
Asuncion Questions

Pither - 11-2-2009 at 08:24 PM

Hello everyone, finally figured out the sign-in process…!
A friend and I will be doing a little exploring over the coming weekend. With the possibility of extending our trip out to six days I thought I’d see if there is anywhere new that would be within our range. I see that there is some good fishing in Asuncion right now! Neither of us has been down and I was wondering if anyone could help us out with a few questions.

We’d like to do some fishing and spear-fishing while down there. We plan on vacuum packing our fillets, is there a freezer in town we could keep our catch until we pack up for home? I don’t want to take any more than we can eat but would love to come home with some fish.

Is there an on-line source for getting tourist cards? I have gotten them at the boarder, but have run into trouble at odd-hours and would love to avoid the possible delay and hassle.
Lastly, my friend wants to bring down his camera equipment, but as we will be camping is worried about leaving his things in the car while we’re fishing. Is a car break-in something we should be overly concerned with?

Thanks for any help. Just a few more days!

Bajaboy - 11-2-2009 at 08:29 PM

Plenty of freezers in BA....shouldn't be a problem.....if there is let me know. As for the camera gear, BA is a very safe place. If the equipment is covered, I wouldn't sweat it. Or you could leave it with someone as well.

As for the tourist permit, you'll still have to have immigration stamp the card. If you are crossing early in the day, the San Ysidro immigration office is an easy option.


BajaWarrior - 11-2-2009 at 08:31 PM

DiscoverBaja(.com) located in San Diego has them. You can purchase them (membership) and only have to validate them at the border as opposed to also paying at the bank window.

Get with Nomad "Shari" as to the accomidations and break in issues with your vehicle, but we visited two summers ago and were very comfortable security wise anywhere in the area.

DianaT - 11-2-2009 at 08:34 PM

We have a home in Bahia Asuncion---just left and are back in the states for a bit right now.

However, as far as having a problem with stuff being stolen, I won't say it would never happen, but it is less apt to happen there than just about anywhere. I certainly would not be overly concerned. We have even left the keys in our truck along with cameras when parked at some beaches around there.

With that said, I also have my camera equipment insured on a separate policy with State Farm and it is really quite cheap. But, I am far more concerned about theft here in the US than in Bahia Asuncion.

You can get tourist cards from the Discover Baja Club on line, but you still have to have them stamped when crossing the border.

Weather was perfect when we left yesterday---have a great time.

[Edited on 11-3-2009 by DianaT]

Pither - 11-2-2009 at 09:21 PM

Originally posted by Bajaboy

As for the tourist permit, you'll still have to have immigration stamp the card. If you are crossing early in the day, the San Ysidro immigration office is an easy option.


Thank you all for the info!
We will be crossing the border hopefully no later than 5 a.m. Is there anywhere further south that we can get a stamp -just in case there is nobody home at the border?

[Edited on 11-3-2009 by Pither]

Bajaboy - 11-2-2009 at 09:26 PM

If you are crossing at SY, immigration and the bank are 24/7.

David K - 11-2-2009 at 10:54 PM

If the INM office looks closed, and the door is locked... walk through the hallway that goes to the pedestrian entrance into Mexico, on the back side... the INM office is always manned there.

There is no other place to get your FM-T... The Ensenada office will either not do it and send yo back to Tijuana or charge you extra as a penalty for not getting it at the border!

This is a new problem as of a couple/ three years ago... Before, Ensenada would issue them the same as Tijuana.

shari - 11-3-2009 at 08:12 AM

Hola Pither and welcome to Nomadlandia....the fishing is certainly hot now and we just bought a freezer for Campo Sirena so if you are very nice to me you can keep your fish in it for a cooperation for the power.
The campground is very problema...look forward to meeting you.

Paladin - 11-3-2009 at 10:43 AM

If you love BCS

If you want to see all the great places in BCS

Then you must go to BA

If you want to meet great people

Then meet Juan and Shari.

If you want to fish in BA

Fish with Juan

Life is simple.

shari - 11-3-2009 at 04:04 PM

thank you kind sir....blush blush

Bajahowodd - 11-3-2009 at 04:37 PM

Folks are right about the FM-T. Since the bank is open 24/7, it makes little sense to get the card ahead of time. It's just too dicey to try and get it stamped elsewhere, such as in Ensenada. So, if you're going to pay the bank at San Ysidro, you may as well just get the forms there too. It's maybe a ten minute procedure.

Pither - 11-4-2009 at 03:16 PM

Alright, just a few things to gather...

Once again, thank you to everyone for all of the info. One more question: What's the price of Pemex these days?

Sheri, thanks so much for the use of your freezing technology! There's a bottle of tasty with your name on it packed away. I'll e-mail you for directions to your place, we should be there some time Friday morning to mid-day.



shari - 11-4-2009 at 09:29 PM

oh goodie...I'll be the one with bells on!

Bajagypsy - 11-5-2009 at 06:22 AM

Bells and the skull bikini?

shari - 11-5-2009 at 06:26 AM

the skull bikini was donned for our great day swimming at San Roque on the Day of the Dead....shoulda been there gypsy girl!

Bajagypsy - 11-5-2009 at 01:34 PM

I know, god, how I miss San Roque.
You know my cool skull flip flops, the ones I loved? My dog ate them.