
Loreto Bay - need help for an article

ArroyoTaxi - 10-26-2009 at 07:30 PM

Hola Nomads. A friend of mine is an editor of a large circulation magazine in the Pacific Northwest and he is about to begin an investigative article about the Loreto Bay fiasco. I ran into him this evening and he was hoping I could point him towards some blogs and websites that relate to the situation. Could you help me compile a list for him? I used to follow a few in the past years, but would appreciate a refresher. He is interested in the POV from owners and also from non-owners in Loreto who saw the conflicts early on. He's also interested in the fresh water and environmental issues. This magazine has a large readership in Victoria, Vancouver and Alberta, where I believe many owners are from. Any suggestions would be most appreciated. Thanks, AT

Baja&Back - 10-26-2009 at 10:14 PM

Originally posted by ArroyoTaxi
This magazine has a large readership in Victoria, Vancouver and Alberta, where I believe many owners are from. Any suggestions would be most appreciated. Thanks, AT

Hmmmm. Alberta. Also where Butterfield lives. Be sure to send him a copy!

David K - 10-27-2009 at 08:02 AM

Couldn't you just print out all the informative posts/ threads about Loreto Bay that are here on Nomad? I mean you have people who were involved in all sides of the project posting here (sellers, buyers, locals).

Skeet/Loreto - 10-27-2009 at 11:30 AM


First I would like to know the name of the Mag and the Editor.

Second I would like to know if the Writer has been to Loreto or will be writing from other peoples words.

There is plenty of information out there but there is also lots of :Buyers failing to Investigate properly before buying.

Fourth: You cannot factually and accruately write a story of this type unless you do some Ground work in Baja. Things are done different in Mexico,,


LaTijereta - 10-27-2009 at 11:33 AM

Here are some blogs that covered the situation..

Look forward to what he come up with...

DENNIS - 10-27-2009 at 11:34 AM

Originally posted by Skeet/Loreto

First I would like to know the name of the Mag and the Editor.

Fair enough.

Don Alley - 10-27-2009 at 04:50 PM

Come to Loreto.

Look at Loreto Bay.

Then look at Colonia Mirimar.

Then figure out how the two are related, and why "sustainability" was a fraud.

Bajahowodd - 10-27-2009 at 04:54 PM

Good point. There's no way any responsible jounalist would write an article about any place, any people, or any situation without being there on the ground.

ArroyoTaxi - 10-28-2009 at 07:56 AM

The guy is going to be in Loreto mid-November. He's been planning the trip for a few weeks - nowhere in my post do I make any reference to him NOT coming down - He's just doing some background stuff in the meantime. He's interviewed some Alberta and BC owners and is working on securing interviews with all the key players. He was in Loreto last year and visited the site then as well. I had mentioned to him in the past that I had seen some very spirited dialogue on this and other forums and all I was asking was for a bit of info - I hardly needed to be scolded about how things are "done differently in Mexico" - duh. gee ya think?

Skeet/Loreto - 10-28-2009 at 12:11 PM


I did not intend any scolding!

There have been so many of so called writers making up so much stuff that it is difficult to seperate the Wheat from the Chaff.
Guess maybe we are little ::Gunshy".

Tell your Friend if he will take a good look at the Water Situtation for the previous years he will have an Idea about the
whole thing being a Scam.


gnukid - 10-28-2009 at 12:16 PM

Speak to the victims.

capt. mike - 10-28-2009 at 12:27 PM

who cares about it - ?? it's old news anyway. another failed development where many people freely gave their money expecting a guaranteed a foreign land.... so what's new? it didn't work out.
pay your money, take your chances. where's the drama in that??

i can't figure why any editor would pay a staffer to write about it now. what's the point?

Bajahowodd - 10-28-2009 at 12:31 PM

Me too- Wasn't trying to scold. And I know there are plenty of folks down there with horror stories, but I still tend to think, that at least from its conception, it was more like good intentions that were wrapped in a plan that wasn't researched properly. Then once stuff started to hit the fan, it morphed into an actual fraud, as so many cover-ups tend to do.

Skeet/Loreto - 10-28-2009 at 01:42 PM

Capt. Mike;
It is also the result of some very uneducated Children{by their parents and the schools} that did not teach them how to find out if they are being Lied too.

It is just the way things have evolved in the past few years. A whole lot of people and a bunch of Canadians have been taught to depend on their Govt. to protect them from all Bad Deeds.

Lay you odds that every one of the Victums will "Blame others for their Failure to Properly Investigate before they Bought.

We are seeing more and more of it here in the States with the socalled "Green Programs". Some of those are indeed good programs, but others are Pure Scams playing on the uneducated and easily convinced Newbies of the World.


DENNIS - 10-28-2009 at 01:48 PM

Originally posted by Skeet/Loreto
A whole lot of people and a bunch of Canadians

:lol::lol::lol: What can I say? :lol::lol::lol:

Skeet...I think you went to Yogi Berra University.

[Edited on 10-28-2009 by DENNIS]

Bajahowodd - 10-28-2009 at 02:31 PM

I was wondering if he could explain the dif.:lol:

Skeet/Loreto - 10-28-2009 at 03:02 PM

O> K> Gentlemen and Scholars, and I use the words loosely.

Just for the record, In all of my travels and great times in the Western part of Canada, I noticed that Canadian Folks are somewhat different than usins down here in the Lower 48.

this could be explained in many different ways, but to me the Canadians are :A Little Different" as I am sure they think us ole Texas Boys are a little Redneck on Occasion.

I will bet that the Thieving Scams picked on the Canadians and treated the folks from the Lower 48 with more caution.

Enough said: Skeet

DENNIS - 10-28-2009 at 03:15 PM

Originally posted by Skeet/Loreto
Enough said: Skeet

Okeedokee...Now it all makes sense. :biggrin:
Thanks, Skeeter.

"I want to thank you for making this day necessary"

"A whole lot of people and a bunch of Canadians"


capt. mike - 10-28-2009 at 04:44 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by Skeet/Loreto
A whole lot of people and a bunch of Canadians

:lol::lol::lol: What can I say? :lol::lol::lol:

Skeet...I think you went to Yogi Berra University.

[Edited on 10-28-2009 by DENNIS]

Dennis - that should be overstated as an understatement!!!

DENNIS - 10-28-2009 at 04:47 PM

Originally posted by capt. mike

Dennis - that should be overstated as an understatement!!!

Oh no. Not you too? It's infectuous. :lol:

Bajahowodd - 10-28-2009 at 05:13 PM

If I post here to do this :o

I'll be accused of trying to Catch David.:yes:

Paula - 10-28-2009 at 06:37 PM

Originally posted by ArroyoTaxi
The guy is going to be in Loreto mid-November. He's been planning the trip for a few weeks - nowhere in my post do I make any reference to him NOT coming down - He's just doing some background stuff in the meantime. He's interviewed some Alberta and BC owners and is working on securing interviews with all the key players. He was in Loreto last year and visited the site then as well. I had mentioned to him in the past that I had seen some very spirited dialogue on this and other forums and all I was asking was for a bit of info - I hardly needed to be scolded about how things are "done differently in Mexico" - duh. gee ya think?

I hope he will spend plenty of time here and speak to the peripheral players as well as the key players. One of those peripherals could be me, and hopefully this person is fluent in Spanish and able to learn what the long-time, original residents here feel.

While having breakfast at Cafe Ole recently I overheard a Loretobaytana who felt very good about living away from the original Loreto so that her presence wouldn't change this little place that she finds so quaint and charming. This is all very sweet and sensitive, and ever so naive. LB has had a huge impact on this town, in ways too numerous to mention here. With Villas Group and the mysterious Blau coming along behind, Loreto will never be what it was. I'm not saying that this is a good thing or a bad thing, it really isn't my call to make. I would love to read a thoroughly researched, impartial account of the whole situation with no pre-conceived agenda. Maybe your friend will be the guy.

edit to change a "w" to a "c"

[Edited on 10-29-2009 by Paula]

toocoldincanada - 7-30-2016 at 08:10 AM

So the drama continues in Canada. The team that took their money and ran is now doing it again in Canada and I am in the thick of it.......
No roads, only temporary power (not to my house!) and trades not being paid. What ever happened to the reporter?