alafrontera - 11-13-2009 at 12:12 PM
Posting here because I don't see a contact link and the only posts I see on this are ancient.
So... is the Tienda alive and well? Is it mail order only or can I just pick up what I want?
BajaNomad - 11-13-2009 at 12:26 PM
- The Tienda's live and active.
- There's a "Contact Us" link on both the front page of the site, as well as the Tienda.
Unless you make other arrangements - or catch me at one of the events we have now and then - it's mail order.
Most of the recent orders have been for the Corazon Vaquero DVD, and BajaNomad stickers.
Just sent some stickers to Oregon yesterday.
Had a little "administrative delay" with a couple of the DVD's ordered a few weeks ago, but everyone did receive their order.