
Excellent coffee shop in Santa Rosalia

ethereal225 - 12-13-2009 at 09:26 AM

The "Cafe el Malecon" is located right off the I-1 in Santa Rosalia. The coffee was excellent. The chai tea was even better. (The cafe offered fresh fruits and ice-cream too.) The BATHROOM was spotless! It was so good to find a sanitary bathroom. The view around the Cafe is excellent. It is located right on the seawall, so you get an excellent view of the ocean.

DianaT - 12-13-2009 at 09:29 AM

Welcome and thanks for the tip. A good cup of coffee is difficult to find.

Alan - 12-13-2009 at 11:30 AM

Welcome to Nomads. It was especially nice to see that your first post was a contribution to the board.

toneart - 12-13-2009 at 11:30 AM

Originally posted by DianaT
Welcome and thanks for the tip. A good cup of coffee is difficult to find.

I'm trying to place it. Is that the restaurant on the right with parking around it, just at the top of the hill before dropping down to the level strip along the waterfront... as you are coming north from Mulege? This is past the El Morro, and at the end of the level strip of highway is the ferry terminal. You can see it from the restaurant if this is the one I am thinking of. Otherwise, I can't think of any other "Cafe" along the waterfront.

I have never seen many patrons parked there so I assumed it was either overpriced or no good.

Edited to add: "Welcome" to the BajaNomad!

[Edited on 12-13-2009 by toneart]

Mulegena - 12-13-2009 at 11:40 AM


I'm trying to place it. Is that the restaurant on the right with parking around it, just at the top of the hill before dropping down to the level strip along the waterfront... as you are coming north from Mulege? This is past the El Morro, and at the end of the level strip of highway is the ferry terminal. You can see it from the restaurant if this is the one I am thinking of. Otherwise, I can't think of any other "Cafe" along the waterfront.

I have never seen many patrons parked there so I assumed it was either overpriced or no good.

Edited to add: "Welcome" to the BajaNomad!

[Edited on 12-13-2009 by toneart]

A yellow-orange colored restaurant which may or may not be still called El Ururapan, I believe? Its on the curve at the "top" of the malecon.

If its this restaurant and still offering the same bill of fare, let me say I love the place!

They have good food including several handmade & unusual cream soups, a beautiful view, charming and spotlessly clean decor, excellent service and value.

Cafe El Malecon - Sta. Rosalia

Pompano - 12-13-2009 at 06:20 PM

We've been there a couple times so far in the last month. Going to Asuncion...and coming back.

Great coffee ...and cheesecakes!

I had some cheesecake on the spot and took some cake home. Good stuff.

Lots of ample parking is a huge plus for us.

Good views..take your cup outside and there is Sta. Rosalia harbor looking at you. ..even has a lamp post for the pooches. :rolleyes:

We met the new US proprietor, who told us about his upcoming marriage to a local gal. I said.."Good luck with that."



DianaT - 12-13-2009 at 06:25 PM

Good cheesecake to go with great coffee? That's a winner for sure!

oladulce - 12-15-2009 at 11:44 PM

Great tip! The Chofer often fights the urge to nod off as we're passing through that area- must be the time of day. Next time I'll have him wake me up and we'll give it a try. ;)