
Triple tuna hookups in Asuncion

shari - 11-26-2009 at 08:21 AM

Some of the locals took a day off from working on their new houses to fish with Juan. It was a gorgeous hot, calm day when Grmpb, Juanito and Victor set out in search of tuna and found them off of Asuncion a few miles. All hell broke loose as they had four triple hookups in a row which kept deckhand Juan Carlos hoppin! It was fast and furious for awhile as they limited out on tuna, then got some nice yellowtail and bonita for tuna salads.

One of the yellowtail will accompany the turkey, ham and crab tonight at the first annual Thanksgiving pot luck at Galeria Bahia.

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Curt63 - 11-26-2009 at 09:09 AM

Great pic! Happy Thanksgiving!

woody with a view - 11-26-2009 at 09:11 AM


what a bunch a turkey's!


Pompano - 11-26-2009 at 09:30 AM

Just got back last night from a super camping trip at Asuncion. I think I've found my next favorite Baja camping spot. It's in somebody's front yard!!

MUCHAS GRACIAS, JUAN Y SHARI. You guys are thee best hosts. Will soon be posting a report on all our fun times at Asuncion.

Well...maybe not quite all..:rolleyes:

shari....I sure wish I could have been out on that boat with 'Dos Juans' yesterday time for sure and toothache/dentist be damned.

I roughly estimated their boat whereabouts in this I close?


Hmm....I'm gonna try enticing 'em closer with a Pacifico and then a really, really long cast with my surf rod.
