
La Paz 12/15-16

acadist - 12-20-2009 at 08:27 PM

After a couple of weeks of unbelievable cold in Denver (one morning on the way to work was -13) I decided to take my last vacation days of the year and make it to someplace warm....La Paz. Had seen tailhunters reports and that helped me decide. Left Denver Friday night and made it to La Paz Monday about 5:00. Stopped for a beer and Monday night football at the Fubar Cantina before checking in to the hotel. Got up early Tues to go fishing in Muertes Bay. Launch and the first sight are a couple of Mantas jumping, I can tell it's going to be a good day! Bait guys are not ready, troll small rapalas while waiting. Immediatly after the lure hitting the water I'm hooked, a ladyfish. After 2 more and seeing a sea lion checking us out we go get bait. Head south to try for Dorado, quick cruise around the bouys for nothing and decide to go for pargo. Head back north and find a couple of other boats (locals, the bait guys, and one other charter)on an area of boiling fish. Fighting the needles to get to the pargo was constantly a challenge but paid off with 3 nice Pargo Lisa and 2 other smaller pargo. Great fun, fish boiling everywhere! Once it started to slow we decided to try another area for dorado, went straight out from the pargo and slow trolled live bait. One good bite, a December Tuna! After that decided to go back south and look more for Dorado. Got more bait and fought the wind that was getting stronger. Tried again and the pangero said he saw one but no bites. Decided to end the day inshore out of the wind hunting roosters. Pulled out the light tckle and had a blast, hooked and released at least 8.....great way to end the day. Had the 2 small pargo cooked for dinner, 1 decent tuna and 3 good size pargo Lisa vacuum packed for the ride home.
Wednesday started the same way, trolling rapallas waiting for bait. Ladyfish, small asstd pargo (released the smaller ones and kept 2) and went and got bait. Decided to go for the pargo first and headed back to the area. They boiled some but not as much as the previous day. Pancho had told me I was really lucky Tuesday, that Pargo Lisa were hard to catch; Weds I proved him right by farming a few and not getting any to the bite well enough to hook. Even had one bite the sardine off and leave me only the head! Decided to head out and try for dorado again. First we go and make more bait, if i had known it would have been so fast and easy I don't think I would have paid for it. Once again slow trolling bait, hooked a small 10# range dorado. Kept going and got another hookup, a minute later Pancho was hooked and he turned to me and said we both had the same fish. Start bringing it in and we both see a large bull swim right next to the boat, he jumps to get another rod in the water but cannot entice the big one to eat. Pancho hooks a peanut that we throw back. A little while another bite but this is not a dorado, tuna....and a second later Pancho is on too, a double! Pull ine in and pancho hands me the other reel ( the only fish in two days he hooked for me, he really did not fish that much). His had some good shoulders, weighed out at 20# on the shore. Some more trolling and we both spot a marlin crashing bait about 150 yards from the boat. Run the boat over and cannot get it to bite but a few minutes later I am hooked on another dorado, this one a nice bull. Same thing happens again, that makes 5 dorado, one released, 2 tuna and 2 small pargo. Decide to try to not the let the pargo get the best of me and try again with the rest of the bait to get one hooked. When we had launched I had knocked one of the seats onto my big toe. We went in early, bait was gone and my toe was turning purple and hurt like hell but what an awesome two days fishing.....especially considering it was December!!!!!
I have not figured out how to get pictures on this site but if you want to see a couple of the fish they are on Tailhubter's fish report this week.
La Paz was great, excellent weather ( if you can take the wind), hotel and town was empty.
GREAT TIMES:spingrin::spingrin::spingrin:

Hook - 12-20-2009 at 10:03 PM

wessongroup - 12-21-2009 at 09:36 AM

will check out the pic's thanks for the report.. we do get somewhat spoiled... on weather.. tend to forget that some must endure temperatures that would make a moose look for cover, or a call out of the national guard:):)

acadist - 12-21-2009 at 04:36 PM

Thanks Hook!!