
Driving Ensenada Southbound

Pompano - 11-28-2009 at 07:39 AM

Don't ask me why, but I have never spent much time in Ensenada. Just some rare overnighters and not a destination. Someday I will spend a week there and get better acquainted. But not to's only been about 40 years since we started in Baja.

The following probably is the most boring photo ride you will ever take thru Ensendad...but I have it on my list of things to do and it would bother me immensely if I didn't get it done. So here goes...

From November 1st, quick succession from north to south:

If southbound, Keep your eyes on the signposts.

Common scenes of Ensenada.

We pulled our RV into this park near the water on north side of town..but it seemed too weirdly deserted and lonely, so we opted not to stay. Anybody recall the name of this place? Been there forever.

For a second I thought we had stumbles upon Dennis's old hangout, Sharkeys .. but saw that it was just a carwash. Too bad, I would have loved to buy a round.

My personal favorite lodgings in Ensendad. Papagayos (best)and Corona.

Places to shop..almost like the USA. Not very Baja is it?

Heading south of town..past the blowhole will find lots of road construction & washboards again. Slow down...look for my mother-in-law's dentures.

Once way south of town...look also for this RV park..Los Canadas. A nice haven if you need one. Cheap at $15 night for full hookups.

Okay, that's it for Ensenada. Maybe next time we'll do Anthony's or something exciting.

Now onward....To the Baja Road again!

wessongroup - 11-28-2009 at 07:47 AM

Nice pic's and information, you do get around in that RV... and it does not appear to have any battle scars.. or is that from a 50 cal roof mount when rolling.. seems very popular with the army down here

woody with a view - 11-28-2009 at 07:58 AM

the only reason we used to stop in ensenada was for the fish market. ever since all of their offerings started to smell like bleach we just bring our own, or forage for it when we get to our destination.

ensenada is like los angeles to us. we love getting thru it on the way to somewhere else.

heres one with my son, who's still undecided on ensenada:lol:....


[Edited on 11-28-2009 by woody in ob]

jan 7 06.jpg - 44kB

Pompano - 11-28-2009 at 08:08 AM

Hey, now that you mentioned it...I DID receive a recent battle scar ...I was backing up and didn't see this little red post. Luckily, it was just paint and buffed right out. :yes:

Not too bad for over 80,000 miles and counting...

[Edited on 11-28-2009 by Pompano]

shari - 11-28-2009 at 08:13 AM

whoa...that's a pretty freaky face in the bottom window on your rig...???

Pompano - 11-28-2009 at 09:02 AM

Hmm...yes, it certainly is, shari. And it's in my pants!!

DENNIS - 11-28-2009 at 09:06 AM

Thanks, Roger. Can't remember exactly which RV park that is north of town. Ramona Beach or California???
Ensenada is a big city now, as you can see. One of the nicest parts of traveling is having it behind you.
Las Ca�adas is a nice place to stay and once that far down, it's a good option to travel a little farther to Sta. Tomas and stay at the Palomar Campground. Bar, restaurant, gas and one less military checkpoint to put up with the next day on the road.
Thanks again.