
Paredones Mine

JESSE - 2-3-2010 at 04:54 PM

Today, federal legislators from Baja sur introduced a bill in congress asking for the federal goverment to deny permits for the mine. The governor supports this bill.

I told you, in Mexico, none of these proyects pass during election times.

Bajahowodd - 2-3-2010 at 05:02 PM

I have to wonder, however, is this any different from the political system in the US? Seems to me that elected officials spend much of their time, money and effort merely to get re-elected. if that means getting involved in populist causes, so be it. It's all about getting the plurality of the votes in the next election. Personally, I would think that the sexier issue in Mexican politics right now is the reported coalition of the PAN and the PRD. Here, we're talking about polar opposites. Conservatives and liberals, banding together in select state races to try and prevent PRI candidates from winning. Talk about strange bedfellows.

David K - 2-3-2010 at 05:05 PM

Just means the Canadian mining company didn't 'donate' enough, right Jesse?

I would guess this is just PHASE ONE of the process, OR a distraction to open a mine in a more desireable location (if we can't mine here, then it's okay there, right?)... Maybe?

k-rico - 2-3-2010 at 05:27 PM

Originally posted by JESSE
Today, federal legislators from Baja sur introduced a bill in congress asking for the federal goverment to deny permits for the mine. The governor supports this bill.

I told you, in Mexico, none of these proyects pass during election times.

why is that?

because the majority of the voters don't want them?

JESSE - 2-3-2010 at 05:30 PM

Originally posted by David K
Just means the Canadian mining company didn't 'donate' enough, right Jesse?

During elections times, money is not the driver on these matters.

wessongroup - 2-3-2010 at 07:13 PM

Jesse, sharing of your insight is grately appreciate, as the debate or conflicts among individuals and/or parties having or hoping to achiever power is a difficult read, and I for one, have not a clue who the individuals, and/or parties are in Mexico.

I have been reading, but I can say.. the Mexican Government is quite large, has many and varied programs.

I have not been able to really understand all the components which make up the various parties.

Have read about a few of Mexico's Presidents, and I was impressed with the simalarities in thought and feelings toward the people by: Bentio Juarez was really an amazing individual and particularly liked one of his quotations.. "Entre los individuos, como entre las naciones, el respeto al derecho ajeno es la paz" a rough translation " "Among individuals, as among nations, respect for the rights of others is peace."

The individual who not seem that much different that Abraham Lincoln in his wishes for a strong and just Nation.

The concerns expressed over various short comings within Mexico's Government are very similar to one faced by the American people... Elected officials taking bribes.. (Rep. William Jefferson $90,000 in to a freezer) I'm not just picking on him.. he just came to mind.. my refrigerator has not been working, as I have stated before..

Guess I would just like to learn a bit more to understand more of the give and take here in Mexico.. in my view the give and take in the United States is becoming.. just taking.. and from a shrinking minority.. the middle class..

I think perhaps learning from Mexico will help.. as Mexico's "middle class" is very small I would imagine.. I would be guessing but maybe around 20% of the population. That would leave a very large poor category to deal with.

This may sound off base, but a number of years ago I was asked to give a speech about how environmental issues would impact the United States and eventually the world .. I went to the Library and started in, this was in 1987, the internet was not really up to speed.. I used a reference source which in many cases has been pretty much on target with many issues and topics... The reports from the GAO..

The one report which attracted my attention, was one that projected : that by the year 2025-35, the United States would have an unemployment rate of 65-75%, there would be three industries left in the United States: The first Financial, with centers in New York and the other on the West Coast in Los Angeles, the second would be Entertainment, based in Los Angeles and the third would be the Service industry (and this would be from people of the third world touring the United States to visit attractions and visit what would be the left of what was the United States of America.

I'm not too sure how close the numbers are going to work out, but overall it would seem the direction the United States in heading.. the money we print up is to pay folks for fraud, and what ever jobs the Government creates only gets back a fraction of what has been spent to create these jobs and the trickle of tax revenue coming back.

The numbers which are being thrown around are so insane it boggles ones mind.. Light travels 6 million miles in one year..... collectively the Government has spent roughly 56 trillion dollars over the past three years.. That's 7 light years years of money.. Makes about sense as trying to go to Alpha Centauri and it's only a bit under 5 light years..

It may not sound like a fair comparison, but then as a whole it does have some legs...

The amount of debt which has been incurred.. Is on a scale never seen before..

The country has reached a level of debt which is not manageable, just the interest on the debt.. is not serviceable...

And if you want to put your trust in the Financial sector after what they just accomplished using a System which they designed, implemented and insured there was no interference from Regulators.. Good luck, and by the way it has not changed and AIG is giving bonuses ... along with all the others..

Which brings me full circle to Jesse, I think his take on Politics here in Baja/Mexico is invaluable .. he is a business man (when he put up his gas costs to run his restaurant i almost choke), I believe it was close to $1,800 a month.. and his difficulties in obtaining inventory and many, many other issues associated with running a business in La Paz was a real eye opener.. two menus.. that's a tough one.. he has to cater to two markets.. good luck in the States.. in most cases it just would not work due to obvious reasons.. straight up..

The point being we may have a view into the future, from Mexico, a view of what the GAO report from 1987 was projecting. A very small middle class, higher unemployment and a reduction in industries available to provide work, something the Mexican people have been dealing with since the early 1500s

So I look forward to "real time" comments from the Mexican people about their Country and to get a business man's report from the restaurant industry well it doesn't get any better than that in my book.. .. I find the information very helpful in understanding what may is going on here in the Baja, and within their Country.. its better than reading the news paper.

Have a lot of History to read, and will keep at it, learning about your Country and it's Politics, I enjoy it very much.. Sorry that I can't write in your language, as you can't write in mine..

And don't know how you picked up your ability in the kitchen.. but who ever they were.. Thanks much.. Thanks again..

[Edited on 2-4-2010 by wessongroup]

[Edited on 2-4-2010 by wessongroup]

wessongroup - 2-3-2010 at 07:52 PM

Audio, what do you mean by local?

JESSE - 2-3-2010 at 08:14 PM

Originally posted by audiobaja
It appears that the local PRD and PRI are buddying up


PRD and PRI are bitter enemies here in La Paz, no such thing would be posible. And Coppola's PAN is weak beyond repair.

Bajahowodd - 2-4-2010 at 01:14 PM

wessongroup - 2-4-2010 at 02:47 PM

I have a question about a the continued floating of a ballon which indirectly is saying that there may be "revolution" here in Mexico

Is this just hyperbole? Or, is it something that is often used to sway voters and/or get their attention?

I have seen this a number of times in articles written by authors who are put forth as experts, but, it would appear that they are not Mexicans they are peoples from another Country who write about what they think is going on in Mexico.

I'm not saying what he has said is untrue or inaccurate.. I just find it very interesting that someone from India would be giving recap summary of Mexican politics..

Would like to know what the people are saying, are they talking revolution? Jesse doesn't seemed to be talking that way.. As far as I can glean from his posts... do you Jesse, think that the people of Mexico are that disgruntled with the current batch of "elected officials"?

Just asking.. As I really don't know what the people think.. and its pretty hard to get that kind of information talking to foreigners here in Mexico

Just my two cents.. :):)