
Binational Mayors' Summit in Rosarito Beach — 'Uniting the Californias'

BajaNews - 3-29-2010 at 07:32 PM

March 29, 2010

A major binational summit for mayors and other leaders from Southern California and Baja California, Mexico, on issues ranging from border crossings to desalination to public safety, was announced at the Mexican Consulate in San Diego, California on March 25.

The Fifth Binational Mayors’ Summit will be May 6 and 7, 2010, in Rosarito Beach (Playas de Rosarito), Baja California. Universities and business groups from both sides of the border will also be represented to discuss mutual interests and actions.

The summit’s theme is “Uniting the Californias.”

“We live in a region that is closely linked by economy, environment, geography, friends and family,” said Mayor Hugo Torres of host city Rosarito Beach. “It is important that we all work together to achieve maximum benefit from those relationships.”

For the first time, the summit is being expanded to include six Southern California counties as well as the five municipalities of northern Baja California. Southern California mayors from 70 cities are being invited.

May’s expanded summit will be co-hosted by the cities of Rosarito Beach and Redondo Beach. The Mexico Business Center/San Diego Chamber of Commerce, Project Smart Border 2010, and Rancho Santiago Community College are among groups assisting.

The Binational Mayors’ Forum is in keeping with the spirit of a memorandum of understanding between California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Baja California Governor Jose Guadalupe Osuna Millan for the two Californias to work together.

The Binational Mayors’ Forum will start with an early evening reception on Thursday, May 6.

Friday will include a keynote presentation on the present and future of the border crossings, with speakers from both the U.S. and Mexico.

Friday also will feature six working groups — border crossing, environment, desalination, public safety, economic development/investment, and a binational mayors’ roundtable to discuss specific actions to benefit the region.

tjBill - 3-29-2010 at 11:42 PM

Sounds like a good idea. I think they had a similiar meeting in Anaheim, CA.

Woooosh - 3-30-2010 at 10:12 AM

“We live in a region that is closely linked by economy, environment, geography, friends and family,” said Mayor Hugo Torres of host city Rosarito Beach. “It is important that we all work together to achieve maximum benefit from those relationships.”

Hey Mr. Mayor- 10,000 of us Gringos are already here in Rosarito doing this every day. What we need is Rosarito and Mexico to give us more support in helping our fellow Rosaritenses- not look at us sideways and hang us out to dry when we are out-gamed by the "system". We're here because you invited us to live and invest here- so work with us to make Rosarito better in all the areas you mention- not just the politically charged ones.

Can't let that one pass without a comment

arrowhead - 3-30-2010 at 10:36 AM

This article in today's Frontera says that citizens complaints against the Rosarito police for abuse have increased to 195 for the 12-months ending March, 2010. For the prior 12-months there were 146.

"The perception of insecurity among the citizens continues, in spite of the announced reduction in the crime rate..."

Aumentan quejas contra policías en Rosarito
ROSARITO, Baja California(PH)
El número de quejas por abusos policíacos continúa en aumento, en un año la Sindicatura registra 195 denuncias interpuestas por ciudadanos, argumentando haber sido objeto de algún tipo de maltrato por parte de los agentes.

Arístides Valdezpino, síndico municipal, refirió que de marzo del 2009 a la fecha se han registrado 195 quejas en contra de policías, mientras que en el 2008 el número fue de 146 “La percepción de inseguridad entre los ciudadanos continúa, pese a la anunciada reducción de los índices delictivos y ello se debe en gran parte a la actitud con la que se manejan los policías”, explicó.

El funcionario detalló que este problema de actitud se deriva de la formación militar de los ahora policías, ya que no es lo mismo proteger y servir, que servir para proteger.

Agregó que resulta inverosímil que los policías que no están capacitados para atender a los residentes del lugar donde sirven, pretendan proteger a los turistas ya que si bien no hay quejas de éstos hacia la policía, tiene mucho que ver la falta de afluencia turística al municipio.

Dijo que si bien la depuración policíaca era necesaria y urgente, también lo es el que los ciudadanos cuenten con policías capaces, no sólo de brindarles seguridad sino también respeto a sus garantías individuales.

durrelllrobert - 3-31-2010 at 10:44 AM

Originally posted by tjBill
Sounds like a good idea. I think they had a similiar meeting in Anaheim, CA.

was Anaheim's security to prevent kidnapings as good as Rosarito's:?::?: