
Strange Bedfellows

Sharksbaja - 3-20-2010 at 01:51 PM

Historically illegal aliens have leaned left in this country. Perhaps the fear level was lowered because liberal democrat politicians and their allies have come to the rescue through civil liberty protection etc.
Today however the demographics have taken a different turn.
Not long ago I witnessed a Tea Party congregation outside our city hall. It was part of a national effort I believe.
Anyhoo, what caught my eye was the group on the other side of the hiway. A group of perhaps 25 people of ethnic persuasion(Mexicans) were hoisting signs denouncing Obama and his health care plan.
When I later discussed the scene with a Mexican he told me they, the protesters, "were afraid their free health care would be eliminated".
I had to think about that for a millisecond.:rolleyes:

So who IS sos?:o

woody with a view - 3-20-2010 at 02:13 PM

thems are their unintended conseequences....

Bajahowodd - 3-20-2010 at 04:30 PM

There are a number of uninformed groups that have been taken in by the tea baggers. How many times have we seen footage of some senior citizen complaining that although they are on social security and medicare, that government should stay out of health care. It's a world gone mad.

woody with a view - 3-20-2010 at 04:34 PM

time will tell. then, when it all goes the way of Greece, we should jail all of the crooks who voted for it.

edit (because i can!): if they can identify $500 billion worth of fraud and waste isn't it CRIMINAL to not try to cut this waste regardless of the healthcare bill?

why must it only be a part of this program?

[Edited on 3-20-2010 by woody in ob]

Bajahowodd - 3-20-2010 at 04:58 PM

Don't disagree. But it just seems to me that in the recent past, anytime someone runs on the platform of cutting fraud and waste, they end up finding neither. What's that all about?

BornFisher - 3-20-2010 at 08:37 PM

Good to see people wise up. Yes they have become aware that soon, not buying health care insurance will be against the law.
Hard for me to see the day our Federal government forces a citizen to buy a product. Glad those people holding sings do.

irenemm - 3-20-2010 at 09:08 PM

Government Health Care Mexico has it. I would rather be put to sleep by a vet than go to the
Socail Security Hospital or use them. Our employee have it because they must. We must provide for them. I would not let my husband sign us up. waste of money. If your ever sick get to a private clinic this one here in Vicente Guerrero is a sh** hole.
Now we have that to look forward to in the U.S.

monoloco - 3-21-2010 at 07:22 AM

Originally posted by irenemm
Government Health Care Mexico has it. I would rather be put to sleep by a vet than go to the
Socail Security Hospital or use them. Our employee have it because they must. We must provide for them. I would not let my husband sign us up. waste of money. If your ever sick get to a private clinic this one here in Vicente Guerrero is a sh** hole.
Now we have that to look forward to in the U.S.
Considering that the health care bill has no public option, how do you figure that we have that to look forward to in the US ?

Bajahowodd - 3-21-2010 at 12:05 PM

Just another example of people believing misinformation. With all the kerfuffle over the present bill, the happiest folks are the health insurers who get to keep their exclusive, private, for-profit system, but get up to 30 million new customers who will have premiums subsidized by the government.

woody with a view - 3-21-2010 at 12:09 PM

the insurers will go into a new business. they will "administer" the new program FOR THE GOVT....

Bob H - 3-21-2010 at 12:16 PM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
Just another example of people believing misinformation. With all the kerfuffle over the present bill, the happiest folks are the health insurers who get to keep their exclusive, private, for-profit system, but get up to 30 million new customers who will have premiums subsidized by the government.

If, and when, this happens... there are not enough doctors and/or healthcare providers to handle this extra load! Sick folks will wait in line forever to receive care. I don't look forward to that at all.

I have full health care coverage under my reitrement plan and I worked my butt off to have it.

That's my 2 cents worth.
Bob H

DENNIS - 3-21-2010 at 12:25 PM

Originally posted by Bob H
If, and when, this happens... there are not enough doctors and/or healthcare providers to handle this extra load! Sick folks will wait in line forever to receive care. I don't look forward to that at all.

The industry needs more nurse-practitioners. Many injurys and ailments could be treated by someone with less than twelve years of medical school or whatever the length of time is.
I don't suppose doctors would agree with that.

Bob H - 3-21-2010 at 12:27 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by Bob H
If, and when, this happens... there are not enough doctors and/or healthcare providers to handle this extra load! Sick folks will wait in line forever to receive care. I don't look forward to that at all.

The industry needs more nurse-practitioners. Many injurys and ailments could be treated by someone with less than twelve years of medical school or whatever the length of time is.
I don't suppose doctors would agree with that.

Totally agree with you! Bob H

Dave - 3-21-2010 at 12:59 PM

Originally posted by BornFisher
Good to see people wise up. Yes they have become aware that soon, not buying health care insurance will be against the law.

I have minimum catastrophic insurance coupled with an HSA in which I invest the maximum allowed. If the government forces me to buy additional coverage I'll be royally peeed. Does anyone know the particulars in this bill?

DENNIS - 3-21-2010 at 01:48 PM

How can they squeeze anybody to do anything if they arn't in the US work force? If they can't take the money from you in the form of payroll deductions, how will they get it?
What I mean is, they can't take away your birthday. Or..can they?

Nothing will change for the poor and unemployed. They'll just continue to use emergency rooms where they can't be denied.

Sharksbaja - 3-21-2010 at 02:09 PM


Bajahowodd - 3-21-2010 at 02:22 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
How can they squeeze anybody to do anything if they arn't in the US work force? If they can't take the money from you in the form of payroll deductions, how will they get it?
What I mean is, they can't take away your birthday. Or..can they?

Nothing will change for the poor and unemployed. They'll just continue to use emergency rooms where they can't be denied.

That is exactly what the government subsidy will do. Give the poor money to buy insurance. After all the sturm and drang over the past year, the end result will be that folks who are happy with their present coverage, will get to continue with it.

And, in the the CBO has stated that when implemented, the plan will reduce the deficit.

monoloco - 3-21-2010 at 04:51 PM

Originally posted by Bob H
Originally posted by Bajahowodd
Just another example of people believing misinformation. With all the kerfuffle over the present bill, the happiest folks are the health insurers who get to keep their exclusive, private, for-profit system, but get up to 30 million new customers who will have premiums subsidized by the government.

If, and when, this happens... there are not enough doctors and/or healthcare providers to handle this extra load! Sick folks will wait in line forever to receive care. I don't look forward to that at all.

I have full health care coverage under my reitrement plan and I worked my butt off to have it.

That's my 2 cents worth.
Bob H
So,all those people without health insurance should just go off somewhere and die so they don't overtax the system?

woody with a view - 3-21-2010 at 06:00 PM


that is a good idea!!!!:light:

monoloco - 3-21-2010 at 06:37 PM

It's pretty much the system we have now.