
Please no nighttime shortcuts through our ranch

astrobaja - 11-15-2009 at 08:58 AM

Hi Guys

The 1000 route this year seems to go relativly near our ranch (La Concepcion) going from Mikes westward (I guess through Coyote?). Our road which goes from the camino observatorio at km 67 is a shortcut to Mikes and in a roundabout way to Coyote. We are getting a lot of nighttime traffic and we'd like it to stop. Don't mind the occasional daytime bike tours (we enjoy talking to them when they stop) but the nighttime traffic is pretty irritating it is after all a private road (not a camino vecinal). Anyhow hope we can get the word out...


bajaguy - 11-15-2009 at 09:00 AM

A box or two of roofing nails might solve the problem

capt. mike - 11-15-2009 at 09:08 AM

you're on the wrong website to get those comments heard. you need to go to off road racing forums like , , thumper talk and others where off road enthusiasts congregate in far greater numbers than you'll find here.

astrobaja - 11-15-2009 at 09:13 AM

good point Mike thanks

David K - 11-15-2009 at 09:19 AM

Ummm... You might find future customers of your B & B by being nice... A sign will do more good than booby traps, I think.

"This is a private driveway for the astronomy bed & breakfast 'La Concepcion'. Telescopes in use, no nightime race access, please" or something similar.

You can also contact Sal Fish (the president of SCORE) to post a NO ACCESS warning about your driveway... It is a bit late, now... the race is in FIVE days! But, next time, perhap?

David K - 11-15-2009 at 09:28 AM

Here's a close up of the SCORE course map, near your place:

After going through Mike's, it passes close to your place about Race Mile (RM) 445... and then heads west going through El Coyote (about RM 455)...

astrobaja - 11-15-2009 at 09:39 AM


Yes of course we're gonna be nice (no nails ) and some signs are in the works. From what we've heard from locals its sometimes the spectators which give the race a bad name (breaking beer bottles in roads , leaving gates open for livestock to escape etc) not the racers themselves!

I sent an e-mail t oRudy at racers & ranchers but it is as you say too late probably for this year. Wow I bet we will be able to hear the trophy trucks from here, wonder what time they will pass...

David K - 11-15-2009 at 09:46 AM

You should go out and have a look, sometime around 5-6 pm would be my guess for the first Trophy Trucks (motorcycles will be passing through much earlier)... and as long as you want, as the racers will be coming through the rest of the night. Of course it will be dark... but the HID lights blazing will make it seem the sun came back up!

TMW - 11-15-2009 at 10:21 AM

I'll pass the word to the people I know racing. If Sal gets the word he can mention it at the racers meeting Thursday evening. I'm glad you don't mind the ocassional rider during the day time. I've avoided your road except when the race went that way because I've seen signs about no trespassing. The Trophy Trucks will leave close to 10:30am if they follow the script, 3 hours after the last MC/ATV. If they average 50mph they'll be by your turnoff around 7:30pm.

David K - 11-15-2009 at 10:51 AM

Thank for adding that TW... I suggested a bit earlier to go out to the course only because with the lower number of racers, perhaps the first four wheeled race cars might be starting earlier... and if they do better than the average 50 mph speed in the first half of the race...? Also to find a good viewing spot before dark.

DENNIS - 11-15-2009 at 10:55 AM

I'm guessing Mike doesn't have a fence that would hold up a gate.

TMW - 11-15-2009 at 11:19 AM

I sent an email to Sue Johnson with a copy of Astrobaja's post above. I'm assuming Sal is in Baja so Sue can call him and let him know. If he wants to call SCORE here is the office number.

23961 Craftsman Rd. #A
Calabasas, CA 91302
Phone: 818-225-8402
Fax: 818-225-8102

Cyanide41 - 11-15-2009 at 12:47 PM

Signs would definately help. Nails would not help because they wouldn't even know where they came from and could potentially be stuck on the ranch. So you haven't done anything except strand the people you don't want on your ranch while they figure out how to fix there multiple flats. I know that you weren't going to do this Astro, I was just thinking what a stupid suggestion that was.

It is definitely the spectators that give the race a bad name. Almost all the racers have a very high respect for Baja and it's people. Other than making noise and kicking up dust, they have no desire to bother anyone.

astrobaja - 11-15-2009 at 01:22 PM

TW-- thanks very much for forwarding my request! Like I said we have no problem at all with daytime traffic as long as they take it easy driving by our place (pretty much everyone does). In the future we will get a perimeter fence but its a huge project. When that time comes we will likely have a gate towards Mikes with a cattlecrossing and a wide enough passage to let dirt bikes through. Any car tours will have to co-ordinate with me via e-mail ahead of time and I will open the gate. This way we can keep the "agriculturalists" from using our road for their pastimes..

DENNIS - 11-15-2009 at 01:38 PM

Originally posted by astrobaja
we can keep the "agriculturalists" from using our road for their pastimes..

Guess you can't get away from it, can you.

mtgoat666 - 11-16-2009 at 10:35 AM

Originally posted by astrobaja
Hi Guys

The 1000 route this year seems to go relativly near our ranch (La Concepcion) going from Mikes westward (I guess through Coyote?). Our road which goes from the camino observatorio at km 67 is a shortcut to Mikes and in a roundabout way to Coyote. We are getting a lot of nighttime traffic and we'd like it to stop. Don't mind the occasional daytime bike tours (we enjoy talking to them when they stop) but the nighttime traffic is pretty irritating it is after all a private road (not a camino vecinal). Anyhow hope we can get the word out...


unfortunately many offroaders are knuckleheads. signs and a temporary fence across road may be a partial solution, but unfortunately there are always offroad jerks who disrespect land owners and signage.
perhaps you can hire the agriculturalists as temporary security??

surfer jim - 11-16-2009 at 06:17 PM

Hire mtgoat666 for security....:lol: