?::?::spingrin::spingrin:...or maybe not:?::?::no::no:

DENNIS - 9-25-2009 at 11:26 AM

In retrospect, none of it really matters anyway. No matter where you go, there you are.

toneart - 9-25-2009 at 11:37 AM

Originally posted by DENNIS
In retrospect, none of it really matters anyway. No matter where you go, there you are.

Yep! The Peoples' Guide to Mexico-John Muir Publications. They sent me on a one way trip (with many diversions) as a Joven. I never found my way back, not that I have wanted to.:tumble::tumble:

DENNIS - 9-25-2009 at 11:44 AM

Originally posted by toneart

Yep! The Peoples' Guide to Mexico-John Muir Publications. They sent me on a one way trip (with many diversions) as a Joven. I never found my way back, not that I have wanted to.:tumble::tumble:

Loved that book. Great to take on the road or just sit in a rocker with a box of beer and vicariously travel all over Mexico. My Bible of the seventies. It's still in print.

[edit to get my decade right]

[Edited on 9-25-2009 by DENNIS]

toneart - 9-25-2009 at 01:40 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS "[edit to get my decade right]"

"In retrospect, none of it really matters anyway. No matter where you go, there you are."

Two quotes from Dennis from two diferent posts, but these two belong together too.:yes: