Udo - 12-14-2009 at 08:10 PM
Mexico 1, free road at Cantamar, just South of Puerto Nuevo. Huge mess with road construction. Looks like it will be three months or more. Lots of
dust, and mud when raining.
I also obtained second hand news that the Puerto Nuevo toll road entrance is now permanently closed due to numerous accidents at the intersection.
Which is just as well...I've had two close ones there myself. There are two exits and one entrance, and all three are almost a blind intersection.
The four lane through Cantamar should be completed by late winter.
Puerto Nuevo was a ghost town.
Hey, next time you visit Poco Cielo, check out ALFIE's (the African Grey) new custom digs and toys. Spent most of Saturday building
woody with a view - 12-14-2009 at 08:40 PM
quien es "Alfie?"
poco cielo lovers wanna know!