
Celso and Juan the great policeman of Barriles

gnukid - 12-21-2009 at 01:32 PM

I catch these local cops always outside the house, their names are Celso and Juan in Barriles. I always use some devices and switches to secure the cars and I laugh when I see them around the cars. These kooks are outside the house almost daily hanging around and when I catch them peering in the window or touching the car, they say they are protecting us, that I should pay them for having protected me, having noticed my car was really cool and unlocked or the window down an inch etc... I laugh and say the car will explode if you touch it too much. haha. Rumors do wonders.

It's tiring. I catch them bugging people all the time and I ask why and repeat back whatever they say which confuses them. At this point I laugh they always have some super backwards crazy story about how they are protecting us. btw I stay in a very remote area on a dead end street, so there is no reason for them to be there everyday or anyone to be here except the people who live here. We never had a problem with car theft until Celso arrived about 2 years ago.

Yesterday, a woman called for help and came running she said Celso was buggng her again. I came out and found Celso and Juan again outside, they said, aggressively, come here, I ignored them, they jumped out of their car aggressively, saying you are the man and your wife let her baby go into the street, we saved the baby, we are here to protect the baby, she needs to pay attention taking of the baby and you must come to the station now to discuss the multa. HA! I explained, I am not the man of the house and have no baby, but if you are such a good mother to a baby, better than the baby's mother than this is a very important story for all of Mexico on yahoo to hear because never before was a man a better mother than the baby's mother. It's Fantastic. I will write the story.

Of course this made Celso very mad. Very very mad and he approached aggressively like he wanted to arrest me, but why, he said do not say bad things about me and the baby to yahoo. I saving the baby and the mother. At that moment everyone came out of their houses, thank goodness. So Celso began to explain gently again that he saved a baby, the mother is no good, that we should go to the station to discuss the lack of attention to the baby, meanwhile the mother is one of those moms who is never more than about 3 feet from the baby, the baby would never be in the street of course and also she is quite a fire-cracker, perhaps Ceslo was confused by her bikini.

I explained to the neighbors how Celso was certainly a good mother, perhaps the best mother to other mother's babies in Mexico, he just saved the life of a baby and perhaps he mother too, because if he was driving fast on our dead end street he might have accidently killed the baby and he mother, if he hadn't been so attentive. Then I thanked him and said he could leave now. Celso is a really great policeman.

I hope the baby's mother can find Celso outside her house again, to thank him.

ELINVESTIG8R - 12-21-2009 at 01:42 PM

Ahhhh what nice policemen. They deserve a raise. You and your neighbors should go to the Mayor and Chief of Police to let them know what nice brave policemen they have working for the city. I'm sure the pair of nice brave policemen will truly be thankful to you and will get their just reward.

capt. mike - 12-21-2009 at 01:45 PM

maybe they can get jobs with immigracion....:lol::lol:
i hear there are openings in Loreto?:light::!:

oldjack - 12-21-2009 at 02:50 PM

these are the same two who stop me on the street and ask for "donations" to the gasolina fund to help protect me... luckily I am not there right now to go thru the Christmas checkpoints where for the past several years they stop most everyone(non-residents) and wave the contribution can.... setting up stops at the arroyo and at the main entrance to town...!!!!!!!!!!!

Bill Collector - 12-21-2009 at 02:51 PM

Are you saying Los Barriles? great story

CaboRon - 12-21-2009 at 02:53 PM

Originally posted by Santiago
What are the odds that Osprey and gnukid are the same poster?

WOW !!

Now it is all starting to make sense to me :lol:

wessongroup - 12-21-2009 at 03:27 PM

don't care which, some good stories who ever it is...

monoloco - 12-21-2009 at 03:55 PM

The Todos Santos cops came to my house soliciting money for their annual XMas party, I told them I didn't have any money but that when I hear that Carlos the local thief is locked up for a good long time or I see him in a wheel chair I have a 100 dollars for them.

fender - 12-21-2009 at 04:04 PM

Originally posted by Santiago
What are the odds that Osprey and gnukid are the same poster?

zero odds but both are welcome additions to our 'hood.
Yes Celso is a problem for many (I've never had any problems with the local 'law' )and am more than happy to donate for their Xmas celebrations!!

UnoMas - 12-21-2009 at 05:24 PM

Santiago: no way one in the same I know this to be fact.

Billcollector: yes he means L.B. He made a post about these guy's when they transfered here from La Paz couple years ago.

Oldjack: The donation is for their annual Christmas party, customary. Now the gasolina is another thing.

[Edited on 12-22-2009 by UnoMas]

fender - 12-21-2009 at 07:00 PM

Originally posted by oldjack
these are the same two who stop me on the street and ask for "donations" to the gasolina fund to help protect me... luckily I am not there right now to go thru the Christmas checkpoints where for the past several years they stop most everyone(non-residents) and wave the contribution can.... setting up stops at the arroyo and at the main entrance to town...!!!!!!!!!!!

correct! This is a tradition in this town. (you only have to part with the price of a couple of beers for christs sake!) If you don't like it ... go back to bum*** Idaho !! It's sheeple like you that should stay north of the border.
Hey Pablo (gnu) you must be STOKED that Mexico City is recognising gay marriage!? (this is NOT a slam!! equal rights for ALL!!!)

Fender the Homophobe Excapes from Off Topic

CaboRon - 12-21-2009 at 07:32 PM

This is for You

MEXICO CITY – Mexico City lawmakers on Monday made the city the first in Latin America to legalize same-sex marriage, a change that will give homosexual couples more rights, including allowing them to adopt children.

The bill passed the capital's local assembly 39-20 to the cheers of supporters who yelled: "Yes, we could! Yes, we could!"

Leftist Mayor Marcelo Ebrard of the Democratic Revolution Party was widely expected to sign the measure into law.

Mexico City's left-led assembly has made several decisions unpopular elsewhere in this deeply Roman Catholic country, including legalizing abortion in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. That decision sparked a backlash, with the majority of Mexico's other 32 states enacting legislation declaring life begins at conception.

The conservative Nation Action Party of President Felipe Calderon has vowed to challenge the gay marriage law in the courts. However, homosexuality is increasingly accepted in Mexico, with gay couples openly holding hands in parts of the capital and the annual gay pride parade drawing tens of thousands.

The bill calls for changing the definition of marriage in the city's civil code. Marriage is currently defined as the union of a man and a woman. The new definition will be "the free uniting of two people."

The change would allow same-sex couples to adopt children, apply for bank loans together, inherit wealth and be included in the insurance policies of their spouse, rights they were denied under civil unions allowed in the city.

"We are so happy," said Temistocles Villanueva, a 23-year-old film student who celebrated by passionately kissing his boyfriend outside the city's assembly.

Only seven countries allow gay marriages: Canada, Spain, South Africa, Sweden, Norway, the Netherlands and Belgium. U.S. states that permit same-sex marriage are Iowa, Massachusetts, Vermont, Connecticut and New Hampshire.

Argentina's capital became the first Latin American city to legalize same-sex civil unions in 2002 for gay and lesbian couples. Four other Argentine cities later did the same, and as did Mexico City in 2007 and some Mexican and Brazilian states. Uruguay alone has legalized civil unions nationwide.

Buenos Aires lawmakers introduced a bill for legalizing gay marriage in the national Congress in October but it has stalled without a vote, and officials in the South American city have blocked same-sex wedding because of conflicting judicial rulings.

Many people in Mexico and elsewhere in Latin America remain opposed to gay marriage, and the dominant Roman Catholic Church has announced its opposition.

"They have given Mexicans the most bitter Christmas," said Armando Martinez, the president of the College of Catholic Attorneys. "They are permitting adoption (by gay couples) and in one stroke of the pen have erased the term 'mother' and 'father.'"

City lawmaker Victor Romo, a member of the mayor's leftist party, called it a historic day.

"For centuries unjust laws banned marriage between blacks and whites or Indians and Europeans," he said. "Today all barriers have disappeared."

fender - 12-21-2009 at 08:04 PM

Originally posted by CaboRon
This is for You

Thanks for the article!
Obviously your reading comprehension is dismal ("not a slam")
The fact that you'd automatically think homophobe shows your true colors. No wonder you were a huge loser here. Best you stay north.
so sorry you got your ass handed to you on a plate here. jajajajajaja

[Edited on 12-22-2009 by fender]


Dave - 12-21-2009 at 08:40 PM

Originally posted by CaboRon
"We are so happy," said Temistocles Villanueva, a 23-year-old film student who celebrated by passionately kissing his boyfriend outside the city's assembly.


Prophetic. His parents must have been psychic. :rolleyes:

Santiago - 12-21-2009 at 09:21 PM

Originally posted by fender
Hey Pablo (gnu) you must be STOKED that Mexico City is recognising gay marriage!? (this is NOT a slam!! equal rights for ALL!!!)

Fender: Sir, you are beneath contempt.:no:

fender - 12-21-2009 at 10:13 PM

Originally posted by Santiago
Originally posted by fender
Hey Pablo (gnu) you must be STOKED that Mexico City is recognising gay marriage!? (this is NOT a slam!! equal rights for ALL!!!)

Fender: Sir, you are beneath contempt.:no:

gnu can take a joke. we've shared many.
your interpretation just shows how far we have to go. sigh.
viva baja

governor - 12-25-2009 at 09:25 AM


Originally posted by fender
Originally posted by Santiago
Originally posted by fender
Hey Pablo (gnu) you must be STOKED that Mexico City is recognising gay marriage!? (this is NOT a slam!! equal rights for ALL!!!)

Fender: Sir, you are beneath contempt.:no:

gnu can take a joke. we've shared many.
your interpretation just shows how far we have to go. sigh.
viva baja