

ELINVESTIG8R - 1-23-2010 at 07:03 PM

My Brother Sany’s son, Samuel, sent me these photos from El Rosario today! Don't quote me but I think they were taken on Thursday January 21, 2010. The El Rosario Bridge looked passable on these photos!

[Edited on 1-24-2010 by ELINVESTIG8R]

[Edited on 1-25-2010 by ELINVESTIG8R]

David K - 1-23-2010 at 11:07 PM

Thanks David... a wet muddy mess... Yah, that was just before the bridge section washed away! Look at how high the water level is.

Then I see the river is all the way across to Rosario de Abajo... those people are isolated...

ELINVESTIG8R - 1-24-2010 at 01:51 PM

Some additional pictures I received today from my Brother Sany’s son, Samuel, depicting the crossing of El Rosario River using a caterpillar tractor.

[Edited on 1-25-2010 by ELINVESTIG8R]

BajaNomad - 1-24-2010 at 01:57 PM

Incredible. :o :o :o

(but not surprising)

Thanks for sharing these.

[Edited on 1-24-2010 by BajaNomad]

ELINVESTIG8R - 1-24-2010 at 02:12 PM

Your Welcome!


desandmarla - 1-24-2010 at 02:22 PM

Wow those are great pics. Can your brother confirm when the semis are able to pass?? There are a lot of us stuck south waiting to hear it's clear. A while ago I saw a post that traffic was flowing so I went into Guerrero Negro and found a Federale car. When I told them what I had read they laughed at me. So now I don't know what to think. I know one thing I am not having that dozer drag my truck through water up to my windows!!!

Mexitron - 1-24-2010 at 02:57 PM

Awesome pics....everytime I drive across the Rosario bridge I can't imagine there would ever be enough water to fill up that river basin.....hah!

toneart - 1-24-2010 at 03:27 PM

Wow! Great photos, David! It the rain keeps up, El Rosario better consider growing rice as a major crop. :wow:

Edited to change "It" to If. The question of when rain will continue is iffy. I hope conditions improve soon. :D

[Edited on 1-24-2010 by toneart]

Trailers and the bridge...

BajaCactus - 1-24-2010 at 04:07 PM

I received this image from my staff at El Rosario Jan 24, at 2:40pm.

Looks like at this moment almost every vehicle needs some help from tractors... however water levels are dropping slowly but steadily.

Antonio Munoz

IMG00342.jpg - 17kB

David K - 1-24-2010 at 04:21 PM

Oh good, the Bimbo truck made it!

Seriously... gracias Antonio... good to see things happening...

Now, what about the other three washed out bridges to the north of El Rosario?

Bajahowodd - 1-24-2010 at 04:21 PM

Originally posted by desandmarla
Wow those are great pics. Can your brother confirm when the semis are able to pass?? There are a lot of us stuck south waiting to hear it's clear. A while ago I saw a post that traffic was flowing so I went into Guerrero Negro and found a Federale car. When I told them what I had read they laughed at me. So now I don't know what to think. I know one thing I am not having that dozer drag my truck through water up to my windows!!!

If I recall correctly, you guys were "stranded" at Malarimmo. Regardless of personal business pending, I really can't think of a better excuse to be hanging there. Just so long as they don't run out of beer, tequila, steak, lobster and lion's paw scallops.

As for El Rosario, it's a good thing this sort of weather event happens rarely. El Rosario is situated in a bad location given the mountains to the North, and the huge river plain below. I can well remember having to deal with the tons of mud while attempting to pass through during El Nino years. But the bridge collapse is stunning.

el rosario

desandmarla - 1-24-2010 at 04:32 PM

I know I need to take a "chill" pill. We were on our way back from taking a caravan of 12 down to Cabo and have another one in three weeks but you are so right. We do have something pending at home so my husband is flying home tomorrow. It's a very cool deal. Guerrero airlines flies from GN to Ensenada Mon Wed and Friday. They can do emergency flights or transport cargo too. It's good to know, their webpage is if anyone wants to look at it. Thanks for reminding me of why we live here and love it!!

BAJACAT - 1-24-2010 at 04:39 PM

Gracias David for update.

ELINVESTIG8R - 1-24-2010 at 04:55 PM

Your welcome BajaCat. Between me and BajaCactus I think we got El Rosario covered. By the way BajaCactus, thank you for your updated photos too.


rts551 - 1-24-2010 at 07:27 PM

WOW. I think I would wait until the water no longer flooded my truck

mulegemichael - 1-24-2010 at 07:50 PM

..ahhhh...these full vados...they can be memorable...a few years ago i was towing down a big trailer with two grande 4 wheelers on it, and my truck was packed with relief supplies for ...ah...geez...i dunno...hurricane something...we've had so many these past few years the name excapes me...anyway..i was headed to my house in la ribera and my truck and trailer were FULL!...middle of september...balls to the wall down the strip i go...i get about 5 miles west of visciano and there's a gully washer; 10 feet deep and running go back to GN, to malarimmos, and spend the night..forty + some miles back and i'm peeed...i wanna go see what kind of damage i have at my i spend the morning, with a cup of coffee, i go out and stand at the intersection and wait for northbound traffic...nada...i wait and wait...and wait...about 1 or so i see a big rig steaming north...i go in, check out, and jump in my fully packed truck and trailer and head south...40 miles down the road the semis and cars and pickups are stacked up for miles and miles on hwy 1...screw it!...i bail off the side of the road and make my way down to the arroyo where there are dozens and dozens of semis jockying for position to try and make the crossing southbound...there are crowds of people on the south side all set up to spend the day; coolers, bbqs, i kinda crowd my way into the semis and kind of push my way in ..and before i know it, I'M NEXT!....and i'm the first guy to go over that's not a big ol 18 while i'm waiting in line to go this surfer dude, who's behind me in an escalade with boards on top, comes up to me and says, "hey man, if you make it i'll follow you"...reassuring, huh?...he'll "follow" then...he says, "ya got any duct tape?"...whaaa???...."i'll tape ya in, man, so ya don't get wet" seemed like a good idea at the hand him the tape, he tapes all my doors, my windows, my tailgate, EVERYTHING IS TAPED...i gave him the rest of the roll as he thought he might follow my suit and off i gets deeper and deeper and deeper and soon it is right at the level of my windows and my truck is still running and before ya know it, I'M ACROSS....this huge cheer goes up and people are shoving cervezas at me and patting me on the back....etc....i have a couple of beers...maybe three...and head south...i get an hour down the road or so and have to big deal...i pull over and am sealed in...i cannot get out...and i'm panicky.....i look around and pee'd in two water bottles...finally got to san ignacio a short time later and the gas attendant laughed at me all the way to the bathroom.......nothing like water, whatever shape it takes, in baja

ELINVESTIG8R - 1-24-2010 at 07:59 PM

MulegeMichael that was a great story! Thanks for sharing!

ELINVESTIG8R - 1-24-2010 at 08:10 PM

Originally posted by toneart
Wow! Great photos, David! It the rain keeps up, El Rosario better consider growing rice as a major crop. :wow:

Edited to change "It" to If. The question of when rain will continue is iffy. I hope conditions improve soon. :D

[Edited on 1-24-2010 by toneart]

Yeah Tony, Rice Farmers in El Rosario !:lol:

road conditions

desandmarla - 1-24-2010 at 08:44 PM

What a great story mulegemichael, thanks for sharing!!!

Paulina - 1-24-2010 at 10:05 PM

I can picture the duct tape. Note to self, add duct tape to my inside the cab emergency kit.

Marla, I'm glad Des got a flight out. There's still time for you and GC to hit up the market in GN for duct tape before you both try to head north. Better safe than sorry.

Good luck, safe travels. Keep us posted.


baja-spirit - 1-25-2010 at 06:59 AM

Marla.. we are with you.. not driving through water up to our windows. We will wait for your report when you get out there and see how bad it is after this next storm. You are stuck at our favorite place in GN.


desandmarla - 1-25-2010 at 08:20 AM

No worries, I am monitoring many sites and our friends in Ensenada are researching and making phone calls. As soon as I know anything I will post it. :tumble:


mcquerry - 1-25-2010 at 08:24 AM

Thank you,
We are in Mulege needing to get home to take care of my blind 96 year old fathere. There are many other here waiting to get out also. A post on conditions up North would be greatly appreciated. THANK YOU.


desandmarla - 1-25-2010 at 09:54 AM

Well we wished we would have known last week how bad it was because we would have stayed down south in the SUN!! My husband left GN this am to go Laguna Chapala to SF. We too have an 87 year old dad in Ensenada that we had to get home too. His caregivers are excellent but 7.75 inches of rain in Ensenada and 48 hours without power stretched them to their limits. What are you guys driving??

mcquerry - 1-25-2010 at 10:22 AM

We are driving a 3/4 ton pickup, 2 wheel drive, with cabover and pulling small utility trailer.

BajaNomad - 1-25-2010 at 02:00 PM

Originally posted by mcquerry
A post on conditions up North would be greatly appreciated.

Bob and Susan - 1-25-2010 at 02:14 PM

i've been up and down many times
you need to wait at least a week for a safe drive

it's going to rain in northern baja thursday
i'd wait till after that to move on

if you need to go now...
just put your stuff in storage in loreto at the airport and fly

Skipjack Joe - 1-25-2010 at 02:34 PM

:lol: You should have wrapped "it" with duct tape.

rts551 - 1-25-2010 at 02:57 PM

Bob nd Susan havet right. Do not make your trip worse unless you have time to be stuck

mcquerry - 1-25-2010 at 03:09 PM

OK we bought an industrial size roll of duct tape and we are wrapping now, our neighbor will assist us, then off we go up North
JUST KIDDING I think we will go as far as Guerrero Negro and if the truck drivers say it is bad we will come back to Mulege for another week.
Thanks Guys.