
gold fish flushed???

Bob and Susan - 3-24-2010 at 03:41 PM

ever wonder where that gold fish you "flushed" went?

mike next door caught this "gold fish" grouper...

mik.jpg - 46kB

Bob and Susan - 3-24-2010 at 03:43 PM

he had the cooler filled too...

looks like yellowtail tomorrow for lunch:P:P

mik1.jpg - 36kB

monoloco - 3-24-2010 at 03:48 PM

I've never seen a golden phase grouper that large.

DENNIS - 3-24-2010 at 04:18 PM

I think I'd feel bad about keeping that beautiful fish, but that's just me.

vandenberg - 3-24-2010 at 04:27 PM

Always heard that they should be left alone, since they bring bad luck if not released.:?::?::saint:

Me Too

Bajahowodd - 3-24-2010 at 04:42 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
I think I'd feel bad about keeping that beautiful fish, but that's just me.

Just seems like the dichotomy of nature. Like, aren't deer beautiful? Venison, anyone?

Skeet/Loreto - 3-24-2010 at 05:10 PM

For oh so many years it has always been a "Thing" that if you caught a Golden Grouper that you would keep the first one to eat and release the others that you would catch.

I did that it all my years on the Sea of Cortez and during that time have been in the water and watched the Golden lead the other Groupers to Dinner. It is amazing to see.

In Early Spring if you are around Pt. Pulpito and Pto San Antonio you can see this.


Skipjack Joe - 3-24-2010 at 05:45 PM

Alex hooked a golden this past year but it broke him off in the rocks. They are amazingly beautiful!

mulegejim - 3-24-2010 at 07:09 PM

Have released any I have caught - just a personal thing. Jim

mulegemichael - 3-24-2010 at 08:24 PM em loose much fish do you need?...come on amigo...

bajabass - 3-24-2010 at 09:33 PM

Never caught one, never seen one. Want to. Will soon! I'll let it go when I do:bounce:

UnoMas - 3-24-2010 at 10:14 PM

Congrats Mike on your fish. Don't feel bad about keeping your catch, it is your's to do as you wish. Now if you start exploiting like the commercial guy's I might have a problem, as well as your fishing buddies :lol::lol::lol:
No one like's to be out fished!:rolleyes:
Don't get me wrong, I am a catch and (use only what you need) and release guy but not going to take one's glory out of keeping a fish, especially his first. :yes:

capt. mike - 3-25-2010 at 07:02 AM

i would eat that animal in a heart beat....
gooood grouper.....YUMMM!!!!
the best i had besides Wahoo as far as eatin fish!!

as i am not a fish racist i give no weight to its color.

DENNIS - 3-25-2010 at 08:21 AM

Jeeeezo....It's not like there wouldn't be anything else to load your plate after a day fishing on the SOC.
What a philosophy...taste trumps beauty.

Just so you folks know...They don't really serve Panda Bear at Panda Express and Bambi is difficult to tie across your fender.
The jury is still out on Koalas.

more info

mulege marv - 3-25-2010 at 09:49 AM

here is more info

24baja - 3-25-2010 at 10:01 AM

I feel to release or eat should be a personal preference unless by order of the law. What a beautiful catch and the smile on Mike's face tells me that he appreciated the gift given to him. I hope he will catch or release many more fish in his lifetime. And I welcome him to the nomads....Connie

monoloco - 3-25-2010 at 10:23 AM

Don't the goldens revert to normal coloration at some stage of their life? The one in the photo is the largest that I've seen, all the others that I have seen have been less than 5 or 6 pounds.

Bob and Susan - 3-25-2010 at 10:56 AM

mike said it died comming up

it was in 270 feet of water

you know how they explode when they come up fast from that deep

you NEVER know whats on the hook when bottom fishing

htnfool - 3-25-2010 at 10:57 AM


You are the MAN. Congrats on a beauty of a fish.

Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

DENNIS - 3-25-2010 at 11:23 AM opinion on this subject here has been nothing else if not consistant over time. You've heard it before and will probably hear it again.
I honestly think there's more to an animal than just meat.

Cypress - 3-25-2010 at 01:20 PM


Alan - 3-25-2010 at 07:20 PM

You can try to appease everyone. Fillet and Release

dean miller - 3-26-2010 at 05:59 AM

Originally posted by vandenberg
Always heard that they should be left alone, since they bring bad luck if not released.:?::?::saint:


I also heard they would bring bad luck!

As an early Baja spearfisherman we would often see them but never ever spear one!

Our name for them was the Baja Golden Grouper

So sad such a lovely rare fish which is becoming rarer every day was taken and consumed by a unconcerned pole fisherman-- now the fish is gone forever!


Terry28 - 3-26-2010 at 10:18 AM

Outraged??? Join PETA.. ( People Eating Tasty Animals!)

DENNIS - 3-26-2010 at 11:34 AM

Threads like this one always tend to be divicive between those who think they are the center of the universe and those who know better.
What's worse is that there are some here who won't have a clue as to what I'm saying. :no:

capt. mike - 3-26-2010 at 11:43 AM

"So sad such a lovely rare fish which is becoming rarer every day was taken and consumed by a unconcerned pole fisherman-- now the fish is gone forever!"

1. who says and under what study it is becoming rarer every day?
2. where did the fisherman say he was unconcerned??

if you are on the bottom, you have no idea what's on the line.
if it is killed because it was reeled in - i guess the humane thing to do is HARVEST it!!:light:

i heard tell...that 99% of all life forms ever existent on the planet have become extinct through the eons - well before man climbed down from the trees...... big deal.
i believe the lizard / reptilian alien intelligent life forms many of us have met and talked to including yours truly, are actually from the future of earth after reptiles evolve to a plane higher than man today, man goes extinct, the lizards learn to speak and fly planes.
then they learn space travel and Voila' - space aliens with green slimy skin and long forked tongues.:yes:

In the eye/mind of the beholder

Sharksbaja - 3-26-2010 at 12:59 PM

I'll once again agree with Dennis :yes:

Some things are just.....special.:smug:
I grew up diving with Garibaldi. a fish that looks very much like the Golden Grouper though they don't grow as large.

I love/loved those guys. They are soooo curious and territorial. You can swim right up to them and they will look you square in the eye. You could reach out and touch some of them.

Magnificent beauties. Sitting ducks! They went extinct where I grew up eventually as did others.

They have been protected by law for 50 years I think.

I knew a guy who would spear anythang he could, a real jerk. One day he came ashore with a Garibaldi that he speared. I could not believe it, everyone knows they are off-limits.

When confronted he simply said...."what's so special about them? I've seen lots of them, and....they're stupid....and tasty"

I never went diving with him again.

roundtuit - 3-26-2010 at 04:44 PM

Gee Scarecrow you should have caught the fish when it was a Leopard grouper or after it became one again, then it wouldn't have been so rare' I do know the area that he fishes and it is over 200+ ft and most fish except the yellow tail the stomach inflates and they die unless you know how to deflate them and than most don't make it. I caught a 28# broom tail there last week and he was bloated, but it didn't ruin the taste. Scarecrow is and excellent fisherman,
good sportsman and all around gentleman, so get off his case

Pompano - 3-26-2010 at 05:54 PM

He was fishing.
He hooked one.
He brought it up from very deep water.
He did not how to deflate the bladder without harming the fish.
It died.
He ate it.

This whole thread got so weird and took so many wrong turns that I decided to delete my previous Devil's Advocat input and condense it into this one photo.

Scarecrow Co-pilot says...Buon Appetito!

[Edited on 3-27-2010 by Pompano]

capt. mike - 3-26-2010 at 06:47 PM

now THAT'S what i am talking about!!

ummmm Goooood.

God, aka Central Scrutinizer, made fish so we can EAT the M effers...

bajabass - 3-26-2010 at 07:00 PM

When's dinner guys? Ya know, I was thinkin' real hard, OUCH! :?:If we fall in the water in some places, we are the meal! Sure looks good on the BBQ.:P

willardguy - 3-26-2010 at 09:19 PM

lol! gotta go with terry28 on this one.:lol:

htnfool - 3-27-2010 at 06:57 AM

That is one evil pic, I am drooling out both sides.

Save some of that for me.

Quick, grab that beer, I think it's gettin warm.

Pompano - 3-27-2010 at 08:41 AM

Originally posted by htnfool
That is one evil pic, I am drooling out both sides.

Save some of that for me.

Quick, grab that beer, I think it's gettin warm.

Too late, htnfool...I drank it when it was still cold.

And you're right, that is one evil this one of the fish in the round.

That bigish cabrilla was caught.. not that far from Santispac...hint, hint.

bajabass - 3-27-2010 at 06:27 PM

Right around the corner?

htnfool - 3-28-2010 at 07:24 AM


That is my fishing spot. How in hell did you find it?

I got another one, so you can have it. It only had one fish on it anyway.

Great fish, caught around the island behind you perhaps? I caught one that size around Blanco a couple years back. YUMMY

htnfool - 3-28-2010 at 07:34 AM

What a minute I got it.

Your favorite hole that you can find in the dark of night blindfolded.

That one?

I found one of you lures there on a dive, Did you mount it?

That's the spot!

Pompano - 3-28-2010 at 07:37 AM

That same place that this linguado/halibut came from within Conception Bay.

DEEEE-LICIOUS! you know where Bean Rocks are.

htnfool - 3-28-2010 at 07:46 AM

Frijoles is it. Good to see some fish still swing by from time to time and take a look at it.

Did you keep that jig?

THat is a fat halibut the jig in the poolroom now.

Pompano - 3-28-2010 at 07:49 AM

and here is another catch from Roca Frijoles. About this time of year, too. Lots of pez gallo/roosterfish then...along with huge red snappers!

This might give hope to the original poster about fishing in Conception Bay...but I still recommend going outside for a better chance these days. :yes:

htnfool - 3-28-2010 at 07:52 AM

You play a mean rooster.

In tune for sure!!!:lol::lol:

Conception Bay catches....

Pompano - 3-28-2010 at 08:19 AM

I got to thinking. :light:

Why not post some pics of fish caught within the Bay of Conception? Who COULD be good again. :rolleyes:

Witness the past:

Dog snapper and langosta - Beans


Personal pan-sized red.

Back in the day..when big dorado were plentiful inside the bay..and giant red snapper balled the bait.

This was not that long ago...maybe 6 years ago? By Barga Island.

More than just wishful thinking...the Bay could produce fish like this AGAIN. If it is managed properly and the current commercial fishing laws strictly enforced.

mtgoat666 - 3-28-2010 at 08:52 AM

Originally posted by Pompano
He brought it up from very deep water.
He did not how to deflate the bladder without harming the fish.

Fishing for deep fish pretty much seals the hooked fishes' fate -- you might as well eat it if you get it to surface. Perhaps shallow-caught fish have some chance of survining catch-release

I think deflating the bladder is pretty likely to kill a fish. Would you survive if someone used overwhelming force to pin you down and then used an unsanitary needle and imprecise jab in the gut to treat your stomach gas?

Of course, after you are hooked and brought to the surface with massive gas bubble in your belly, I suspect that damage is already done, and being stuck like a voodoo doll is probably no worse for you after your fate has already been determined.

Pompano - 3-28-2010 at 09:07 AM

Originally posted by mtgoat666

Fishing for deep fish pretty much seals the hooked fishes' fate -- you might as well eat it if you get it to surface. Perhaps shallow-caught fish have some chance of survining catch-release

I think deflating the bladder is pretty likely to kill a fish. Would you survive if someone used overwhelming force to pin you down and then used an unsanitary needle and imprecise jab in the gut to treat your stomach gas?

Of course, after you are hooked and brought to the surface with massive gas bubble in your belly, I suspect that damage is already done, and being stuck like a voodoo doll is probably no worse for you after your fate has already been determined.

Read this nomad thread for information on how to do it properly.

p.s. never puncture a fish's extended bladder in the belief that doing so will allow the fish to return to the depths will surely die.

[Edited on 3-28-2010 by Pompano]