
Need fishing info Guadalupe island

amirravon - 1-16-2010 at 01:05 AM

we plan a fishing trip to the island in the end of January on a friend boat from San- Diego
any information / fishing condition will appreciate.

Thanks in advance


fishbuck - 1-16-2010 at 01:22 AM

I hope your friends boat is about 100 feet long.
Check the San Diego landing sites. The long rangers will usually stop there going and coming and and have reports. 3-5 day boat range minimum
But in January I don't think it's really going off. Maybe.
I seem to remember that it's known for huge Yellowtail.

pascuale - 1-16-2010 at 07:41 AM

If you are asking for info here, dont even bother going unless you want to be shark food, assuming you even make it down to Guadalupe Island. I wouldnt even imagine what its like coming back uphill in the swell in January. I dont know too many able seaman named Amir either. Dont go unless your Greek and your friend owns a Cruise Liner.
If you insist, go to and you will get some better info.

baitcast - 1-16-2010 at 08:35 AM

Not kowning the length of your friends boat and his knowledge of the area and seamanship,I would remind you that the Lupe is 200 miles south and 180 west of the beach :o the middle of nowhere.

My best fishing trip was to the lupe in 1963,targets of the trip were bluefin and big yt,s,funny thing was that there was only one shark taken on the trip and that was a two' mako in those days the big gws were nowhere in sight,some time between then and now those guys set up shop at the island.

I would recommend alot of research on the weather that time of year also,the island reminds me of the lost world,if you make it would not dive or take a swim,just a thought:lol:

The first Red Rooster and Baitcast in 63

[Edited on 1-16-2010 by baitcast]

amirravon - 1-16-2010 at 02:33 PM

Thanks for the info guys . i already fish the island 2 years ago in November but it look like January is different story .. anyway from the research i done the island is currently CLOSED for fishing.