
Welcome to Mexico, Where Americans Are The Illegal Immigrants

lofty - 10-31-2009 at 09:14 AM

I'm not sure how to post the vid directly but you can still see it I hope. Im not trying to ruffel any feathers or make a political point, I just thought there might be some new info in the artical that a "Nomad" may find usefull.
(Just copy and paste link below)

noproblemo2 - 10-31-2009 at 09:25 AM

VERY TRUE in MANY cases here... Thanks for the post...

The best headline of the year

amirravon - 10-31-2009 at 10:11 AM

arrowhead - 10-31-2009 at 10:31 AM

Jeezus, listen to the last line of the video - "Al Jazeera" reporter. This was a Muslim anti-US propaganda piece. Did any of you happen to notice that in the video, although they say there are illegal Americans living in Mexico, they could not find even one to interview? Everybody they interviewed was legal.

And Mexico's amnesty program will only give legal residence to those who meet Mexico's income/asset test. Even then they won't give a work permit to an illegal American just because they are in Mexico. They are not going to give Mexican jobs to an American.

Now contrast that with what the illegal Mexicans in the US are demanding: legal residence, a work permit, social security, healthcare and all WITHOUT meeting any of the US's immigration rules on income/assets.

What a bunch of tools.

noproblemo2 - 10-31-2009 at 10:35 AM

They didn't look very hard for illegal Americans, they are all around us down here.

arrowhead - 10-31-2009 at 10:41 AM

Originally posted by noproblemo2
They didn't look very hard for illegal Americans, they are all around us down here.

Are they in front of the Home Depot in Ensenada looking for a day job?

Bajahowodd - 10-31-2009 at 10:43 AM


monoloco - 11-4-2009 at 09:03 AM

Originally posted by arrowhead
Originally posted by noproblemo2
They didn't look very hard for illegal Americans, they are all around us down here.

Are they in front of the Home Depot in Ensenada looking for a day job?
No but they are doing carpentry, computer repair, handyman work, auto mechanics, small engine repair, electrical, plumbing etc. etc. I personally know many gringos who work here without permission.

durrelllrobert - 11-4-2009 at 12:38 PM

Originally posted by arrowhead
Did any of you happen to notice that in the video, although they say there are illegal Americans living in Mexico, they could not find even one to interview? Everybody they interviewed was legal.

It's my understanding that having an easy to get FM3/FM2 makes an American legal in Mexico and the only thing a Mexican can have to make him legal in the USA is a hard to get green card.:?::?:

Bajahowodd - 11-4-2009 at 12:43 PM

I think the reality is that the flow across the border is not reciprocal from a standpoint of wealth. Most Mexicans headed North are poor, while most US and Canadian folk have sufficient income or personal wealth to meet the criteria established for FM-3.

arrowhead - 11-4-2009 at 07:44 PM

Originally posted by durrelllrobert
Originally posted by arrowhead
Did any of you happen to notice that in the video, although they say there are illegal Americans living in Mexico, they could not find even one to interview? Everybody they interviewed was legal.

It's my understanding that having an easy to get FM3/FM2 makes an American legal in Mexico and the only thing a Mexican can have to make him legal in the USA is a hard to get green card.:?::?:

That's precisely the point. Any American can be legal in Mexico for 6 months at a time for only the $20 it takes to get an FMT -- NO QUESTIONS ASKED, NO QUALIFYING. And these yahoos would have us believe there are 100,000's of illegal Americans down there who don't have $20.

DENNIS - 11-4-2009 at 08:06 PM

Originally posted by arrowhead

And these yahoos would have us believe there are 100,000's of illegal Americans down there who don't have $20.

Hate to differ with you, A-Head, but in the North sector the numbers are huge of those who won't bother with the detail and it's not the twenty bucks. This is based on my personal knowledge of expats who have lived here, sans papeles, for thirty plus years. I alone know many. MANY.
There has never been an effort by Inmigracion to ferret out the scoflaws so, it's become a haven for low income expats.
My knowledge is of a small slice of Ensenada. I'll leave the projection of numbers to the more brainy Nomads, like you.
[Don't get me wrong. I admire your vigilance]

monoloco - 11-4-2009 at 09:47 PM

Yeah, there are plenty in southern Baja and all the major tourist centers on the mainland. I wouldn't be at all surprised if they did number 100,000. The problem is that you need to go to the border every 6 mos. to renew an FMT and it's difficult to get an FM3 if you don't have financial records showing some means. I know plenty of people who have lived in Mexico for years under the radar without papers and have had zero problems pulling it off.