
"Fever Check" at Loreto airport

CP - 11-18-2009 at 05:12 PM

Tomorrow a friend of ours from the US will arrive in Loreto. She just e-mailed that she had a bit of whatever gripa is going around her office. A moment ago a freind told me that they check you for fever at the Loreto airport. But we don't know WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU HAVE A FEVER??? Do they send you back to the US???

Bajahowodd - 11-18-2009 at 05:17 PM

Highly unlikely.

mulegemichael - 11-18-2009 at 09:33 PM

word is, they send you back..don't know what the upper limits are, but they send you some ice

vandenberg - 11-18-2009 at 09:44 PM

Originally posted by CP

They give you a free Peggy Lee record.:biggrin:

Give you free beer and Tequila till you're better.;)

backninedan - 11-19-2009 at 07:56 AM

Be a lot better if they would get rid of that rectal thermometer...

monoloco - 11-19-2009 at 08:55 AM

If she has the gripa she should give the other passengers a break and not fly.

nobaddays - 11-19-2009 at 08:57 AM

they were doing that in San Jose del Cabo, but stopped.

osoflojo - 11-19-2009 at 11:42 PM

Exaclly, back when the Piggy Flew frist broke on April SJD would screen you both inbound and outbound. Consequenses I dont know I was not a carrier. They must be doing it for a reason so I would imagine there would be some consequences.

Corky - 11-20-2009 at 12:48 PM

Just the kind of person I want to seated next to.

How freakin IGNORANT can you get!

re sick traveler

mtgoat666 - 11-20-2009 at 06:04 PM

Originally posted by Corky
Just the kind of person I want to seated next to.
How freakin IGNORANT can you get!

i don't think the sick traveler is ignorant, just selfish, inconsiderate and rude.

805gregg - 11-20-2009 at 06:58 PM

Tell her to keep her swine flu at home.

DianaT - 11-20-2009 at 07:56 PM

Wonder if your friend ever thought about the other people on the plane whose vacations could be ruined because of her choices?

vandenberg - 11-20-2009 at 09:03 PM

You probably didn't know there were so many do gooders on this forum having great intentions for protecting their fellow men. Just as long as it doesn't affect them.
I hope your friend made it alright and has a great vacation.

DianaT - 11-20-2009 at 09:12 PM

Originally posted by vandenberg
You probably didn't know there were so many do gooders on this forum having great intentions for protecting their fellow men. Just as long as it doesn't affect them.

You really think that? ----Really? I wonder if everyone is that selfish. Would those who questioned the idea of flying while sick do so if they were sick?

Really sad if that is the case. Even my 91 year old mother-in-law would not eat in the public dinning room in the retirement apartments as long as she was running a fever. She gave up all social interaction to not risk giving others her gripa.

I just can't believe that all are so selfish that flying while sick only applies to others.

loretomike - 11-21-2009 at 08:52 AM

i'm flying out of here in a few days and i would be deeply unappreciative of anyone on the "airliner" that decided it was o.k. to spread their illness to their fellow passengers.

i, for one, would not travel if i was sick for 2 reasons:

1. wouldn't want to spread my illness in the highly contagious environment of an airliner.

2. wouldn't want to share my illness with the folks i'm going to see.

gnukid - 11-21-2009 at 09:07 AM

The paranoid comments here are a bit silly-people always carry germs and bugs and all kinds of illness on their body-that's life.

If you are personally worried about catching something, you should be the one wearing a mask, washing your hands and eating an excellent diet of healthy food which in itself is the most powerful prophylactic against catching colds/flu.

If you are one to believe that taking flu shots is a good idea to protect than do that, take three as suggested. But I suggest you read the insert info sheet entirely first.

However please refrain from attacking third parties because you believe their sniffles put you at risk. You are each responsible for yourself, for caring for yourself and making your own decisions about what risks you take by traveling without projecting your fears upon others as being responsible for your health because you sense they sniffled. If you are such fear of H1N1 and Baja then you should stay home.

My personal opinion that being in remote baja is among the healthiest and safest places to be and that diversity of biology here among plants and people makes it a healthier environment.

mtgoat666 - 11-21-2009 at 09:17 AM

Originally posted by gnukid
My personal opinion that being in remote baja is among the healthiest and safest places to be and that diversity of biology here among plants and people makes it a healthier environment.

earth to newkid, earth to newkid, can your hear me now?

we are not talking about living in the bush while eating tofu and broccoli. we are talking about not wanting to be packed in a sardine can for many hours with a contagious sick person (flu, cold, etc) and little ventilation.

this is why i always fly by private charter jet :lol::lol:

monoloco - 11-21-2009 at 09:29 AM

It has been well documented that sick airline passengers have a high probability of spreading their cold and flu viruses to other passengers.

vandenberg - 11-21-2009 at 09:33 AM

We're living in a media induced paranoid society.
6000 some deaths in the USA, couple of hundred thousand worldwide, and the media makes it out like we're all at death door and should be ready to meet our maker. All that with a world population of around 8 billion.
Maybe this old earth could use a good cleansing, but this won't do it.
Be aware, the disease Gods are busy in their labs to come up with something of real concern to humanity.:P

gnukid - 11-21-2009 at 09:37 AM

Originally posted by mtgoat666
Originally posted by gnukid
My personal opinion that being in remote baja is among the healthiest and safest places to be and that diversity of biology here among plants and people makes it a healthier environment.

earth to newkid, earth to newkid, can your hear me now?

we are not talking about living in the bush while eating tofu and broccoli. we are talking about not wanting to be packed in a sardine can for many hours with a contagious sick person (flu, cold, etc) and little ventilation.

this is why i always fly by private charter jet :lol::lol:

Hello hello - you said if you don't want the "risk" of being near people then do not take a plane, however if you do do not place the responsibilty for your health on others.

There is no logic in this thread, say presumably you did take a vaccine because you think its a good idea then you are protected presumably, or converserley that you did take a vaccine so you are greater risk of mutating virus. However to suggest that you didn't take a vaccine and neither did someone else so therefore they put you at risk? It makes no sense?

Bottom line-you need to make your own decisions and take your own precautions in life. You decide for yourself what steps-not anyone else for you.

Please be concientious of the false mindset that somehow others are responsible either to check you, force your to vaccinate or somehow are responsible for your health if they are sick-these arguments lack logic and provide no resonable and responable plan to protect yourself.

In case it needs to be repeated, eat well-sleep well-that is the best and likely only way to care yourself now and forever.

This commentary has nothing to do with discussing the validity of the value of vaccines which is an entirely other non-sensical discussion, that I am sure can devolve from here.

mtgoat666 - 11-21-2009 at 09:41 AM

Originally posted by gnukid
Originally posted by mtgoat666
Originally posted by gnukid
My personal opinion that being in remote baja is among the healthiest and safest places to be and that diversity of biology here among plants and people makes it a healthier environment.

earth to newkid, earth to newkid, can your hear me now?

we are not talking about living in the bush while eating tofu and broccoli. we are talking about not wanting to be packed in a sardine can for many hours with a contagious sick person (flu, cold, etc) and little ventilation.

this is why i always fly by private charter jet :lol::lol:

Hello hello - you said if you don't want the "risk" of being near people then do not take a plane, however if you do do not place the responsibilty for your health on others.

There is no logic in this thread, say presumably you did take a vaccine because you think its a good idea then you are protected presumably, or converserley that you did take a vaccine so you are greater risk of mutating virus. However to suggest that you didn't take a vaccine and neither did someone else so therefore they put you at risk? It makes no sense?

Bottom line-you need to make your own decisions and take your own precautions in life. You decide for yourself what steps-not anyone else for you.

Please be concientious of the false mindset that somehow others are responsible either to check you, force your to vaccinate or somehow are responsible for your health if they are sick-these arguments lack logic and provide no resonable and responable plan to protect yourself.

In case it needs to be repeated, eat well-sleep well-that is the best and likely only way to care yourself now and forever.

This commentary has nothing to do with discussing the validity of the value of vaccines which is an entirely other non-sensical discussion, that I am sure can devolve from here.

i don't know why y'all started talking about swine flu and vaccinations.
i am just talking about any contagious person flying on a plane and infecting others -- usually it is just common cold or flu that thoughtless people are spreading throughout the mile high sardine can.

gnukid - 11-21-2009 at 10:53 AM

Originally posted by mtgoat666
Originally posted by gnukid
Originally posted by mtgoat666
Originally posted by gnukid
My personal opinion that being in remote baja is among the healthiest and safest places to be and that diversity of biology here among plants and people makes it a healthier environment.

earth to newkid, earth to newkid, can your hear me now?

we are not talking about living in the bush while eating tofu and broccoli. we are talking about not wanting to be packed in a sardine can for many hours with a contagious sick person (flu, cold, etc) and little ventilation.

this is why i always fly by private charter jet :lol::lol:

Hello hello - you said if you don't want the "risk" of being near people then do not take a plane, however if you do do not place the responsibilty for your health on others.

There is no logic in this thread, say presumably you did take a vaccine because you think its a good idea then you are protected presumably, or converserley that you did take a vaccine so you are greater risk of mutating virus. However to suggest that you didn't take a vaccine and neither did someone else so therefore they put you at risk? It makes no sense?

Bottom line-you need to make your own decisions and take your own precautions in life. You decide for yourself what steps-not anyone else for you.

Please be concientious of the false mindset that somehow others are responsible either to check you, force your to vaccinate or somehow are responsible for your health if they are sick-these arguments lack logic and provide no resonable and responable plan to protect yourself.

In case it needs to be repeated, eat well-sleep well-that is the best and likely only way to care yourself now and forever.

This commentary has nothing to do with discussing the validity of the value of vaccines which is an entirely other non-sensical discussion, that I am sure can devolve from here.

i don't know why y'all started talking about swine flu and vaccinations.
i am just talking about any contagious person flying on a plane and infecting others -- usually it is just common cold or flu that thoughtless people are spreading throughout the mile high sardine can.

Everyone is carrying various levels of viruses and anti-bodies and bugs and mites and diseases-the issue at hand is whether they are in a healthy biological balance internally and externally or not, which is entirely the responsibility of the individual, not a third party.

The sooner that you accept responsibility for yourself and your health you avoid the false trap that the government should check for flu or require vaccine, or that third parties somehow are responsible for your health, the sooner you will find common sense approaches and solutions to your health.

The argument you Mgoat and others put forth here contains no logic and gives up your individual liberty and responsibility to another party and in fact puts you at greater risk of infection or influence from third parties, such as forced vaccines, quarantines, doctors orders which are accompanied by physical enforcement which is a lot to give up, providing no increase in health and in fact puts you in a much greater danger.

While its clear that these issues and this discussion is rife with division among community members, it is further evident that these divisions and drug marketing programming has led to collective conclusions based on no science which in fact increase your risk.

In any case, consider these issues with calm reasonable approaches and resist the inclination to project oppression based on false notions.

Remember that the vaccine does have great risks which are clearly stated on the insert and that you can greatly protect yourself simply by eating well and sleeping well which is evident from hundreds and thousands of years of history.

Definitely I would at least offer to discuss these issues over a home made chicken soup with lots of garlic and a jalapeno kicker.

Enjoy the great fresh food of Baja! At least the bugs are just about gone post hurricane so the risks of transmission from mosquitos are greatly reduced.

Have fun,

[Edited on 11-21-2009 by gnukid]

flyfishinPam - 11-21-2009 at 10:58 AM

now why aren't we screening the cruise ship passengers at every port they disembark at?

monoloco - 11-21-2009 at 11:34 AM

Bottom line is that it is irresponsible to go out in public when you are infected with a cold or virus. If people would just stay at home when they come down with something it would do a lot to mitigate the spread of disease. There is nothing worse than sitting on a plane with someone who is hacking and coughing and blowing their nose, it is a guarantee that others will be infected. We are responsible for the health of others, that seemingly innocuous cold or flu you have could be a death sentence for someone with a compromised immune system or other health problems.

nobaddays - 11-21-2009 at 02:45 PM

I agree 100 %

Natalie Ann - 11-21-2009 at 03:16 PM

Originally posted by gnukid
If you are personally worried about catching something, you should be the one wearing a mask......

Actually.... according to doctors at Kaiser Permanente
the sick person is the one who should be wearing the mask.


CP - 11-21-2009 at 04:44 PM

KATE! Thank you - I needed your comment after so much of the rest of it.
My friend arrived just fine and is happily recovering in excellent Baja style from her stressed-out-over-worked-family-issues-living-in-LA induced fatigue.

capt. mike - 11-21-2009 at 05:41 PM

Due to heightened terror alert status all female passengers on screaming airlines must undergo rigorously invasive cavity searches, usually by appointment a day or 2 before scheduled departure. Beverage service is optional and complimentary during these security checks.
All those requesting multiple exams will be acommodated depending on time between "lay" overs.........:saint::!:

DENNIS - 11-21-2009 at 05:55 PM

Originally posted by capt. mike

All those requesting multiple exams will be acommodated depending on time between "lay" overs.........:saint::!:

:lol::lol: What a guy. Whoever said service was a thing of the past. :lol::lol:.

Corky - 11-21-2009 at 07:25 PM



woody with a view - 11-21-2009 at 09:04 PM


Enjoy the great fresh food of Baja! At least the bugs are just about gone post hurricane so the risks of transmission from mosquitos are greatly reduced. Have fun,

damn, Gnu...

you always come thru with a concise dehydration of all the crap that is plaguing a thread....


Corky - 11-22-2009 at 11:59 AM

Step up to the plate!


If you are sick. Don't get on a plane.

I don't see much to argue about............