

alafrontera - 11-26-2009 at 04:04 PM

Well I arrived via the bus from Tijuana about 4 pm Monday. As I walked around looking for the main drag I wondered to myself " There are pepole living here, right?" It was pretty desolate. I found my hotel (Villa Fontana), it was great and I will definately stay there again. I found La Cocedora de Langosta and had a great meal but I never did find La Manzanilla. Both Anthony's Cultural Center and the Paris de Noche Social Club were hugely disappointing as I had been warned.

Tuesday the town was pretty empty with a lot of shops closed, Wednesday was better because a cruise ship came in. I really tried to spend some money down there but just couldn't, there really isn't anything but cheap tourist crap to buy. I took $500 with me and left with over $300 still in my pocket ! I couldn't even find anything worth paying for at ACC or PNSC :fire:

Overall I did have a good time and plan to go again, the food was probably the best part. I got a little immersion and got to practice my Spanish so I was happy. I also got to do a little salsa dancing at Bahia Ensenada on Monday night, I got paired up with a very pretty young local girl who spoke no English and we had a really good time. I met Bajaguy and his wife, that was nice, and he showed me around a bit.

On the way home I stopped in TJ for a couple hours and had no trouble spending the rest of my money :cool: Mi novia was surprised to see me and she just loves surprises ;)

[Edited on 11-26-2009 by alafrontera]