
Hotel La Mision Restaurant Closing

noproblemo2 - 11-29-2009 at 04:47 PM

It is with our second seasonal sadness that we are reporting the closing of the restaurant at Hotel La Mision, in La Mision, as of tomorrow. Berta reports they are again closing until April, but with the economy the way it is that is uncertain of their re-opening. In this we wish them well and HOPE they will survive the "off-season"... Remember to support your local businesses during these extremely rough financial times, they need us.....

Diver - 11-29-2009 at 05:05 PM

???? Isn't this the "on" season ??

Bajahowodd - 11-29-2009 at 05:09 PM

Bummer. We've eaten there a number of times over the years. Unfortunately, the perfect storm of the economy, the drug wars and the hassle at the border is likely going to cause more of this. Ensenada is a prime example of the cutbacks.

In a way, one would think that in tough economic times, folks in the US would look to less expensive vacation options. Trouble is that so few people have passports.

Barry A. - 11-29-2009 at 05:17 PM

You say, "So few have passports"???? My gosh every man, woman and child in my extended family has a passport, and has had them FOREVER. I thought everybody had them. It is tough to leave the Country without a passport, or get back in.


bajadock - 11-29-2009 at 05:23 PM

For statistics on % of US citizens with passports and discussion on why.

Paulina - 11-29-2009 at 05:24 PM

We had five visitors over the Thanksgiving break who didn't have passports. I guess there are still some homebodies out there. We encouraged each of them to apply, but none of them seemed to be in a big hurry.

Their loss.

Back on topic, I hope that Berta can make it through the slow season and re open for those who will miss the restaurant if its has to be officially closed in the end.

Restaurant business is hard enough.

Bajahowodd - 11-29-2009 at 05:27 PM

Barry. Check the stats. Americans have an amazingly low percentage of people holding passports. And similarly, a low percentage of people who travel abroad. I almost hate to bring this up, but you might check into what international travel was engaged in by the last past president before he was elected. Folks of his ilk, either feel superior to, or fear most of the rest of the world. Either way, they don't travel.

Barry A. - 11-29-2009 at 05:43 PM

There is a 3rd reason that people don't travel abroad, especially Texans (and Bush??)------------they are totally content to remain witnin the USA and enjoy all that is here to enjoy--------no incentive to go "abroad".

------In fact, I am pretty sure that your second reason "superiority" seldom comes into play, but I really don't know. Fear is very real, tho, I will concede.

I am rapidly approaching the "happy at home" crowd, and enjoy seeing all that I have not seen in this Country, and it is cheaper.


Bajahowodd - 11-29-2009 at 05:49 PM

Pax, Barry. Problem is that although you and your extended family have had the pleasure of seeing other places, sad fact is that the more insular this country becomes, the less it has any moral authority to control world events. IMHO, way more Americans need to travel and see other countries, lest they will never really understand other cultures.

Taco tourists

Dave - 11-29-2009 at 05:51 PM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
Trouble is that so few people have passports.

If the restaurant at Hotel La Mision wants to attract tourists who can afford passports they need to seriously upgrade their menu. :rolleyes:

wessongroup - 11-29-2009 at 05:57 PM

We went in there a few weeks ago and bought a 12 pack of Tecate, a 12 pack of cokes and a few other sundries.

I asked the lady working the cash register if they had any business that day... she said, no ..... No one a purchased anything from them is quite sometime.

A lady from next door came over just to see who was in the store, she ran a hair shop, the wife asked if she had been getting anybody in.... sadly no..

These folks are in really bad shape, may have mentioned this before, but when in Walmart in Rosarito, a husband and wife were stopped at the door for trying to get out without paying.......... for FOOD

That scene was really telling in my mind about the "state" of the Mexicans who live in HERE.

I don't have a lot, but we have been sharing as much as we can... and will try and do more if possible..

These folks need the help.... state side... they still get free: room and board, food, prenatal, medical, dental, unemployment, disability, food stamps... oh, and let's not forget, the Banking and Insurance Industry's they get "light years" of money to replace what THEY lost, and it's ours and they are doing it again.. An again, an again...

Corruption is not confined by any geographical border, race, or ethnicity we all get to share in its benefits

noproblemo2 - 11-29-2009 at 06:00 PM

Prime Rib, Lobster, BBQ Ribs, plus the usual Mexican menu, what more does one expect/want in Mexico????

Barry A. - 11-29-2009 at 06:03 PM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
Pax, Barry. Problem is that although you and your extended family have had the pleasure of seeing other places, sad fact is that the more insular this country becomes, the less it has any moral authority to control world events. IMHO, way more Americans need to travel and see other countries, lest they will never really understand other cultures.

You have a fair point------but for conservative me travel abroad only tended to confirm that I am soooooo happy I live in North America, and especially in the USA, and not in the places I travelled too. Don't get me wrong------I really enjoyed my extended travels, and what I learned was exceptional and most interesting, but I sure was happy to get home----every time. My travels included South America, Central America, Europe, China, Tibet, Indonesia and a few islands, and we never travelled for less than a month at a time.

We really are very lucky to have what we have in this Country, IMO, but I will hang on to my passport just in case---------:light:


Dave - 11-30-2009 at 08:45 AM

Originally posted by noproblemo2
Prime Rib, Lobster, BBQ Ribs, plus the usual Mexican menu, what more does one expect/want in Mexico????

I expect this:

Or this:

Or this:

Though I haven't visited Las Tres Virgenes, I expect, as with the others listed, they don't offer the usual Mexican menu.

I don't expect these restaurants will be closing soon.

I also expect that most, if not all their foreign patrons have passports. :rolleyes:

noproblemo2 - 11-30-2009 at 09:20 AM

:?:Native Cuisine:?:
Grilled Italian Sausages topped with sautéed Strawberries and Grapes in an Oregano Oil with Cumin served with Linguinne & Parmesan Cheese

Lobsterman - 11-30-2009 at 09:40 AM

I had many many fishing adventures on both sides of the Sea of Cortez since the 1960s. The first being at Puerto Penasco. Even bought a Cabo 216 especially designed for the sea conditions there. I was planning on retiring (2011) in Mulege or the Bahia de Concepcion area for many years. But the last 3 years I have boycotted Mexico because of how it has badly deteriorated both in the raping of its fishery and the security for the people. I now visit and fish the other parts of USA coastal waters mainly the Gulf of Mexico (Alabama & Florida). Found out these areas are much cheaper to live and the fishing is phenomenal.

I always use to stop at La Mision for lobster dinners on the way back from Castro's Camp, LA Bay & Mulege. Stayed many a nite at the Hotel with my wife for romantic jaunts away from the kids. But never again until mexico gets their act together on security but also for looking the other way on over-fishing. Too bad it use to be a great place to visit. I do not want my body parts sent back home in a box to my wife for some kidnapper to collect a ransom.

Mexico has nobody but themselves to blame for the lack of tourists (like me) who no longer visit their country and bring much need revenue to the local populations.


Don't believe anything was mentioned about 'native'.

Dave - 11-30-2009 at 11:12 AM

Originally posted by noproblemo2
:?:Native Cuisine:?:
Grilled Italian Sausages topped with sautéed Strawberries and Grapes in an Oregano Oil with Cumin served with Linguinne & Parmesan Cheese

I have a friend in Ensenada that makes delicious Italian sausage, but that's not the point.

There are thousands of cheap taco stands and restaurants serving enchiladas, rice and beans. Puerto Nuevo is full of empty restaurants all serving delicious ;D deep fried lobster.

The three above mentioned restaurants cater to a slightly different clientele. Mainly those who have taste, discretionary income...

And passports.

noproblemo2 - 11-30-2009 at 11:16 AM

Originally posted by Dave
There are thousands of cheap taco stands and restaurants serving enchiladas, rice and beans. Puerto Nuevo is full of empty restaurants all serving delicious ;D deep fried lobster.

The three above mentioned restaurants cater to a slightly different clientele. Mainly those who have taste, discretionary income...

And passports.

Hmmmmmm, and we have all three!!!! Plus our FM-3's.....

Then I would assume...

Dave - 11-30-2009 at 11:54 AM

Originally posted by noproblemo2

Hmmmmmm, and we have all three!!!! Plus our FM-3's.....

that Laja and would be near the top of your list...and the restaurant at hotel la Mision would be near the bottom.

woody with a view - 11-30-2009 at 06:11 PM

go next door to Poco Cielo.

Udo - 11-30-2009 at 08:05 PM

I second woody's Poco Cielo restaurant. We will be staying there ina couple of weekends, plus New Year's weekend.


docsmom - 12-4-2009 at 07:55 PM

Sorry to hear about La Mision. If it's the place I'm thinking of, stayed there a couple of times, eaten there many times. This economy is kicking everyone's butt.

Mexicorn - 12-15-2009 at 06:58 PM

I dined there once. Food wasnt so great, got bad gas- crappy Margaritas made with rot gut and primed my acid reflux. I thought that placed closed down a few years back and then re-opened. Any how no great loss a real dump that smelled like cheap hookers and cigerette smoke. Speaking of which I wish that La Salina Cantina would go out of business that place is rodent infested and I'm pretty sure murders hang out there.

DENNIS - 12-15-2009 at 07:03 PM

Originally posted by audiobaja
I hate to say it, but that in itself is a pretty ignorant comment. We live(d) in a gigantic country with little need to travel outside because we have virtually everything we could want (except the government we'd signed onto 200 years ago). Europeans and much of the rest of the world do not. The entire EU is less than half the size of the US. Remember that the US is supposedly 50 unique states, not a single country with a single government. That means everyone has 49 other 'countries' to explore without the need for a passport. There are still about 10 I haven't even passed through.

I have no idea what you just said or meant to say or will say or won't.

Refine your thoughts and don't type with a Martini in your hand or that other thing either. :lol:

Mexicorn - 12-15-2009 at 07:11 PM

Yea what ever Dennis said I agree but I'm a corona type guy. me agustan buenas chi-chi's Y buenas nalgas type guy- Real T &A!