Originally posted by KurtG
Quote: | Originally posted by Sharksbaja
Good one Roger. Are the big plans for Sta. Barbara still in place or have they scaled it back? That whole point and cove are supposedly going to be
some huge aristocrat retreat replete with Zen rooms, a golf course and big stylish condos/homes.
The developer, Lomas Santa Fe Group, in San Diego County has removed the Estero Santa Barbara website and de-activated the link to it from their own
site, www.lsfg.com. The finished development was to be run by Aman Resorts who operates some of the world's most exclusive and expensive hotels. Their
website also makes no reference to the Santa Barbara development. I suspect that the current financial situation has changed such high end plans.
There were some good rumors in Mulege such as the old A�o Nuevo airstrip being reopened as a private strip for the resort with a helicopter shuttle
between them. |