
Passport Renewal

Anonymous - 7-9-2004 at 04:06 PM

Is there aU.S. consulate office in Los Cabos or La Paz where a passport can be renewed, or is San Diego the closest place?

Anonymous - 7-9-2004 at 04:38 PM

There is a US Consulate office in TJ. if you want to find US Consulate locations you may want to log on the State Department"s web site where you find the information you need...

Baja Loco

BajaNomad - 7-10-2004 at 10:02 AM

Michael Houston is the embassy agent in Cabo:

Yes in Cabo

Eli - 7-10-2004 at 02:34 PM

I renewed my passport a couple of years back with the Cabo U.S. Consulate. Although their hours were short and varied, they were helpful, friendly and it was easy at that time. If you use them, I hope you have the same luck that I did.

Bob and Susan - 7-10-2004 at 03:23 PM

US Passport renewals are done by mail.

Just fill out the form at
and get a few photos taken anywhere and mail it in.

Rules for renewals are on the internet site.


bajalou - 7-10-2004 at 05:36 PM

A rep from the TJ consuls office told us that if you live in Baja CAl. that the office in TJ will renew the pasport while you wait. Which for me would be much better than any mail service as my experience with the Mexican mail service has been less than sasisfactory for speed, particulary to/from USA.
Guess I'll find out next year.
