
Good News for Todos Santos !

CaboRon - 2-20-2010 at 12:51 PM

Paredones Amarillos Open Pit Gold Mine Application Dismissed!

- Agua Vale Mas Que Oro would like to thank everyone for your support of the Sierra de la Laguna Biosphere Reserve by opposing the Paredones Amarillos Open Pit Gold mine.

This morning Vista Gold issued the following press release:

Vista Gold Corp. Announces Dismissal of Change of Forest Land Use Permit Application for the Paredones Amarillos Gold Project

DENVER, Feb. 19 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Vista Gold Corp. ("Vista" or the "Company") (TSX & NYSE Amex Equities: VGZ) announced today that its wholly owned Mexican subsidiary, Minera Paredones Amarillos S.A. de C.V. ("MPA") has received notice from the Mexican Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources ("SEMARNAT") that SEMARNAT has dismissed, on administrative grounds, MPA's application for the Change of Forest Land Use Permit ("CUSF") for the Company's Paredones Amarillos gold project in Baja California Sur, Mexico ("Paredones Project"). Specifically, SEMARNAT dismissed the CUSF application, without a review of its substantive merit, for MPA's alleged failure to satisfy certain procedural and informational requirements.

The CUSF is required before the Company can commence construction of the Paredones Project.

The Company is currently amending its CUSF application to address SEMARNAT's specific procedural and informational requirements and intends to re-file the application shortly.

In addition, while not formally the basis for SEMARNAT's dismissal, SEMARNAT communicated what it believes are additional issues with the Company's CUSF application, which SEMARNAT stated it was not able to resolve due to a lack of information, including:

SEMARNAT's refusal to recognize the validity of the Temporary Occupation Permits granted to MPA by the Mexican General Direction of Mines, which are a pre-requisite to filing for a CUSF, on the basis that the project is located in an environmentally protected area over which the Mexican General Direction of Mines does not have jurisdiction;

The National Commission for Biodiversity objects to the project on environmental grounds; and

MPA's failure to obtain an official communication from the Mexican Natural Protected Areas Commission ("CONANP") acknowledging CONANP's conformity with MPA's application for the CUSF.

While the Company believes these comments are without legal merit and that several of the comments are beyond the scope of SEMARNAT's legal authority in connection with a review of a CUSF application, the Company expects the dismissal of the CUSF application will delay the commencement of construction, development and production of the Paredones Project.

In addition to re-filing its CUSF application, the Company is working with its legal counsel and political experts in Mexico on a broader strategy for the advancement of the permitting process for the Paredones Project.

This includes a potential court challenge to SEMARNAT's dismissal of the CUSF application as the Company's advisors believe the legal basis for the dismissal was incorrect. The Company will continue to provide information and updates as they become available.

Submitted By Agua Vale Mas Que Oro,,, 612 145-0050

monoloco - 2-20-2010 at 01:23 PM

That's good news, but probably just means they will have to pony up some more dinero.

comitan - 2-20-2010 at 01:53 PM


You got it, now they know!


BFS - 2-20-2010 at 03:39 PM

What a fantastic victory for BCS residents/visitors.
I have to congratulate everyone who stood up to fight this one off.
Buena honda.


BCSTech - 2-20-2010 at 04:20 PM


If you're going to copy stuff out of the Baja Western Onion and post it out on public forums, please alter (Mung) the Email addys to protect our contributors' Email addresses from harvesting by automated spam 'bots.

For example:

info [ -at- ]

Bajahowodd - 2-20-2010 at 05:23 PM

I don't see it as any sort of victory. As long as the price of gold remains at ridiculously high levels, graft, bribes, or whatever you call it, will prevail. I totally love the area, and have been visiting there for three decades. But alas alas and alac, money talks.

CaboRon - 2-21-2010 at 05:17 PM

Originally posted by BCSTech

If you're going to copy stuff out of the Baja Western Onion and post it out on public forums, please alter (Mung) the Email addys to protect our contributors' Email addresses from harvesting by automated spam 'bots.

For example:

info [ -at- ]

sure no probleme, I thought I was giving them free press.

[Edited on 2-22-2010 by CaboRon]

k-rico - 2-21-2010 at 05:31 PM

Originally posted by aqbluegreen
What a fantastic victory for BCS residents/visitors.
I have to congratulate everyone who stood up to fight this one off.
Buena honda.


Sounds to me like the Mex officials said that the proper procedure wasn't followed and the company has to resubmit corrected paperwork. It doesn't sound like they said no to the mine.

Specifically, SEMARNAT dismissed the CUSF application, without a review of its substantive merit, for MPA's alleged failure to satisfy certain procedural and informational requirements.

The CUSF is required before the Company can commence construction of the Paredones Project.

The Company is currently amending its CUSF application to address SEMARNAT's specific procedural and informational requirements and intends to re-file the application shortly.

Bajahowodd - 2-21-2010 at 05:51 PM

So. Is it really good news? Or merely a point of rest. Descanso?

Good news.... Bad news....

wessongroup - 12-20-2010 at 11:45 AM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
So. Is it really good news? Or merely a point of rest. Descanso?

Not good news nor bad news and not so much a point of rest... rather these are the steps which are used by industry to develop a site for industrial use, whether in Canada, United States, or where ever..

If the bang for the buck still pencils ... the entity that wishes to develop a site, will continue "working" on the opening of the "project" ..