
Guadalupe Island 1963 a fishin story

baitcast - 1-17-2010 at 01:50 PM

Lots of new folks on the board so I thought I would bring this back one more time.


Guadalupe Island 1963.....A fishin story

Long range fishing trips were still in its infancy in the early 60,s A run down to san martin island was a big deal which just off the coast of san quintin.

When I heard of trips to such far away places as Cedros,San Benito and fabled Quadalupe islands I knew I had to go somehow,but making 1.90$ an hour married two kids would be somewhat of a problem.

Two of my friends expressed an interest in going with me while sitting around drinking one day,but they had the same problem no money,as I remember a seven day trip was a whopping 500$ and I had maybe 20$ I could spare,we considered all of our options and decided we couldn,t make it next week but one year from that day ,the summer of 63 we would make it to the promised land Guadalupe island.

The boats back then were mostly 65' or a little longer and not set up for crreature comforts but who gives a damn we,re going fishin,the boat we ened on was the first red rooster a converted coast something or other out of San Diego, it was beautiful just sitting there waiting for us to climb aboard,to this day I remember how excited I was just looking at it.

We took off about midnight with all the gear we owned and could borrow from other friends,very little sleep that night ,had visions of monster tuna ,huge moss-backs,black sea bass as big as cars just waiting for me,I had been planning,working and dreaming of this for a year.

Sitting on bow the next day,we heard the captain talking about the big bluefin they had been taking,people getting spooled by unknown monsters,reels blowing up,which was not to uncommon in those days,sideplates flying off it sounded all to wonderful

We arrived about two am the next morning,everyone was sleeping but me and my budds,we were ready for anything,on the stern we found one guy getting a bait in the water,a bonita 5#or 6#!!!! his rod was a big pool Q with a 9/0 or 10/0 penn reel ,"my god what do you think your going to catch with that outfit" I asked he looked at me and smiled" anything that happens to be down there",before the trip was over he caught a 350# black sea bass,he had been here before.

Dawn broke and we made for the south end, I heard the skipper say they had been getting some big bluefin here,having never taken a bluefin I was nearly overcome with excitment,remembering the pic,s of bluefins over 1000#I had seen,sure enough I heard a couple of reels howling close by,when is it my turn? then it happened a pick up,my first bluefin and he was headed for the tip of Baja doing 40 knots and I was smiling

Bluefin are becoming very scarce around the world and that is a shame for I believe he is the most noble of saltwater fishes,not as exotic as a yellowfin or a roosterfish.nor will he jump and waste his energy like the marlins........but for sheer speed,power,endurance and let us not forget size.

Two more parts guys,we will get into the catching later.


desertcpl - 1-17-2010 at 04:24 PM

I love storys like this,, lets hear the other part

Pacifico - 1-17-2010 at 04:29 PM

Looking forward to Part 2.......:bounce:

wessongroup - 1-18-2010 at 02:09 PM

Ditto's :):)

Frank - 1-18-2010 at 04:18 PM

Im standing at the rail of the original Red Rooster @ Guadalupe in 1963. Im hooked up and the fish is pulling drag so hard the handle is heating up....Part 2 please:lol:

baitcast - 2-14-2015 at 03:53 PM

Bump the first time with this was messed up .Rob

BajaBlanca - 2-18-2015 at 06:28 AM

so glad part 2 and 3 are waiting for me!