
Mag Bay Report - December 28 - Late Season Wahoo Limit

bill erhardt - 12-28-2009 at 08:16 AM

Saturday morning, nursing a food hang-over, I trailered my boat from Loreto to Lopez Mateos. Boca de Soledad was moderate on an ebbing tide at mid morning. I found no marlin on the ridge south of Thetis where I scored a double last week. In fact, I found nothing all day except a fat skipjack on the high spot at Thetis Bank.
Sunday, yesterday, after a night on the hook at Bahia Santa Maria I hoisted anchor at 4:30 and after a bumpy two and a half hour ride north found some wahoo that had not yet headed south. By 11:00 I was on the way back to the boca with my limit of five in the fishbox. On a day that most of the hook-ups were doubles, I also lost two to spectra saw offs and another while I was trying to photograph it in the water at the boat.
The surface sea temperature is still a warm 72.5 degrees so maybe the hoos will stick around for the new year.
I saw one whale rounding Cabo San Lazaro on the way into Bahia Santa Maria, but none in the estero on the way to and from the boca to the ramp at Lopez Mateos
Attached is a photo of a wahoo that made a mess in the boat before I got it sedated.

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bill erhardt - 12-28-2009 at 08:17 AM

This one hit an old Doorknob lure that had not seen action for a few years.

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bill erhardt - 12-28-2009 at 08:20 AM

A limit of hoos in the box back in the estero, the biggest about 50#.

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bill erhardt - 12-28-2009 at 08:25 AM

About every tenth power pole on the road east out of Lopez Mateos is topped with a platform. Most of the platforms are adorned with osprey nests. This fish hawk cast a baleful eye as I stopped to record its presence.

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Gaucho - 12-28-2009 at 10:49 AM

Nice fish Bill. I really like the Osprey too. Thanks for the pics.