
Skeets Panga

Skeet/Loreto - 3-24-2010 at 02:01 PM

I bought my Panga, "The Patricia" from Mac in 1976 and operated it for 27 years out of Loreto.

Mac was commissioned by the Mexican Govt. to build a boat that would bring 2,000 Lbs of fish through the Pacfic Surf. There was a smaller version built which was called a "Pacino" , it being 2 feet shorter. It was not successful.

When making arrangements with Mac I related that some of the Pangas where having trouble with the bottom splitting, so he installed two fore and aft Stringers when he built my Panga.

It had a front foredeck area for storage and could set 3 aeross. the middle seat was a Bait Tank and I had a small consul built. The back had a compartment that was sealed for a water tight area to prevent sinking completely.

I paid for it with Pesos, just as the first devaluation of the peso began. cost me $900 Dollars Cash and I had the boat put in the name of Alvaro Murillo.

The Pangas were sold to the Mexicano Fisherman who were then given a 4o HP Johnson paid for by the govt. If they did not keep fishing the Govt took them back.
Senor Davies, the Father of Gloria Davies Bensiger(Founder of the Hotel Oasis} would loan money to the Fisherman and take 10% of their Fish in payment .

It was and still is the Best Boat for fishing the Sea of Cortez.


DENNIS - 3-24-2010 at 02:36 PM

Good to see you, Skeet. I've been wondering where you were.

Skeet/Loreto - 3-24-2010 at 02:44 PM


"I went to take a Poop and the Hogs ate me""

backninedan - 3-24-2010 at 02:59 PM

Poor hogs..

Santiago - 3-24-2010 at 04:28 PM

Originally posted by Skeet/Loreto
"I went to take a Poop and the Hogs ate me""

I'm probably going to regret this but what exactly does this mean?

Skeet/Loreto - 3-24-2010 at 04:36 PM


Think about it!

You walk out to the Pasture behind the Barn, /////////////drop your pants and start to do your business when a hungrey Hog nearby decides that is for his dinner. He attacks and consurmes the "Giver" and the "Givo

It is an ole Texas saying meaning that "You don"t pay attention as to what is going on around You. "

Santiago - 3-25-2010 at 05:44 AM

Hmmmm, that's larapin. I get it.

monoloco - 3-25-2010 at 07:02 AM

Welcome back Skeet! I have missed your posts.

Terry28 - 3-25-2010 at 09:11 AM

Skeet, While I hardly ever agree with your political views, your knowledge of the Sea of Cortez and your willingness to share that insight is very much have had an amazing life....ever consider writing your memoirs???

Skeet/Loreto - 3-25-2010 at 11:14 AM

Tery: Where do I start?How many Books?

Born 1932 Sweetwqater ,Texas on a small farm 8 miles South. 100 Acres has one of if not Largest Rattlesnake Den in the Country.
Milked cows, chopped Cotton, walked a mile an a Half to Ada School House, helped catch Rattlesnakes{got .50 cents for each rattler from the County}.

Lost the farm and moved to Amarillo Texas. Worked in a Hamburger Joint, a Bordens Ice Cream Store, did a weekly Fight in the Park with the Murphy Brothers .
Was taken off the streets and taught how to Fight. In 4 years had 53 Fights winning 50 of them including the Texas Hi School 105 Lb. Championship held at Plainview Texas in 1946, Fought in the Amarillo Golden Gloves, went and Won the New Mexico Golden Gloves at Clovis New Mesico in 1947 also won the Best Sport Trophy. Won a trip and went to Chicago at 15 years and fought in the national Golden Gloves winning one fight losing the 2nd.

Worker the Wheat harvest in Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas two Summers, Cowboyed on the WhiteCap Ranch at Spur Texas, later on Alderman Ranch at Blackwell Texas.

Graduated May 1948 from Amariloo Hi School, caught a Frieght 2 days later and Hobo'ed all of the Western States being a Cowboy, Logger, Service Station Boy returning to Amarillo going into the Navy in Oct. 1950.

Terry?? How do I start??


Martyman - 3-25-2010 at 12:55 PM

I suggest a whole chapter dedicated to nekkid motorcycle chicks

Terry28 - 3-26-2010 at 10:12 AM

Skeet, I think you just did start...I really believe that your knowledge of the SOC should be preserved for others...I have always enjoyed your expertise. I am sure there are plenty of folks here that would help you with an outline....go for it dude!!!