
Guadalupe Island 1963 a fishin story,part three

baitcast - 1-18-2010 at 08:03 PM

Hope you boys have enjoyed.everyone should spend a little time at the Lupe
Guadalupe Island 1963.....A fishin story Part three

I mentioned in part 2 aside from some good size blue-fin hooks ups in the morning and 30# plus yt,s the big hook ups were yet to come.

tonight would be our first night at the island and my first exposure to some real fun fishing

As I mentioned before most of the guys hit the sack early in the evening,to much sun and beer,not me or my buds,we would not miss this for the world,the guy with the monster rig would join us each night and become our mentor we,ll call him Bill.

After Bill showed us how to rig up with the big macks off the bottom,reels in free spool with the clikers on ,we were ready, the smallest rig we had out were penn 68,s loaded with 50# and 60#,now it was just a matter of time walking around with a cup in hand,shooting the breeze and wait.

We noticed Bill had on a harness which he wore every day while the island probablyto help him hold up the monster rig of his,we brought one also not having any idea we would need it,I was to find out differently.

About 10 or 15 min and a reel started to click very slow at first than speed up, not mine but who cared action,my bud hands shaking pick it up waited a bit more and stuck him,after a long fight we gaffed a yt of at least 35#,this was to repeat a few more times when my 6/0 started talking,I tryed to stay calm, picked it up and waited a bit and thought what hell stick him,it was 12:00 midnight when this started,line was pouring off the reel,keep in mind we were riding on the hook and could not follow!

My back which I had worked so hard to get in shape started to cramp up,by now it was a half hour and he was out there 200 yds or more and catching his breath.

I needed help and called for our harness,after the boys got it on me I realized it was not adjusted right and was pulling my head down,its 1:00 now and I,m dieing,we are in the bow on the boat now its pitch dark and I,m stumbling around tripping over things and I,m nearly out of line,450yds or more........Is this the life or what

Its 1:30 and I have visions of a world record black sea bass or some wonderous fish when the line goes slack,after winding it all back we find the steel leader cut all to hell,go to plan B,and so it went the rest of the night,large bat rays to 150# moss-backs 35# plus,but no more monsters this nite.

Maybe 2 hrs of sleep and to think this is just day 1

For the next 3 days the boat would get 4 or 5 blue-fin 50# to 60# when big yt,s the rest of the day with the exception of Bill,s black sea bass 350# weighed in San Diego and my black 175#,my biggest nonshark.

Maybe be 15 or 20 hrs of sleep in 4 days of hard fishing and loved every min of it,theirs much more to the trip but you should get the idea
It is acceptable to abuse one,s equipment as well as one,s body in the pursuit of that ultimate hook-up.

Baitcast and the first Red Rooster

[Edited on 1-19-2010 by baitcast]

Skipjack Joe - 1-18-2010 at 10:53 PM

I had a buddy like that once - Walt Sisikin.

The guys told me Walt fished on the first Tony Reyes trip round the clock. Day and night. Nobody could pull him away from the gunwales. He just didn't want to miss a moment of it.

There was a day when the other anglers woke up in the morning only to find Walt on deck with a couple of yellowfins by his feet. He caught them from the stationary boat at 2AM. Apparently they were attracted to the lights. Nobody fished for tuna at night back then.

I think it was the 3rd day that he finally broke down and collapsed from sleep deprivation.

Years later I was fishing from one of those Paradise Cove skiffs with Walt's buddy, George, pulling out halibut while George got nary a bite. George turned to me angrily: "I know who you remind me of. You're just like Walt". I felt a lump of pride in my throat at that moment.

Natalie Ann - 1-19-2010 at 07:57 AM

baitcast - Bravo! Excellent young man and the sea story.;D

Yours, too, Igor.

There's something about these fishing stories that I find both exciting and relaxing at the same time. Please - each of you and others - share more!


htnfool - 1-19-2010 at 09:53 AM

FAntastic story. I gotta get back down there and go fishing.

baitcast - 2-16-2015 at 10:17 AM

Hope you enjoyed it guys.

woody with a view - 2-16-2015 at 10:31 AM

hey Rob, good to see ya. don't be such a stranger! that story of yours about the krill explosion gives me chills and keeps me awake at night wondering if i'll be so lucky to encounter something like that.

baitcast - 2-16-2015 at 03:32 PM

Hi Woody..........I'm trying to get it in gear again, did I see you getting a spot at BOLA if so congrats ,can't think of a better place to set up shop.

For a small boater its maybe the best, having said that if you are a real nice guy I'll let you in on a couple of good spots:lol:.

NBS and SBS that's what we called North Bird Chit and South Bird Chit islands,NBS was the better of the two,my heart rate would always go up when I even got close to the place,it was always was good for a yt or two, on several occasions we got some real nice Dorado's while pitching jigs at the rock.

The Krill encounter took place couple yds just south of the island, always a good area to check out, Igor ran into the Krill around SBS I believe.

A close in spot of course is the mouth of the estro on a out going tide,just pull the boat up on the beach a light outfit now wade around and have a ball, believe me when I tell you you there are Roosters and many others,somtimes its a regular convention. Outgoing tide is the best,we will talk about it more if you like.


BajaBlanca - 2-18-2015 at 06:41 AM

Please share more stories like this! all of you have one up your sleeve, time to spill your guts!