

Pompano - 11-17-2009 at 06:05 AM

A couple of days ago, our friends, Carmen and Manuel, told us to meet them in Mulege for a fiesta at the square.


We went and Co-pilot was ATTACKED by a rampaging pig.

But first, we saw some pretty neat greased-pole climbing contests. Damn...sure looks like fun to me!

Many failed attempts amid much laughing and encouragement by the onlookers.

Finally, one young chap made it to the top..


and claimed the prize!


Well, that pole climbing contest was a hoot for us and our hosts. Taking a short break we went to do a little shopping.

As we went walking down the main streets of Mulege in search of a cell phone for Co-pilot...

..we were suddenly in the middle of a Greased Pig Stampede!


I just had a split second to dodge left while taking this shot...that raging pig barely missed running me down. Whew..a close call.

Unfortunately, Co-pilot was not so lucky..the pig slammed into her and greased her left leg before she could scamper out of harm's way. Mulege can be a dangerous place on fiesta day, y'know.

The pig chase roared right through us and on down the street...ending only when the boys overtook the greased porker next to El Candil.

The victors return .. carrying the Hit-and-Run Pig. "To the Barbeque with Him!" I shouted.



...except for this timely pig poem:

The Irish Pig

'Twas an evening in November,
As I very well remember,
I was strolling down the street in drunken pride,
But my knees were all aflutter,
So I landed in the gutter,
And a pig came up and lay down by my side.

Yes I lay there in the gutter
Thinking thoughts I could not utter,
When a colleen passing by did softly say,
"Ye can tell a man that boozes
By the company he chooses" -
At that the pig got up and walked away

noproblemo2 - 11-17-2009 at 06:45 AM

Toooooooo Funny, but sounds as if a good time was had by all!!!!!

bajabass - 11-17-2009 at 07:31 AM

Nice pictures, and good to see Mulege is getting back to normal. Streets clean, people having fun, chasing dinner down the road. Will the pig be the guest of honor at the Serinidad on Saturday?

Paulina - 11-17-2009 at 07:59 AM

Thanks for the smile you provided me this morning. Great way to start my day!


Bajagypsy - 11-17-2009 at 05:47 PM

that is great! We went to the pig races one year in mulege, it was so much fun!