
Wanting to contribute more to the forum

Osprey - 11-24-2009 at 06:00 PM

Contributing to the forum

Now you’ve got me second guessing what I contribute to the board. Am I doing enough? What do I add to the forum?

I admit you don’t see many pictures of me holding big fish. I catch fish. I sometimes catch many fine fish. And big ones too. I would proudly post them if the right circumstances would come together for me to get some good shots of me with the fish. I mean, that’s what you want isn’t it? Me and the fish? Just shots of the fish don’t tell the same story.

Well, that’s where things get a little blurry. I have a digital camera – it’s old and cheap but was the top of the line five years ago. I don’t take it in the boat with me cause sure as hell I would drop it over the side. When me and the big fish are back on shore, before I clean the fish I go in the house, get the camera. I take shots of the fish and maybe a couple of my fishing partner(s) holding the fish. Then, more trouble…….

Somebody (other than the camera owner, me) has to take the pictures of me with the fish so I can post them. The people available to do this little 4 second chore are:

My wife
My fishing pals
My neighbor (if he comes around to see what we got)

Here’s that tricky part you were all waiting for. Among the 2 to 12 people available, none have that special gene that imparts the ergodynamics of PUSHING THE BUTTON. I’ll amend that; they all know how to push the button, they are unable to push the button WITHOUT PUSHING THE CAMERA BODY TO THE SAME SIDE AS THE BUTTON.

I think this might be some kind of tech revolution disconnect thing or none of them ever spent an hour or so adjusting the trigger pressure on a new handgun or rifle. My gang must lack those who have undergone training in the field for hunting or military action. Without that training, and believing the camera to be a little known but evil kind of device, they believe “Why take a chance at failure by pushing the little button down gently when I could capture the glorious moment for sure if I really smash the thing down hard. After all, this thing is old and the button might stick. Why the hell am I even worrying about it anyway – it’s just Jorge and some stinky fish.”

It’s a PC world we live in now and it is much too late to challenge rules. I am not about to try to give my wife or my fishing pals lessons in footpound awareness or advanced framing to reduce head/foot cutoffs.

That about covers it. That’s my disclaimer. I really do catch a lot of big fish. Ask anyone.

dtbushpilot - 11-24-2009 at 06:06 PM

Jorge, I can attest that you have caught many fish, many BIG fish, you've told me so yourself.......we don't need no steenkin pictures to believe you....dt

DENNIS - 11-24-2009 at 06:14 PM

Originally posted by Osprey

Am I doing enough?

Less fish ----- more fiction..................................please. I would suggest fiction about fish but, all you fish-catchers do that anyway. :biggrin:

DanO - 11-24-2009 at 06:25 PM

Originally posted by Osprey
Now you’ve got me second guessing what I contribute to the board. Am I doing enough? What do I add to the forum?

Plenty. Keep it up.

woody with a view - 11-24-2009 at 06:32 PM

since it's digital you can erase the bad ones. have your shutter folk practice on the dog or each other.

until you post some fotos, i'll look fotward to more man-eating dolphin stories!!!:O

Russ - 11-24-2009 at 06:37 PM

Osprey, I ALWAYS enjoy your stories but since I'm unable to catch anything over 10" I'd like to see you & your fish along with one of your famous yarns. You spin them so well and with one of your 1,000 word photos it would be epic.:O

Ken Bondy - 11-24-2009 at 06:37 PM

Originally posted by Osprey
Now you’ve got me second guessing what I contribute to the board. Am I doing enough? What do I add to the forum?

Are you kidding??? You are a STAR!!! Can't wait to read your stories.

Diver - 11-24-2009 at 06:39 PM

Originally posted by Osprey
Now you’ve got me second guessing what I contribute to the board. Am I doing enough? What do I add to the forum?

You CAN"T be serious !!
Leave the fish pictures to Shari, Bill and others.
You just keep on writing, my friend !!!
One day, I will take your picture with your fish-of-the-day.

Udo - 11-24-2009 at 06:44 PM

My next time down, Jorge, I'll bring you a unipod (a one legged tripod) so your designated photogenist can snap the photo without moving the camera.
You do lots of posting and I am glad you are not involved with political correctness or into politics. Just post the facts (or none, for that matter, with your fiction). Some photos a few times a year will let us know how good a life you live down south, and make us jeallous that we live in the wron world.
My wife and I love Baja, but YOU are the one living the dream, buddy!

Paula - 11-24-2009 at 07:10 PM

Originally posted by Osprey
Contributing to the forum

Am I doing enough? What do I add to the forum?

Sounds like you're fishing, Osprey. :biggrin:

And you know just where to drop the line.

You rock!!