Russ - 3-23-2010 at 06:39 AM
I love this time of day!
bajabass - 3-23-2010 at 06:52 AM
Great colors Russ. I can think of much worse things to wake up to every day. Like being stuck up here in Orange. My wife just returned from a 9 day jaunt to La Paz. She shot almost 800 pics.
The entire peninsula is green. She got a couple good sunrise and ocean shots. I'll load them into my computer and try to download a few. Thanks, I
needed that!
abreojos - 3-23-2010 at 06:53 AM
These are nice shots Russ..they look even better when I adjust the exposure in Photoshop. U can do that with the camera too to get the lighting just
as you saw it with your eye.
Russ - 3-23-2010 at 07:16 AM
iPhoto does a good job of adjusting a photo too but no mater which photo program you use there's a give and take. Here's the last pic adjusted.
[Edited on 3-23-2010 by Russ]
shari - 3-23-2010 at 07:32 AM
what a glorious morning eh! Yesterday it was soooo hot and humid...exactly like when a hurricaine is threatening...weird! We have a big swell here
again, calm and partly cloudy even rained last night much to the delight of all the flowers...ah the fragrance!!!!!!
Russ - 3-23-2010 at 07:49 AM
It warmed a bit this am. 65º at sunrise but breezy and it feels cold to my old bones. Yesterday was calm in the morning so about 9am I launched the
"Red Boat" and fished inshore. Caught a couple of dink roosters, a barracuda and something I thought was the bottom that swam off and unhooked.
We had a couple of drizzles last night and this morning.
DENNIS - 3-23-2010 at 08:32 AM
Rained here during the night and the clouds are gray. This event seems to be traveling south and it looks like possible clearing up north.
Gaucho - 3-23-2010 at 09:49 AM
Great shots Russ. I was going to comment that it looked a bit cool this morning but you beat me to it.