
Bahia de Los Angeles airport closed

airmech - 11-27-2009 at 08:11 PM

The officials at San Felipe advised today that Bahia de Los Angeles is closed because the permit expired. Whoever was in charge of renewal for the airport forgot. No info on when it will be allowed open. Some aircraft have been in and out but there is no guarantee of non federal action with pilots.

[Edited on 11-28-2009 by airmech]

Donjulio - 11-27-2009 at 08:15 PM

I think Larry the Cable Guy would say "Thats funny, I don't care who ya are"! Typical Mexico. Forgot to renew the airport permit hahahaha.

woody with a view - 11-28-2009 at 07:06 AM

go easy on the guy. i forgot to renew a dig permit last month.

we kept digging!

[Edited on 11-28-2009 by woody in ob]

capt. mike - 11-28-2009 at 09:06 AM

it's all about the $$. a renewal comes with a fee so the municipality or if private an individual must fork it over to the feds.
this is why the San Juanico strip closed forever in the late 80s - Gloria the mayor didn't have the dough and town couldn't raise it. So the flying sams had to move down the peninsula to Las Barrancas.
then we cracked up one piper there and they wouldn't keep the strip safe so we startred landing at the private strip on the hill by San Ysidro and bus over till they started to forget to send the bus!

the strip is called Purisima and is owned by the Ca. doc that has his own clinic there. I have CRS and forgot the name only that 2 leetle towns are like a mile apart. La Purisima and San Ysidero. the baja mill went roght by there one year. both towns were jazzed. i walked from one to the other in Jan following the race. i think it was 2000 when it went to Cabo.

we said enough and started to build a new clinic at Lopez Mateo.

[Edited on 12-1-2009 by capt. mike]

Airport Permits in Baja

Carlos Fiesta - 11-28-2009 at 10:34 PM

Same deal for the Cadeje airport. The folks in these villages do not have a lot of money and keeping the airports open is not a big priority for them. As much as we all hate landing fees its probably not a bad idea for these small strips to charge pilots a few bucks to they can save up towards the next airport permit fee. But by the time the new permit would be due I am sure they would have spent the money on something else! God I love Baja!

capt. mike - 11-29-2009 at 07:38 AM

Carlos - are Aeromedicos from Santa Barabara paying the Cadaje permit?
i'd gladly pay a landing fee plus overnight tie down for access to any good strip that is as close to a town and the ocean as the old SJ strip was in the mid 80s!
but - there aren't any on the pacific side except maybe campo Lorenzo in SQ.

"where have all the old strips gone...?? Long time passing.."

David K - 11-29-2009 at 10:31 AM

Anyone know when the government started collecting fees from the villages or campos for the airstrips? Another example of government hurting the people just to line their pockets... since he government doesn't maintain the dirt strips.

Bahia de los Angeles airport (the paved strips) were built by the government, so how is it the local town needs to pay a fee... or was the airport 'given' to the ejido after it was built?

airmech - 11-30-2009 at 06:22 PM

Just got some more info on the airport closure.
Apparently, the license for Bahia de Los Angeles expired a few years ago and, like half of the airports in Baja, the expired license status was simply ignored because, in most cases, the license renewal was "in process"

Apparently, there is a unique issue with the airport at Bahia de Los Angeles in that there is a disagreement between the Ejido and the Government and neither party will agree to take responsibility for the airport and keep the license status current.

There is a possibility, if the license status is not brought current in the next 60 days, the runway will be "entrenched" so nobody can land there.

Jack from the Baja Bush Pilots is in the process of updating the BBP web page to put out he information.

airmech - 11-30-2009 at 06:31 PM

I don't know how the fee thing works at most dirt strips. I do know that the dirt strip owner must pay a permit fee for so many years and I think it might be pricey.
It's mostly the towered airports that hit you up with all the fees. landing fees, wing tax fees, etc and they change from year to year and airport to airport. Not really consistent. But still cheaper then landing at say John Wayne airport in the US where they charge you a $50 landing fee.

The newest fee when I checked out of Mexicali last was the "exit fee" They are now charging 5 dollars a person to leave the country. I don't know if they are doing this at other AOE's like San Felipe or Loreto yet.

fishbuck - 11-30-2009 at 07:32 PM

There is no requirement to check out at an AOE.

Originally posted by airmech
I don't know how the fee thing works at most dirt strips. I do know that the dirt strip owner must pay a permit fee for so many years and I think it might be pricey.
It's mostly the towered airports that hit you up with all the fees. landing fees, wing tax fees, etc and they change from year to year and airport to airport. Not really consistent. But still cheaper then landing at say John Wayne airport in the US where they charge you a $50 landing fee.

The newest fee when I checked out of Mexicali last was the "exit fee" They are now charging 5 dollars a person to leave the country. I don't know if they are doing this at other AOE's like San Felipe or Loreto yet.

airmech - 11-30-2009 at 09:09 PM

The last info today is that if the Ejido and the Feds (whoever that is) don't settle it in the next two months the runway may be ditched.
And I just moved down my motorhome for the winter use.

Santiago - 11-30-2009 at 10:24 PM

Originally posted by airmech
The last info today is that if the Ejido and the Feds (whoever that is) don't settle it in the next two months the runway may be ditched.
And I just moved down my motorhome for the winter use.

No problems, last time down I noticed that Beach Bob had just drug a bunch of tires back and forth on the road into his place - must be 1/2 mile of flat, straight dirt. Just north of Gecko, can't miss it, look for the pirates flag - will work as sort of a wind sock. Arrivals and departures before 8:00am and after dark are not suggested.:cool:

airmech - 12-1-2009 at 08:17 AM

The old Munoz strip near Beach Bob's is technically closed too I think, but not ditched. If I have to I'll go in there when they ditch Bahia's airport.

Don Alley - 12-1-2009 at 08:29 AM

Originally posted by David K
Another example of government hurting the people just to line their pockets... since he government doesn't maintain the dirt strips.

Originally posted by airmech

Apparently, there is a unique issue with the airport at Bahia de Los Angeles in that there is a disagreement between the Ejido and the Government and neither party will agree to take responsibility for the airport and keep the license status current.

There is a possibility, if the license status is not brought current in the next 60 days, the runway will be "entrenched" so nobody can land there.

David, since neither the locals or the federal government want the expense of running the airport, looks like it may be another example of smaller government and budget cutting hurting the people.:biggrin:

because this was all started by the USA

capt. mike - 12-1-2009 at 08:40 AM

Originally posted by David K
Anyone know when the government started collecting fees from the villages or campos for the airstrips? Another example of government hurting the people just to line their pockets... since he government doesn't maintain the dirt strips.

Bahia de los Angeles airport (the paved strips) were built by the government, so how is it the local town needs to pay a fee... or was the airport 'given' to the ejido after it was built?

DEA putting pressure on Mexico to close or control all un regulated strips as part of drug interdiction. so - you can thank uncle Sam for sticking its nose AGAIN where it don't belong!! and since you asked.....this began in mid 1980s

yes there is.

capt. mike - 12-1-2009 at 08:47 AM

Originally posted by fishbuck
There is no requirement to check out at an AOE.

Originally posted by airmech
I don't know how the fee thing works at most dirt strips. I do know that the dirt strip owner must pay a permit fee for so many years and I think it might be pricey.
It's mostly the towered airports that hit you up with all the fees. landing fees, wing tax fees, etc and they change from year to year and airport to airport. Not really consistent. But still cheaper then landing at say John Wayne airport in the US where they charge you a $50 landing fee.

The newest fee when I checked out of Mexicali last was the "exit fee" They are now charging 5 dollars a person to leave the country. I don't know if they are doing this at other AOE's like San Felipe or Loreto yet.

fishbuck - beg to differ but you are not up to speed on eAPIS apparantly. and the mexican regulation is not one of DGAC but of IMMS and is still an enforeable offense.
plus now with eAPIS in effect it is impossible to activate in returning without an origination at a mex AOE that has an identifier that the system will accept.
i used to sneak out all the time - even in (to baja) a few times if i had my multi authorization for the year and didn't need a gas stop once here - gotta love 90 gals and 7 hour range!.
those days are all gone.... thx a lot DHS. i feel SO much safer now.....NOT!!!!!!!!!!

capt. mike - 12-1-2009 at 08:55 AM

"The newest fee when I checked out of Mexicali last was the "exit fee" They are now charging 5 dollars a person to leave the country. I don't know if they are doing this at other AOE's like San Felipe or Loreto yet."

yes - the $5 pax dep tax is being charged at all SEANAM towered airports if you file to exit the country. and most of the newly privatized airports like MMCL are doing the same thing.

who says private flying was expensive?..... $5 here...$5 there soon you're talking real pesos.........:O

fishbuck - 12-1-2009 at 04:46 PM

"fishbuck -beg to differ but you are not up to speed on eAPIS apparantly. and the mexican regulation is not one of DGAC but of IMMS and is still an enforeable offense.
plus now with eAPIS in effect it is impossible to activate in returning without an origination at a mex AOE that has an identifier that the system will accept."

You are correct Cap. I never heard of it. eApis...Electronic Advance Passenger Information System.
I looked it up but didn't register so I don't know what's in there.
So I just enter in an AOE. Doesn't mean I will leave from one. Although I probably would because I might need fuel.
Can you tell me the regulation in IMMS so I can look it up?

airmech - 12-1-2009 at 08:30 PM

At the moment there is no cross check to see if you really left from the airport you said you did. As long as you give epee an AOE for your last aiport you are good. Kinda like when we leave the US it won't take our actual departure airport.

capt. mike - 12-1-2009 at 08:54 PM

they just closed it by NOTAM officially, BOLA muni.
if you land there they can confiscate your plane and detain the pilot. expect it to be ditched/trenched. bad news for a town that needs the biz.

Fishbuck - you need to talk to Tom at 1st Flight re the new procedures.
you have to have electronic permission now to leave the country by plane and return thru customs via DHS and CBP registration and email access.
if you don't it is a $5000 fine and they mean biz amigo.

capt. mike - 12-1-2009 at 08:57 PM

Bad News at Bahia de Los Angeles - 12/1/2009

Impending permanent closure of Bay of LA airport (BAX)

Bahia de los Angeles has not had a permit for many years. It has been ignored as the three identities, the State of Baja Norte, the City of Bahia de Los Angeles, as well as the Ejido all claim that they are not the responsible party for keeping the airport licensed. The Government has informed all three entities that the strip must be licensed or it will be closed and no one reacted.

The Ejido indicates that the State is responsible for airport and is therefore responsible for the licensing and the State indicates that it is not, and that the Ejido must take responsibility for licensing.

With no action by either side for a number of years, the government has stepped in and 1) has closed the airport by NOTAM, 2) circulated said NOTAM to all AOEs in Baja and Mainland Mexico indicating it is closed, (3) informed the military based there to turn away any incoming traffic and if the traffic refuses, to confiscate the aircraft, and 4) that if there is no action by the responsible party, (whoever they are) the strip could be physically closed in.
Since a NOTAM has been out for a few days and no DGAC office at an AOE will be filing a flight plan to Bay of LA, any plane landing there, just like at any other unlicensed airstrip, can, under the authority of the Law of Aviation, have their plane confiscated and the pilot can be detained.
The strip is critical for both the people who live there as well as is a huge paved emergency landing source located midway between San Felipe and Loreto. In addition, it is used on a daily basis for charter service from Cabo San Lucas as well as there is a tour operator who flies people to this strip where they are transferred by boat to their private camp on a weekly basis.
If this strip is closed, it will have a major impact on the people who live and work there as well as be a major safety concern.
We urge anyone with any connection to contact official persons so that this airport will continue to operate

fishbuck - 12-1-2009 at 09:22 PM

Bummer! My first solo trip to Baja was at BOLA.

capt. mike - 12-2-2009 at 03:19 PM

Well maybe Baja Airventures will foot the bill for the license - they have the most to lose. their eco camp depends on flying in tourists weekly in their piper 6s and 206s.
otherwise their biz is toast.
Las Animas.
they have a great successful set up there and a TON invested.

wilderone - 12-8-2009 at 09:43 AM

How much are we talking about? Do they need to pay for three years arrears? $5 exit fee isn't much if it would serve to pay a fee and keep the airport open. Now the whole town suffers. To trench it and render it useless is just wasteful. Maybe there should also be a portion of a TOT (transit occupany tax - hotel tax) that would go toward keeping the airport open in the future.

doesn't apply at non towered airports

capt. mike - 12-8-2009 at 12:41 PM

Originally posted by wilderone
How much are we talking about? Do they need to pay for three years arrears? $5 exit fee isn't much if it would serve to pay a fee and keep the airport open. Now the whole town suffers. To trench it and render it useless is just wasteful. Maybe there should also be a portion of a TOT (transit occupany tax - hotel tax) that would go toward keeping the airport open in the future.

there are no fees at airports that have no admin or towers etc. And the $5 dep tax from SEANAM controlled airports are applied when leaving the country only - not filing to another mex port.

BOLA is simply an uncontrolled field that gets very little traffic.
the strip registration fees can be huge. When the feds wanted San juanico to pay theirs in about 1985 it was reportedly $3000 US equivalent - a fortune for a tiny fishing village. Its a mexican standoff between 3 entities none of which want to pony up - ejido, city/town or state/county.

so goes the politics of mexico.....if it makes sense, find a way NOT to make it happen...:?::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

on the ramp at BOLA circa 2003, with The Baja Express

screaming airlines fotos 001 (Small).jpg - 45kB

Ken Bondy - 12-8-2009 at 12:44 PM


How do they close a paved uncontrolled strip like that? Is it ditched? Or do they just paint big "X's" at each end?

[Edited on 12-8-2009 by Ken Bondy]

capt. mike - 12-8-2009 at 01:27 PM

painted X is the int'l sign (ICAO) for paved as am sure you know.
but the mexicans can and will take it to an extreme - i've heard that they threatened to cut the asphalt "ditching" equivalent at BOLA to get the message to speak.
guarantee you as soon as someone's pocket starts to hurt they'll be a deal cut and the right people will get paid.
Mexico is simply the old west in many respects. little law except for those it serves best - and no order!
i could care less - i never go to BOLA much, i think the place is boring.
either too hot, too cold or too much vientos!
in less than an hour further south i can be in mulege, 10 minutes more and i am at PSFO - both have more to offer me each in their different way.:lol::lol:

mtgoat666 - 12-8-2009 at 01:49 PM

Originally posted by capt. mike
Originally posted by wilderone
How much are we talking about? Do they need to pay for three years arrears? $5 exit fee isn't much if it would serve to pay a fee and keep the airport open. Now the whole town suffers. To trench it and render it useless is just wasteful. Maybe there should also be a portion of a TOT (transit occupany tax - hotel tax) that would go toward keeping the airport open in the future.

there are no fees at airports that have no admin or towers etc. And the $5 dep tax from SEANAM controlled airports are applied when leaving the country only - not filing to another mex port.

BOLA is simply an uncontrolled field that gets very little traffic.
the strip registration fees can be huge. When the feds wanted San juanico to pay theirs in about 1985 it was reportedly $3000 US equivalent - a fortune for a tiny fishing village. Its a mexican standoff between 3 entities none of which want to pony up - ejido, city/town or state/county.

so goes the politics of mexico.....if it makes sense, find a way NOT to make it happen...:?::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

on the ramp at BOLA circa 2003, with The Baja Express

san ignacio lagoon charges landing fees, so why doesn't bola charge landing fees??????
they need to pay the govt license fee, and set a rate structure to charge pilots a landing fee.
seems like simple problem to solve.
if insufficient landings to fund license fee and maintenance, then time to close the strip, eh?

David K - 12-8-2009 at 03:48 PM

The government built the paved airport there, not the ejido... Part of improving communication in the republic (access to flying business, emergency evacuation/ assistance, etc.).

It was built in a terrible spot with a crosswind canyon airflow blowing right across there... but there was a dirt strip there before.

The Muñoz runway next to Camp Gecko is a great place, but lacks regular maintenance... and I am sure they didn't want a public strip next to their resident's homes.

There was a strip at Sammi's across the bay at Rincon... but that is so far away from town.

The original strip was right in town... when the town got too big, and someone was killed, that was the end of the Diaz strip.

capt. mike - 12-8-2009 at 03:54 PM

San ignacio only charges because it's only OPEN 3 months a year for whales season and the concessionairs have a guy there on a radio to call in to the tour companies when someone arrives so the vans will come get them.
they get you for the landing and added per pax.

at BOLA there is no one there that's paid to sit on their arse and wait for a plane to land so they can charge them.
fees are fine but some one has to manage it and that means some one has to be there doing something and collecting.
the 16 year olds with machine guns are not established to collect fees.
who else is going to take charge? like i said it's hardly used. maybe more on a weekend - but for now the dip schlitz can't even figure out who is responsible for it.
typ mexico....i don't know why i like it so much....:smug:

marv sherrill - 12-10-2009 at 02:24 PM

According to Raul Espinoza, ex major and Ejido Pres. He just got back from Ensenada and everything is taken care of - airfield open! just a misunderstanding.

capt. mike - 12-10-2009 at 06:52 PM

Marv - you might want to keep checking....
from BBP's chief admin today:

"We confirmed with the Commander at San Felipe, the region that regulates Bay of LA who told us that nothing has changed. The airport is closed and the military has now been instructed to hold any aircraft that lands there. He went on to say that Ensenada has nothing to do with BOLA. San Felipe indicates that they will inform the BBP as soon as the Notice of Closure NOTAM is lifted."

airmech - 12-10-2009 at 07:18 PM

According to Dr. Abraham Vazquez; he is getting the paperwork together and getting the approval of the ejidos for the funds. Then he's got take it north send it to Mexico City and wait for a permit. He said that with the holidays coming up they wont even answer the phone till the new year. So most likely BOLA airport will be closed till next year. For us any town without an airport or a closed one is useless.

Baja airventures will just start using Punta Prieta to fly his guests in. He has the manpower to drive them from there.

Shari, is there a place to leave a motorhome in Asuncion?

capt. mike - 12-11-2009 at 08:08 AM

where is punta prieta, airmech? good place to visit? haven't been there. need to check my guides.
glad to hear the Doc is on it.

yeah, Kevin has horsepower and is well connected for sure.

airmech - 12-11-2009 at 08:12 AM

Punta Prieta is a paved airport just south of the turnoff to BOLA.....nuthin there.

David K - 12-11-2009 at 09:06 AM

Capt. Mike, you need to get FLY BAJA! (or BBP's Airports of Baja/Mexico) and you will see Punta Prieta and all the other airports in Baja!

airmech - 12-11-2009 at 11:56 AM

DK those are both ancient history.

capt. mike - 12-11-2009 at 12:22 PM

exactly Airmech.

BTW i like your tag....Alan Klapmeier must be bi-polar!:lol::lol:

David K - 12-11-2009 at 02:08 PM

Maybe so, but this was your Q: "where is punta prieta, airmech?"

Both of those books I mention (are their newer ones?), most maps, driving Hwy. 1... all show the Punta Prieta airport and where it is.

It is about a mile long paved runway right alongside Hwy. 1, more visible than most other Baja airports from the highway.

[Edited on 12-11-2009 by David K]


David K - 12-11-2009 at 02:22 PM

View is looking north, on the left parallel to the runway is Hwy. 1... the town of Punta Prieta is at the top/ left. This is 8 miles south of the L.A. Bay hwy. jcn. (aka Parador Punta Prieta):

Bahia de los Angeles runways

David K - 12-11-2009 at 02:38 PM

Just north of town... the La Gringa road is curving around the runways, on the right.

High look

David K - 12-11-2009 at 02:51 PM

capt. mike - 12-11-2009 at 02:58 PM

i think the point here is that Galen's FlyBaja has not been updated since publication and therefore is so long out of date (1997) so as to not be a reliable source anymore. And BBP's page on PP is from 2001.

i had heard the town's name before - probably several with the same moniker - much as there are more than one San Juanicos - but not as associated with an airport. Airmech answered my Q quickly - i was too lazy to go pull a book from my libarry.:lol::lol:
i'm surprized i never saw it from the air but usually in that vicinity i am going N or S and close to the shore.
nice pics. the one of BOLA is much out of date as the feds shack isn't shown.

don't land there yet anybody!! cuidado.:o

On a 1975 map...

David K - 12-11-2009 at 03:40 PM

Here see 'Punta Prieta' on Highway One (red line) just south of the L.A. Bay highway (also red) jcn. 'Parador Punta Prieta'.

The paved airport at Punta Prieta was built at the same time as the Guerrero Negro paved runway and the Rancho Santa Ynez paved runway... back at the end of 1973 when Highway One was being completed.

capt. mike - 12-12-2009 at 08:59 AM

wonder who's paying to keep the Prieta strip licensed?
such is the level of inconsistancies in Mexico processes.
it likely isn't officially open either but no one uses it so no one cares.

it's like Bahia tortuga - that strip has been officially "closed" for years according to DGAC and you can't file to it from San Felipe or Mexicali. They even tell you to file for someplace else close, like GN, and then it's wink wink.
what a country.... the only reason they're making a big deal over BOLA including the punitive threats is because they know someone is capable and will cough it up, $$s.
Punta Prieta must be a real joy in summer.:lol::lol::lol:

David K - 12-12-2009 at 09:02 AM

There is an army base at Punta Prieta, so the runway is well observed!

David K - 1-8-2010 at 10:01 AM

Okay, 'steekers' saw a note on BBP that L.A. Bay runway is again open for use... :o

Note on BBP yesterday

Stickers - 1-8-2010 at 12:30 PM

Bay of LA Status - 1/7/2010

We have been advised that some Mexican AOE´s have been filing aircraft into Bay of LA. At the prompting of several of our members, Claudia made a series of calls to AOE´s in Northern Mexico and found that the Bay of LA closure NOTAM is still in effect with the exception that some permits are being issued for samaritan operations. They are date and aircraft specific and any request must be made thru the department of state tourism representative, a mayor, etc. These requests must be made to DGAC officials in Mexico and if they fall within the emergency guidelines, a temporary permit will be issued.
We understand that the same process is being used at El Fuerte.

capt. mike - 1-8-2010 at 04:53 PM

"Okay, 'steekers' saw a note on BBP that L.A. Bay runway is again open for use... "

not true exactly - the BBP alert is just as he posted above - special permission only if/for humanitarian.
anybody else going in is taking chances - they have every right to enforce the DGAC notam if they choose to.... only a fool would knowingly risk confiscation and a huge fine/bribe to get your wings back....
i'd wait for the permit to be renewed unless i was with a group that got official ok. like the Sams chapter that runs the BOLA clinic.

David K - 1-8-2010 at 05:14 PM

Well, as you know... we non pilots/ non members can no longer see the BBP forums, so we rely on you to let us know... You quoted my post that was made BEFORE steekers added in the details of a special permit needed... I was just adding a common connection between the two threads...

There are two threads.. the original one announcing the closure and the second one that steekers started saying he saw on BBP it was open.

Debra only saw steekers new post and thought he was asking if there was an airport in Bahia, to which I tried to tell her it was a follow up to airmech's post.

rts551 - 1-8-2010 at 05:24 PM

I was told by the town that it was the military

Originally posted by capt. mike
wonder who's paying to keep the Prieta strip licensed?
such is the level of inconsistancies in Mexico processes.
it likely isn't officially open either but no one uses it so no one cares.

it's like Bahia tortuga - that strip has been officially "closed" for years according to DGAC and you can't file to it from San Felipe or Mexicali. They even tell you to file for someplace else close, like GN, and then it's wink wink.
what a country.... the only reason they're making a big deal over BOLA including the punitive threats is because they know someone is capable and will cough it up, $$s.
Punta Prieta must be a real joy in summer.:lol::lol::lol:

capt. mike - 1-9-2010 at 08:39 AM

thx DK - not faulting you - just confirming steekers' info as best source pending mexican officialdom.....:spingrin:

rts551 - the military what?? pays the license? not hardly.
they have operational authority to sit on any strip licensed or not.

David K - 1-9-2010 at 11:42 AM

Is it possible that San Felipe people don't know that L.A. Bay is open (per Doc/ Debra). Too bad communication between government/ airport officials is so poor.

capt. mike - 1-11-2010 at 08:43 AM

the comdancancia at SF airport gets his official listing of legal airports from DGAC (mex FAA) from Mexico City.
if an airport is listed as in default or closed they cannot write a flight plan to it as a destination.

if you go to it you're violating law technically. Enforcement is another issue.

airmech - 1-13-2010 at 08:13 PM

Humor is where you find it......

A quote from my buddy that just went to BOLA

" after I landed (no, the F*^ airport is NOT open..) MMSF would not give me a flight plan...

Soon as I landed (after going west of town and staying away from the military area) I had a bad feeling so I started running to the short runway with just my backpack, within 5 min I heard a truck, so i dropped and crawled behind a berm...

They came and went up and down all runways in the truck like mad.... as they went out of sight I would keep running, I got almost to the road near daggetts and they saw me i did a slow move to make it look like I was walking down the road.

they stopped me (in a Baja Bush Pilot's hat, i might add) and asked me if I was the PILOTO, I said "No comprende" a bunch, they made hand signals to try to get me to understand and I played dumb... and asked them for a taxi ride in the truck, they said no and I got to your truck and went to town, came back on a bike a few hours later and grabbed my stuff.

HOLY S***..

And of course I got an email that the airport was OPEN from the BBP....

which, it apears, their site is totally down.... "

Ah well, I only wish I coulda watched....

capt. mike - 1-14-2010 at 09:27 AM

"And of course I got an email that the airport was OPEN from the BBP...."

un real.
i get all the BBP alerts by email too, i never got one i recall saying it was ever re opened after the notice of closure they sent out.

i'd love to hear more about how he got out of there and if they blocked his plane?

tgetty - 1-26-2010 at 05:20 PM


That is pretty funny, I just found my Bahia De Los Angeles story from a few weeks ago that I text'd to you posted here... LOL it was a bit scary, I have yet to see the military react that way, part of that was probably because of how fast they got to my plane and still couldn't intercept the pilot.. but definitely different then before, they searched for over an hour all over the airport property and connecting trails and roads.

I just called down to MMSF commandante, they are not filing flight plans to BOLA still, CLOSED CLOSED is the word he used, (We are donating a computer there for all pilots to use to update eAPIS/Flight plans on the US Side) So we have dialog continuing around the internet connection etc.

I talked to a few Gringo's at Daggetts and they said the Military knows it is closed but they are not really hassling people, just checking for drugs etc. I hope that is true, would love to hear someone else post an actual encounter with the 5 Ton truck, 15 folks and a few big truck mounted mini guns.... -g, oh, and take off your Baja Bush Pilots hat if you b-line it to the road to act like you are walking.

My best,

--Baja Rescue
--775.434.8769 24/7

SPoT OK set to
SPoT HELP set to - maps, pictures, blog links, forums, details on the ride... whatever you have.

File a "ride plan" with us for extra protection, we follow you along as you report OK via spot, if you have an issue, the more information we have the easier it will be to help you.

Originally posted by airmech
Humor is where you find it......

A quote from my buddy that just went to BOLA

" after I landed (no, the F*^ airport is NOT open..) MMSF would not give me a flight plan...

Soon as I landed (after going west of town and staying away from the military area) I had a bad feeling so I started running to the short runway with just my backpack, within 5 min I heard a truck, so i dropped and crawled behind a berm...

They came and went up and down all runways in the truck like mad.... as they went out of sight I would keep running, I got almost to the road near daggetts and they saw me i did a slow move to make it look like I was walking down the road.

they stopped me (in a Baja Bush Pilot's hat, i might add) and asked me if I was the PILOTO, I said "No comprende" a bunch, they made hand signals to try to get me to understand and I played dumb... and asked them for a taxi ride in the truck, they said no and I got to your truck and went to town, came back on a bike a few hours later and grabbed my stuff.

HOLY S***..

And of course I got an email that the airport was OPEN from the BBP....

which, it apears, their site is totally down.... "

Ah well, I only wish I coulda watched....