Don Alley - 1-12-2010 at 08:42 AM
testing links, etc. from iPhoto to a account....
Russ - 1-12-2010 at 08:59 AM
Don, Can you upload directly from iPhoto to Flicker? I have to drag my photos to the desk top first for photobucket and then up load.
Don Alley - 1-12-2010 at 10:33 AM
I run iPhoto '09 from a Mac and it has buttons on the bottom right to upload photos directly to Flickr, Facebook and Apple's MobileMe.
The Flickr connection seems to work. I was going to use photobucket but have the same extra step you describe.
I've been using MobileMe, but there is a goofy extra step: you have to make an obscure, unintuitive edit to the image address before posting. And
Apple's iWeb is unfriendly to hotlinking.